▼ doc | |
▼ examples | |
► basic | |
gen-acyclic-graph.cpp | |
manual.cpp | |
pctree.cpp | |
subgraph-planarizer.cpp | |
► cluster | |
cluster-plan.cpp | |
► decomposition | |
four-block-tree.cpp | |
► layout | |
energybased.cpp | |
hierarchical-ranking.cpp | |
hierarchical.cpp | |
hypergraph.cpp | |
multilevelmixer.cpp | |
orthogonal.cpp | |
► special | |
check-build-mode.cpp | |
system-info.cpp | |
porting | |
relnotes | |
▼ include | |
▼ ogdf | |
► augmentation | |
► planar | |
PALabel.h | Declares auxiliary structure of planar augmentation algorithms |
AugmentationModule.h | Declaration of interface for graph augmentation algorithms |
DfsMakeBiconnected.h | Provides a simple, dfs-based algorithm for biconnectivity augmentation |
PlanarAugmentation.h | Declaration of ogdf::PlanarAugmentation |
PlanarAugmentationFix.h | Declaration of ogdf::PlanarAugmentation |
► basic | |
► graph_generators | |
clustering.h | Declaration of randomized clustering generators |
deterministic.h | Declaration of deterministic graph generators |
operations.h | Declaration of graph operations |
randomGeographicalThresholdGraph.h | Implements graph generator for random geographical threshold graphs |
randomized.h | Declaration of randomized graph generators |
► heap | |
BinaryHeap.h | Implementation of binary heap class that allows the decreaseT operation |
BinomialHeap.h | Implementation of binomial heap data structure |
FibonacciHeap.h | Implementation of Fibonacci heap data structure |
HeapBase.h | Interface for heap implementations |
HotQueue.h | Implementation of Heap-on-Top data structure |
PairingHeap.h | Implementation of pairing heap data structure |
RadixHeap.h | Implementation of radix heap data structure |
RMHeap.h | Implementation of randomized meldable heap data structure |
► internal | |
config.h | Basic configuration file |
config_autogen.h | |
copy_move.h | Utility macros for declaring copy and move constructors and assignment operations |
graph_iterators.h | Decralation of graph iterators |
intrinsics.h | Include of header files for SSE-intrinsics |
list_templates.h | Implementation of algorithms as templates working with different list types |
version.h | |
► memory | |
MallocMemoryAllocator.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
PoolMemoryAllocator.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
► pctree | |
► util | |
FilteringBFS.h | An iterator-based BFS through a Graph. TODO should be moved to a central location; add DFS? |
IntrusiveList.h | An intrusive list for the leaves of a PCTree. TODO should be moved to a central location; merge with GraphList? |
NodePCRotation.h | An embedding tree representing, for a single node, all orders of incident edges in all planar embeddings |
PCEnum.h | Predeclaration of various PC-tree related classes and enums |
PCNode.h | A node in a PC-tree that is either a P-node, C-node or leaf |
PCRegistry.h | A registry that allows labelling the nodes of a PC-tree |
PCTree.h | The main class of the PC-tree |
PCTreeForest.h | PCTreeForests contain multiple PCTrees that can be merged with each other |
PCTreeIterators.h | Utils for PCTree::allNodes(), PCTree::innerNodes(), PCNode::children() and PCNode::neighbors() |
► pqtree | |
PQBasicKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQBasicKey |
PQBasicKeyRoot.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQBasicKeyRoot |
PQInternalKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQInternalKey |
PQInternalNode.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQInternalNode |
PQLeaf.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQleaf |
PQLeafKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQLeafKey |
PQNode.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNode |
PQNodeKey.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNodeKey |
PQNodeRoot.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQNodeRoot |
AdjacencyOracle.h | Declaration of ogdf::AdjacencyOracle class |
AdjEntryArray.h | Declaration and implementation of AdjEntryArray class |
Array.h | Declaration and implementation of Array class and Array algorithms |
Array2D.h | Declaration and implementation of class Array2D which implements dynamic two dimensional arrays |
ArrayBuffer.h | Declaration and implementation of ArrayBuffer class |
Barrier.h | Implementation of a thread barrier |
basic.h | Basic declarations, included by all source files |
BoundedQueue.h | Declaration and implementation of bounded queue class |
CombinatorialEmbedding.h | Declaration of CombinatorialEmbedding and face |
comparer.h | Declarations for Comparer objects |
DisjointSets.h | Implementation of disjoint sets data structures (union-find functionality) |
DualGraph.h | Includes declaration of dual graph class |
EdgeArray.h | Declaration and implementation of EdgeArray class |
EdgeComparer.h | Declares EdgeComparer class |
EdgeComparerSimple.h | Declares EdgeComparerSimple class |
EpsilonTest.h | Compare floating point numbers with epsilons and integral numbers with normal compare operators |
exceptions.h | Definition of exception classes |
extended_graph_alg.h | Declaration of extended graph algorithms |
FaceArray.h | Declaration and implementation of FaceArray class |
FaceSet.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::FaceSet |
geometry.h | Declaration of classes GenericPoint, GenericPolyline, GenericLine, GenericSegment, DPolygon, DRect, DIntersectableRect |
GF2Solver.h | Defines class GF2Solver, which represents a solver for linear equation systems over GF(2) |
Graph.h | Includes declaration of graph class |
Graph_d.h | Pure declaration header, find template implementation in Graph.h |
graph_generators.h | Declaration of graph generators |
GraphAttributes.h | Declaration of class GraphAttributes which extends a Graph by additional attributes |
GraphCopy.h | Declaration of graph copy classes |
graphics.h | Declaration of basic types for graphics |
GraphList.h | Decralation of GraphElement and GraphList classes |
GraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about graph changes (e.g. cluster graphs) |
GraphSets.h | Declaration and implementation of NodeSet, EdgeSet, and AdjEntrySet classes |
GridLayout.h | Declaration of class GridLayout |
GridLayoutMapped.h | Declaration of class GridLayoutMapped which extends GridLayout by a grid mapping mechanism |
HashArray.h | Declaration and implementation of HashArray class |
HashArray2D.h | Declaration of class HashArray2D |
Hashing.h | Declaration of classes used for hashing |
HashIterator2D.h | Declaration of class HashIterator2D |
IncNodeInserter.h | Declaration of class IncNodeInserter |
InducedSubgraph.h | Implementation of the ogdf::Graph::insert(...) template methods |
Layout.h | Declaration of class Layout |
LayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms (class LayoutModule) |
LayoutStandards.h | Declares class LayoutStandards which specifies default / standard values used in graph layouts |
LayoutStatistics.h | Declares class LayoutStatistics which provides various functions for computing statistical measures of a layout |
List.h | Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators |
Logger.h | Contains logging functionality |
Math.h | Mathematical Helpers |
memory.h | Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory |
MinHeap.h | Declares & Implements Binary Heap, and Top10Heap |
Module.h | Declares base class for all module types |
NearestRectangleFinder.h | Declaration of class NearestRectangleFinder |
NodeArray.h | Declaration and implementation of NodeArray class |
NodeSet.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::NodeSet |
Observer.h | Simple, safe base classes for C++ observables and observers |
PQTree.h | Declaration and implementation of the class PQTree |
precondition.h | Declaration of functions for drawing module precondition handling |
PreprocessorLayout.h | Preprocessor Layout simplifies Graphs for use in other Algorithms |
PriorityQueue.h | Priority queue interface wrapping various heaps |
Queue.h | Declaration and implementation of list-based queues (classes QueuePure<E> and Queue<E>) |
RegisteredArray.h | Declaration and implementation of RegisteredArray class |
RegisteredSet.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::RegisteredSet |
Reverse.h | Implementation of the Reverse class for the reverse iteration of containers |
simple_graph_alg.h | Declaration of simple graph algorithms |
Skiplist.h | Declaration of class Skiplist |
SList.h | Declaration of singly linked lists and iterators |
SortedSequence.h | Data type for sorted sequences (based on skiplists) |
STNumbering.h | Declaration of st-Numbering functions |
Stopwatch.h | Declaration of stopwatch classes |
SubsetEnumerator.h | A class that allows to enumerate k-subsets |
System.h | Decalration of System class which provides unified access to system information |
Thread.h | Declaration of Thread class representing threads |
Timeouter.h | Declares base class for modules with timeout functionality |
tuples.h | Declaration and implementation of class Tuple2, Tuple3 and Tuple4 |
► clique | |
CliqueFinderHeuristic.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderHeuristic class |
CliqueFinderModule.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderModule class |
CliqueFinderSPQR.h | Declares ogdf::CliqueFinderSPQR class |
► cluster | |
► internal | |
basics.h | Declaration of the master class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ChunkConnection.h | Implementation of initial cut-constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ClusterKuratowskiConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
ClusterPQContainer.h | Declaration of ClusterPQContainer |
CP_MasterBase.h | Declaration of base class for master of Branch&Cut based algorithms for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity |
CPlanarEdgeVar.h | Declaration of the variable class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
CPlanarityMaster.h | Declaration of the CPlanarityMaster class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity |
CPlanaritySub.h | Declaration of the sub-problem class for the Branch&Cut&Price algorithm for the c-planarity problem. Contains separation algorithms as well as primal heuristics |
CPlanarSubClusteredST.h | Declaration of CPlanarSubClusteredST class |
CutConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
EdgeVar.h | Declaration of the variable class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MaxCPlanarMaster.h | Declaration of the master class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MaxCPlanarSub.h | Declaration of the sub-problem class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem Contains separation algorithms as well as primal heuristics |
MaxPlanarEdgesConstraint.h | Declaration of a constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
MinimalClusterConnection.h | Declaration of an initial constraint class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for the Maximum C-Planar SubGraph problem |
► sync_plan | |
► basic | |
Drawing.h | Utilities for creating nice drawings. TODO should be moved to a central location |
GraphMultiArray.h | RegisteredMultiArray for the usual GraphArray classes. TODO should be moved to a central location |
GraphUtils.h | Some missing utilities for working with Graphs, their embeddings, and cyclic orders. TODO should be moved to a central location (some maybe part of the Graph class?) |
Iterators.h | Utilities for wrapping Iterators as long as we have no std::ranges. TODO should be moved to a central location and discarded once we have C++20 |
OverlappingGraphCopies.h | Multiple GraphCopies that contain different, overlapping parts of the same original graph. TODO should be moved to a central location |
RegisteredMultiArray.h | Data structure for two-dimensional mappings that are sparse in the second dimension. TODO should be moved to a central location |
TwoSAT.h | A simple solver for 2-SAT instances |
► SyncPlan_operation | |
Encapsulate.h | Utilities for the SyncPlan::encapsulate() operation |
Simplify.h | Utilities for the SyncPlan::simplify() operation |
► SyncPlan_solve | |
BlockEmbedding.h | Internal class used to embed a biconnected component with Q-vertices |
► utils | |
Bijection.h | Utilities for working with the bijections between the edges incident to the two endpoints of a Pipe |
Logging.h | Utilities for printing stuff to output streams |
NodeSPQRRotation.h | Derive embedding trees from an DynamicSPQRForest. Warning: breaks on certain parallel edge configurations! |
NodeTricRotation.h | Derive embedding trees from Triconnectivity information |
Preprocess.h | Preprocessing functions for handling certain trivially (non)planar ClusterGraph configurations |
ClusterPlanarity.h | Utilities for reducing from Cluster Planarity to SyncPlan |
PipeOrder.h | Different PipeQueue implementations with varying sorting functions |
PMatching.h | Manages the matching of P-nodes via pipes in an instance of SyncPlan |
QPartitioning.h | Manages the partitioning of Q-nodes in an instance of SyncPlan |
SyncPlan.h | The main code for modelling and solving Synchronized Planarity instances |
SyncPlanComponents.h | (Bi)Connected components information maintained during the SyncPlan algorithm |
SyncPlanConsistency.h | Consistency checks for debugging the SyncPlan algorithm |
SyncPlanDrawer.h | Utilities by dumping a drawing of the current state of a SyncPlan instance |
SyncPlanOptions.h | Class for (de)serializing a SyncPlan instance from/to JSON, enable if you have nlohmann json.hpp available |
CconnectClusterPlanar.h | Cluster Planarity tests and Cluster Planar embedding for C-connected Cluster Graphs |
CconnectClusterPlanarEmbed.h | Cluster planarity tests and cluster planar embedding for c-connected clustered graphs. Based on the algorithm by Cohen, Feng and Eades which uses PQ-trees |
ClusterAnalysis.h | Declaration of the ClusterAnalysis class for the Branch&Cut algorithm for c-planarity testing via an extension to complete connectivity. The computation of all values is done in an initial step, the results are therefore static, later update of the c-graph does not trigger changes |
ClusterArray.h | Declaration and implementation of ClusterArray class |
ClusterGraph.h | Derived class of GraphObserver providing additional functionality to handle clustered graphs |
ClusterGraphAttributes.h | Declares ClusterGraphAttributes, an extension of class GraphAttributes, to store clustergraph layout informations like cluster cage positions and sizes that can be accessed over the cluster/cluster ID |
ClusterGraphCopyAttributes.h | Declares ClusterGraphCopyAttributes, which manages access on copy of an attributed clustered graph |
ClusterGraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for structures on graphs, that need to be informed about cluster graph changes |
ClusterOrthoLayout.h | Declares ClusterOrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm for c-planar c-connected Clustergraphs |
ClusterOrthoShaper.h | Computes the Orthogonal Representation of a Planar Representation of a UML Graph using the simple flow approach |
ClusterPlanarityModule.h | Declaration of ClusterPlanarityModule which implements a cluster-planarity test and, optionally, an embedder |
ClusterPlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of class ClusterPlanarizationLayout Planarization approach for cluster graphs |
ClusterPlanRep.h | Declaration of ClusterPlanRep class, allowing cluster boundary insertion and shortest path edge insertion |
ClusterSet.h | Declaration and implementation of class ClusterSet |
CPlanarEdgeInserter.h | Declares CPlanarEdgeInserter class |
CPlanarSubClusteredGraph.h | Declaration of CPlanarSubClusteredGraph class |
CPlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of an interface for c-planar subgraph algorithms |
HananiTutteCPlanarity.h | Defines class HananiTutteCPlanarity, which represents a c-planarity test based on the Hanani-Tutte theorem |
ILPClusterPlanarity.h | Declaration of a c-planarity testing algorithm, based on a completely connected graph extension |
LayoutClusterPlanRepModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms for UML diagrams (used in planarization approach) |
MaximumCPlanarSubgraph.h | Declaration of an exact c-planar subgraph algorithm, i.e., a maximum c-planar subgraph is computed using a branch and cut approach |
► decomposition | |
BCTree.h | Declaration of class BCTree |
DynamicBCTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicBCTree |
DynamicPlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicPlanarSPQRTree |
DynamicSkeleton.h | Declaration of class DynamicSkeleton |
DynamicSPQRForest.h | Declaration of class DynamicSPQRForest |
DynamicSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class DynamicSPQRTree |
FourBlockTree.h | Declaration of FourBlockTree |
PertinentGraph.h | Declaration of class PertinentGraph |
PlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSPQRTree |
Skeleton.h | Declaration of class Skeleton |
SPQRTree.h | Declaration of class SPQRTree |
StaticPlanarSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class StaticPlanarSPQRTree |
StaticSkeleton.h | Declaration of class StaticSkeleton |
StaticSPQRTree.h | Declaration of class StaticSPQRTree |
► energybased | |
► davidson_harel | |
Attraction.h | Declares class Attraction |
EnergyFunction.h | Declares class EnergyFunction.. |
NodePairEnergy.h | Declares class NodePairEnergy which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the each pair of nodes |
Overlap.h | Declaration of class Overlap which implements an energy function that gives a penalty for each pair of overlapping vertices |
Planarity.h | Declaration of class Planarity which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings |
PlanarityGrid.h | Declaration of class PlanarityGrid which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings |
Repulsion.h | Declaration of class Repulsion which implements an enrgy function, where the energy of the layout grows with the proximity of the vertices |
UniformGrid.h | Declaration of class UniformGrid |
► dtree | |
DTree.h | |
DTreeEmbedder.h | |
DTreeForce.h | |
DTreeForceTypes.h | |
DTreeWSPD.h | |
GalaxyLevel.h | |
utils.h | |
► fast_multipole_embedder | |
ArrayGraph.h | Declaration of class ArrayGraph |
ComplexDouble.h | Definition of class ComplexDouble for fast complex number arithmetic |
EdgeChain.h | Datastructures for edge chains itself and the edge chains of nodes |
FastUtils.h | Definition of utility functions for FME layout |
FMEFunc.h | Definitions of various auxiliary classes for FME layout |
FMEFunctional.h | Definitions of functors used in FME layout |
FMEKernel.h | Declaration of FME kernel |
FMEMultipoleKernel.h | Declaration of class FMEMultipoleKernel |
FMEThread.h | Declaration of class FMEThread |
GalaxyMultilevel.h | Declaration of class GalaxyMultilevelBuilder |
LinearQuadtree.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtree |
LinearQuadtreeBuilder.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtreeBuilder |
LinearQuadtreeExpansion.h | Declaration of class LinearQuadtreeExpansion |
WSPD.h | Declaration of class WSPD (well-separated pair decomposition) |
► fmmm | |
► maar_packing | |
PackingRowInfo.h | Declaration of class PackingRowInfo |
Rectangle.h | Declaration of class Rectangle |
► multilevel | |
Edge.h | Declaration of class Edge |
Node.h | Auxiliary data structure for (node,int) pair |
► new_multipole_method | |
ParticleInfo.h | Declaration of class ParticleInfo |
QuadTreeNM.h | Declaration of class QuadTreeNM |
QuadTreeNodeNM.h | Declaration of class QuadTreeNodeNM |
common.h | Auxiliary functions for FMMM to reduce code duplication |
EdgeAttributes.h | Declaration of class EdgeAttributes |
FMMMOptions.h | Declaration of Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM^3) options |
FruchtermanReingold.h | Declaration of class FruchtermanReingold (computation of forces) |
MAARPacking.h | Implementation of class MAARPacking (used by FMMMLayout) |
Multilevel.h | Declaration of class Multilevel (used by FMMMLayout) |
NewMultipoleMethod.h | Declaration of class NewMultipoleMethod (NMM) |
NodeAttributes.h | Declaration of class NodeAttributes |
numexcept.h | Declaration of class numexcept (handling of numeric problems) |
Set.h | Declaration of class Set |
► multilevel_mixer | |
BarycenterPlacer.h | Places nodes at the barycenter of his neighbors |
CirclePlacer.h | Places nodes on a circle around the barycenter of its neighbors |
EdgeCoverMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
IndependentSetMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
InitialPlacer.h | Abstract InitialPlacer places the nodes of the level into the next |
LocalBiconnectedMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
MatchingMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
MedianPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
ModularMultilevelMixer.h | MMM is a Multilevel Graph drawing Algorithm that can use different modules |
MultilevelBuilder.h | Declaration of MultilevelBuilder |
MultilevelGraph.h | MLG is the main data structure for ModularMultilevelMixer |
MultilevelLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms that allow calls with a MultilevelGraph parameter (class MultilevelLayoutModule) |
RandomMerger.h | Merges nodes with neighbour to get a Multilevel Graph |
RandomPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
ScalingLayout.h | ScalingLayout scales and calls a secondary layout |
SolarMerger.h | Merges nodes with solar system rules |
SolarPlacer.h | Places Nodes with solar system rules |
ZeroPlacer.h | Places nodes at the position of the merge-partner |
► spring_embedder | |
common.h | Common implementations of force models for SpringEmbedder algorithms |
MasterBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::spring_embedder::MasterBase |
SEGV_ForceModel.h | Declarations of force-models for Spring-Embedder algorithm |
SpringEmbedderBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::SpringEmbedderBase |
WorkerBase.h | Declaration and definition of ogdf::spring_embedder::WorkerBase |
DavidsonHarel.h | Declares class DavidsonHarel which implements the Davidson-Harel approach for drawing graphs |
DavidsonHarelLayout.h | Declares class DavidsonHarelLayout, which is a front-end for the DavidsonHarel class |
DTreeMultilevelEmbedder.h | |
FastMultipoleEmbedder.h | Declaration of Fast-Multipole-Embedder layout algorithm |
FMMMLayout.h | Declaration of Fast Multipole Multilevel Method (FM^3) |
ForceLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for energy-based layout algorithms (class ForceLayoutModule) |
GEMLayout.h | Declaration of class GEMLayout |
MultilevelLayout.h | Declaration of class MultilevelLayout which realizes a wrapper for the multilevel layout computation using the Modular Multilevel Mixer |
NodeRespecterLayout.h | Declaration of class NodeRespecterLayout |
PivotMDS.h | Declaration of the pivot MDS. By setting the number of pivots to infinity this algorithm behaves just like classical MDS. See Brandes and Pich: Eigensolver methods for progressive multidi- mensional scaling of large data |
SpringEmbedderFRExact.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderFRExact |
SpringEmbedderGridVariant.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderGridVariant |
SpringEmbedderKK.h | Declaration of ogdf::SpringEmbedderKK |
SpringForceModel.h | Declaration of SpringForceModel enumeration |
StressMinimization.h | Declaration of stress minimized layout based on majorization. It can be applied to connected as well as unconnected graphs. If the graph is disconnected either the infinite distances will be replaced by the average edge costs times sqrt(n) or the components will be processed separately |
TutteLayout.h | Declaration of ogdf::TutteLayout |
► external | |
abacus.h | Includes Abacus |
coin.h | Definition of ogdf::CoinManager |
Minisat.h | Declaration of class Minisat |
► fileformats | |
DLParser.h | Declaration of UCINET DL format parser class |
DOT.h | DOT related enums and string conversion functions |
DotLexer.h | Declares stuff related to DOT format lexical analysis |
DotParser.h | Declarations for DOT Parser |
GDF.h | Declarations for GDF file format |
GdfParser.h | Declarations for GDF Parser |
GEXF.h | GEXF related enums and string conversion functions |
GexfParser.h | Declaration of GEXF format reading utilities |
GML.h | GML related enums and string conversion functions |
GmlParser.h | Declaration of classes gml::Object and gml::Parser |
GraphIO.h | Declares class GraphIO which provides access to all graph read and write functionality |
GraphML.h | GraphML related enums and string conversion functions |
GraphMLParser.h | Declarations for GraphML Parser |
SvgPrinter.h | Generator for visualizing graphs using the XML-based SVG format |
TikzWriter.h | Generator for visualizing graphs using LaTeX/TikZ |
Tlp.h | Declaration of TLP string conversion functions |
TlpLexer.h | Declares a TLP file format lexer class and related structures |
TlpParser.h | TLP format parser utility declaration |
TsplibXmlParser.h | Parser for TSPLIB instances in XML format |
Utils.h | Declaration of useful methods for processing various fileformats |
► geometric | |
► cr_min | |
► datastructure | |
Iterators.h | |
OGDFVector.h | |
TimestampFlags.h | |
UnionFind.h | |
► geometry | |
► algorithm | |
BloatedDual.h | |
CGALPlanarSubdivision.h | |
CollinearTriple.h | |
CountCrossings.h | |
ExtractCellFromBloatedDual.h | |
LargestCircleInPolygon.h | |
MapBoxTriangulation.h | |
PerturbPolygon.h | |
PlanarSubdivision.h | |
RandomPointInPolygon.h | |
RestrictedTriangulation.h | |
► objects | |
Circle.h | |
Cone.h | |
Direction.h | |
Geometry.h | |
Line.h | |
LineSegment.h | |
Point.h | |
Polygon.h | |
Polyline.h | |
Ray.h | |
Rectangle.h | |
Vector.h | |
Window.h | |
► graph | |
► algorithms | |
BFS.h | |
Dijkstra.h | |
► geometric_crossing_min | |
CrossingMinimalPosition.h | |
CrossingMinimalPositionRnd.h | |
CrossingMinimalRegion.h | |
RandomPoint.h | |
BloatedDual.h | |
Drawing.h | |
GeometricDrawing.h | |
ogdf_iterator.h | |
OGDFFaceWrapper.h | |
OGDFGraphWrapper.h | |
Path.h | |
PolylineDrawing.h | |
► tools | |
► ogdf | |
Converter.h | |
Universal.h | |
GeogebraExporter.h | |
math.h | |
CrossingMinimalPosition.h | Computes a position that induces a minimal number of crossings for a given vertex and straight-line drawing |
GeometricEdgeInsertion.h | In the Geometric Edge Insertion Approach we iteratively insert a given set of edges into a drawing of a graph. In each insertion the end vertices are moved to their optimal position. The optimal position can be for example a position that minimizes the number of crossings for this vertex |
GeometricVertexInsertion.h | In the Geometric Vertex Insertion Approach we iteratively insert a given set of vertices into a drawing of a graph. Each vertex is placed at its optimal position. The optimal position can be for example a position that minimizes the number of crossings for this vertex |
RandomVertexPosition.h | Computes a random position for a given vertex |
VertexMovement.h | In the VertexMovement Approach the vertices are moved one by one to its optimal position. The optimal position can be for example a position that minimizes the number of crossings for this vertex |
VertexOrder.h | Computes an vertex order based on the number of crossings in a given (straight-line) drawing |
VertexPositionModule.h | Optimal Vertex Position interface |
► graphalg | |
► matching_blossom | |
AlternatingTree.h | Implementation of an Alternating Tree helper structure for the Blossom algorithm |
AuxGraph.h | Implementation of the auxiliary graph as well as the edges and nodes of it for the Blossom V algorithm |
BlossomHelper.h | Utility class for the Blossom algorithm, providiing access to all important data structures |
BlossomVHelper.h | Utility class for the Blossom V algorithm |
Cycle.h | Utility class representing a cycle in the Blossom algorithm |
PQ.h | An extension of the standard priority queue with additional features |
Pseudonode.h | Helper structure representing a pseudonode in the Blossom algorithm |
utils.h | Utility functions and classes regarding map access and iteration |
► planar_separator | |
SeparatorDualHelper.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDualHelper |
► steiner_tree | |
► goemans | |
Approximation.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::Approximation class template |
BlowupComponents.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupComponents class template |
BlowupGraph.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupGraph class template |
CoreEdgeModule.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::CoreEdgeModule class template |
CoreEdgeRandomSpanningTree.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::CoreEdgeRandomSpanningTree class template |
common_algorithms.h | Algorithms used by at least two functions of Steiner tree code or its internal helpers |
EdgeWeightedGraph.h | Declaration of class EdgeWeightedGraph |
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy.h | Extends the GraphCopy concept to weighted graphs |
Full2ComponentGenerator.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full2ComponentGenerator class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorEnumeration.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorEnumeration class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorModule.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorModule class template |
Full3ComponentGeneratorVoronoi.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorVoronoi class template |
FullComponentDecisions.h | Definition of the FullComponentDecisions class |
FullComponentGeneratorCaller.h | Definition of the FullComponentGeneratorCaller class template |
FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner class template |
FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix class template |
FullComponentStore.h | Definition of the FullComponentStore class template |
HeavyPathDecomposition.h | Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree:HeavyPathDecomposition class template |
LPRelaxationSER.h | Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::LPRelaxationSER class template |
Save.h | Interface for various LCA methods |
SaveDynamic.h | A weighted tree as auxiliary data structure for contraction based algorithms |
SaveEnum.h | Implementation of the staticTree option for calculating save edges in Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation |
SaveStatic.h | Implementation of the staticLCATree option for calculating save edges in Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation |
Triple.h | Definition of a Triple used in contraction-based approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem |
AStarSearch.h | Implementation of the A* informed search algorithm |
Clusterer.h | Declaration of Clusterer class that computes a clustering for a given graph based on the local neighborhood structure of each edge. Uses the criteria by Auber, Chiricota, Melancon for small-world graphs to compute clustering index and edge strength |
ClustererModule.h | Declaration of interface for clustering algorithms that compute a clustering for a given graph based on some structural or semantical properties |
ConnectivityTester.h | Class for computing the connectivity of a graph |
ConvexHull.h | Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators |
Dijkstra.h | Implementation of Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm |
EdgeIndependentSpanningTrees.h | Declaration of ogdf::EdgeIndependentSpanningTrees |
GraphReduction.h | Declaration and implementation of GraphReduction class reduces by Leaves & Chains |
Matching.h | Declares simple matching functions |
MatchingBlossom.h | Implementation of the original Blossom algorithm by Edmonds (1965) |
MatchingBlossomV.h | Implementation of the Blossom V algorithm by Kolmogorov (2009) |
MatchingModule.h | Declaration of interface for matching algorithms |
MaxAdjOrdering.h | Calculate one or all Maximum Adjacency Ordering(s) of a given simple undirected graph |
MaxFlowEdmondsKarp.h | Implementation of Edmonds-Karp max-flow algorithm. Runtime O( |E|^2 * |V| ) |
MaxFlowGoldbergTarjan.h | Declaration and implementation of Goldberg-Tarjan max-flow algorithm with global relabeling and gap relabeling heuristic |
MaxFlowModule.h | Interface for Max Flow Algorithms |
MaxFlowSTPlanarDigraph.h | Max-Flow on s-t-planar graphs (s and t lie on the boundary of the outer face) via shortest paths in the dual. See [Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin: Network Flows. Section 8.4]. Runtime: O(V log V) |
MaxFlowSTPlanarItaiShiloach.h | Implementation of the maximum flow algorithm for s-t-planar graphs by Alon Itai and Yossi Shiloach (See "Maximum Flow in Planar Networks", p.135, 1979, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) |
MaximumDensitySubgraph.h | Declares maximum density subgraph algorithms |
MinCostFlowModule.h | Definition of ogdf::MinCostFlowModule class template |
MinCostFlowReinelt.h | Definition of ogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt class template |
MinimumCutModule.h | Declaration of ogdf::MinimumCutModule |
MinimumCutNagamochiIbaraki.h | Calculate minimum cut value for a given Graph |
MinimumCutStoerWagner.h | Declaration and implementation of ogdf::MinimumCutStoerWagner |
MinSTCutBFS.h | Declaration of min-st-cut algorithm which calculates the min-st-cut of an st-planar graph by doing a BFS on the dual graph (class MinSTCutDFS) |
MinSTCutDijkstra.h | MinSTCutDijkstra class template |
MinSTCutMaxFlow.h | Declaration of min-st-cut algorithms parameterized by max-flow alorithm |
MinSTCutModule.h | Template of base class of min-st-cut algorithms |
MinSteinerTreeDirectedCut.h | Classes for solving the Steiner tree problem exactly with a branch&cut algorithm. The used ILP formulation is the directed cut formulation |
MinSteinerTreeDualAscent.h | Implementation of an approxmiation algorithm for Steiner tree problems given by Richard T. Wong |
MinSteinerTreeGoemans139.h | Implementation of an LP-based 1.39+epsilon Steiner tree approximation algorithm by Goemans et al |
MinSteinerTreeKou.h | Declaration and implementation of the class computing a 2(1-1/l) minimum Steiner tree approximation according to the algorithm of Kou et al |
MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h | Implementation of Mehlhorn's minimum Steiner tree 2(1-1/l)-approximation algorithm |
MinSteinerTreeModule.h | Declaration of ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule |
MinSteinerTreePrimalDual.h | Implementation of an approxmiation algorithm for Steiner tree problems provided by Michel X. Goemans and David P. Williamson |
MinSteinerTreeRZLoss.h | Implementation of the 1.55-approximation algorithm for the Minimum Steiner Tree problem by Robins and Zelikovsky |
MinSteinerTreeShore.h | Implementation of Shore, Foulds and Gibbons' branch and bound algorithm for solving minimum Steiner tree problems |
MinSteinerTreeTakahashi.h | Implementation of the 2(1-1/l)-approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem by Matsuyama and Takahashi |
MinSteinerTreeZelikovsky.h | Implementation of Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximation algorithm for the minimum Steiner tree problem |
ModifiedNibbleClusterer.h | Implementation of a fast and simple clustering algorithm, Modified Nibble Clusterer |
NodeColoringBergerRompel.h | Applies the node coloring approximation specified by Berger&Rompel |
NodeColoringBoppanaHalldorsson.h | Applies the node coloring approximation specified by Boppana&Halldorsson |
NodeColoringHalldorsson.h | Applies the node coloring approximation specified by Halldorsson |
NodeColoringJohnson.h | Applies the node coloring approximation specified by Johnson |
NodeColoringModule.h | Template of base class of node coloring algorithms |
NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst.h | Applies the node coloring heuristic "Recursive Largest First" specified by Leighton (1979) |
NodeColoringSequential.h | Applies the sequential coloring algorithm to a given graph |
NodeColoringSimple.h | Trivial node coloring which assigns every node a different color |
NodeColoringWigderson.h | Applies the node coloring approximation specified by Wigderson |
PageRank.h | Declaration of basic page rank |
PlanarSeparatorModule.h | Declaration of base class of all planar separator algorithms |
SeparatorDual.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDual |
SeparatorDualFC.h | Declaration of class SeparatorDualFC, which applies the Fundamental Cycle Lemma directly to obtain a cycle |
SeparatorHarPeled.h | Declaration of class SeparatorHarPeled |
SeparatorLiptonTarjan.h | Declaration of class SeparatorLiptonTarjan |
SeparatorLiptonTarjanFC.h | Declaration of class SeparatorLiptonTarjanFC |
ShortestPathAlgorithms.h | Declaration of several shortest path algorithms |
ShortestPathModule.h | Declaration of base class of shortest path algorithms including some useful functions dealing with shortest paths flow (generater, checker) |
ShortestPathWithBFM.h | Declaration of class ShortestPathWithBFM which computes shortest paths via Bellman-Ford-Moore |
SpannerBasicGreedy.h | Implementation of the basic greedy (2k-1)-spanner algorithm of Althöfer et al. 2007 |
SpannerBaswanaSen.h | Implementation of the random cluster-based k-spanner algorithm of Baswana and Sen 2007 |
SpannerBerman.h | Implementation of an k-spanner approximation algorithm from Berman et al |
SpannerBermanDisconnected.h | Implementation of an k-spanner approximation algorithm from Berman et al |
SpannerElkinNeiman.h | Implementation of the random k-spanner algorithm of Elkin and Neiman 2018 |
SpannerIteratedWrapper.h | A wrapper class for iterating calls to spanner algorithms |
SpannerKortsarzPeleg.h | Implementation of the 2-spanner approximation algorithm of Kortsarz and Peleg 1994 |
SpannerModule.h | Basic module for spanner algorithms |
SteinerTreeLowerBoundDualAscent.h | Definition of the ogdf::SteinerTreeLowerBoundDualAscent class template |
SteinerTreePreprocessing.h | Definition of the ogdf::SteinerTreePreprocessing class template |
Triconnectivity.h | Declares class Triconnectivity which realizes the Hopcroft/Tarjan algorithm for finding the triconnected components of a biconnected multi-graph |
Voronoi.h | Definition of ogdf::Voronoi class template |
► hypergraph | |
EdgeStandardRep.h | A declaration of EdgeStandardRep class representing a graph representation of a hypergraph in the edge standard form |
Hypergraph.h | Declaration and a partial implementation of a Hypergraph class partly based on the original classes for handling hypergraphs written by Martin Gronemann |
HypergraphArray.h | Declaration and implementation of hyperraph array classes based on Node/EdgeArray classes written by Carsten Gutwenger, but slightly modified (base class is common for both arrays) |
HypergraphAttributes.h | Declares HypergraphAttributes storing specific attributes related to hypergraph layout drawings |
HypergraphLayout.h | Layout algorithms for hypergraph based on edge standard representations (clique / star / tree) - HypergraphLayoutES |
HypergraphLayoutModule.h | Declaration of an interface for hypergraph layout algorithms. Any hypergraph layout must follow this prescription |
HypergraphObserver.h | Abstract base class for observers on hypergraphs, that need to be informed about hypergraph changes (e.g. associated graph edge standard representation) |
► labeling | |
ELabelInterface.h | Provide an interface for edge label information |
ELabelPosSimple.h | Declaration of class ELabelPosSimple which represents a simple labeling algorithm |
► layered | |
AcyclicSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for acyclic subgraph algorithms |
BarycenterHeuristic.h | Declaration of class BarycenterHeuristic |
BlockOrder.h | Declaration of BlockOrder and related classes |
CoffmanGrahamRanking.h | Declaration of coffman graham ranking algorithm for Sugiyama algorithm |
CrossingMinInterfaces.h | Declaration of interfaces used in Sugiyama framework |
CrossingsMatrix.h | Declaration of class CrossingsMatrix |
DfsAcyclicSubgraph.h | Declaration of class DfsAcyclicSubgraph |
ExtendedNestingGraph.h | Declaration of ExtendedNestingGraph |
FastHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration and implementation of the third phase of sugiyama |
FastSimpleHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration of the FastSimpleHierarchyLayout (third phase of sugiyama) |
GreedyCycleRemoval.h | Declaration of class GeedyCycleRemoval |
GreedyInsertHeuristic.h | Declaration of class GreedyInsertHeuristic |
GreedySwitchHeuristic.h | Declaration of class GreedySwitchHeuristic |
GridSifting.h | Declaration of classes GridSifting and GlobalSifting |
Hierarchy.h | Declaration of Hierarchy class |
HierarchyClusterLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for hierarchy layout algorithms (3. phase of Sugiyama) for cluster graphs |
HierarchyLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface hierarchy layout algorithms (3. phase of Sugiyama) |
HierarchyLevels.h | Declaration of HierarchyLevels class |
LayerByLayerSweep.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms |
LayeredCrossMinModule.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms |
Level.h | Declaration and implementation of Level class |
LongestPathRanking.h | Declaration of hierachrical ranking algorithm |
MedianHeuristic.h | Declaration of class MedianHeuristic |
OptimalHierarchyClusterLayout.h | Declaration of the optimal third phase of the sugiyama algorithm for clusters |
OptimalHierarchyLayout.h | Declaration and implementation of the optimal third phase of the Sugiyama algorithm |
OptimalRanking.h | Declaration of optimal ranking algorithm for Sugiyama algorithm |
RankingModule.h | Declaration of interface for ranking algorithms |
SiftingHeuristic.h | Declaration of class SiftingHeuristic |
SplitHeuristic.h | Declaration of class SplitHeuristic |
SugiyamaLayout.h | Declaration of Sugiyama algorithm |
► lib | |
► abacus | |
abacusroot.h | |
active.h | |
active.inc | |
bheap.h | |
bheap.inc | |
boundbranchrule.h | This class implements a branching rule for modifying the lower and the upper bound of a variable |
bprioqueue.h | Bounded priority queue |
bprioqueue.inc | |
branchrule.h | Base class for branching rules |
column.h | Column |
colvar.h | Colvar |
conbranchrule.h | Branching rule for constraints |
conclass.h | Constraint classification |
constraint.h | Constraint |
convar.h | Constraints and variables |
csense.h | Csense |
cutbuffer.h | Cutbuffer |
cutbuffer.inc | |
fixcand.h | Candidates for fixing |
fsvarstat.h | Status of fixed and set variables |
global.h | Global |
hash.h | Hash table |
hash.inc | |
history.h | Solution history |
infeascon.h | Infeasible constraints |
lp.h | Linear program |
lpmaster.h | Lp master |
lpmasterosi.h | Osi master |
lpsolution.h | Lpsolution |
lpsolution.inc | |
lpsub.h | Linear program of a subproblem |
lpsubosi.h | |
lpvarstat.h | Status of variables |
master.h | Master of the optimization |
nonduplpool.h | Standard pool without constraint duplication |
nonduplpool.inc | |
numcon.h | Constraint defined by a number |
numvar.h | Variable identified by a number |
opensub.h | Open subproblems |
optsense.h | Sense of optimization |
osiif.h | |
osiinclude.h | |
pool.h | |
poolslot.h | Poolslot |
poolslot.inc | |
poolslotref.h | Poolslotref |
poolslotref.inc | |
ring.h | Ring |
ring.inc | |
row.h | Row |
rowcon.h | Constraint using row |
separator.h | Separator |
separator.inc | |
setbranchrule.h | Branching rule for setting |
slackstat.h | Status of slack variables |
sparvec.h | Sparse vector |
srowcon.h | Constraint using row with static variable set |
standardpool.h | Standard pool |
standardpool.inc | |
sub.h | |
tailoff.h | Tailing off manager |
valbranchrule.h | Branching rule for values |
variable.h | Variable |
vartype.h | Vartype |
► backward | |
backward.hpp | |
► mapbox | |
mapbox_earcut.h | |
► minisat | |
► core | |
Solver.h | |
SolverTypes.h | |
► mtl | |
Alg.h | |
Alloc.h | |
Heap.h | |
IntTypes.h | |
Map.h | |
Queue.h | |
Sort.h | |
Vec.h | |
XAlloc.h | |
► simp | |
SimpSolver.h | |
► utils | |
Options.h | |
ParseUtils.h | |
► pugixml | |
pugiconfig.h | |
pugixml.h | |
► lpsolver | |
LPSolver.h | Coin implementation of class LPSolver |
► misclayout | |
BalloonLayout.h | Declaration of class BalloonLayout. Computes a radial (balloon) layout based on a spanning tree. The algorithm is partially based on the paper "On Balloon Drawings of Rooted Trees" by Lin and Yen and on "Interacting with Huge Hierarchies: Beyond Cone Trees" by Carriere and Kazman |
BertaultLayout.h | Declaration of class BertaultLayout. Computes a force directed layout (Bertault Layout) for preserving the planar embedding in the graph. The algorithm is based on the paper "A force-directed algorithm that preserves
edge-crossing properties" by Francois Bertault |
CircularLayout.h | Declares class CircularLayout |
LinearLayout.h | This class is a simple layout that places nodes next to each other and draws edges as bows above the nodes. The user may decide whether to use a custom permutation or use the ordering given by the nodes indices |
ProcrustesSubLayout.h | Declares ogdf::ProcrustesSubLayout |
► orthogonal | |
► edge_router | |
NodeInfo.h | Declaration of class NodeInfo |
► internal | |
CommonCompactionConstraintGraphBase.h | Declares ogdf::CommonCompactionConstraintGraphBase |
RoutingChannel.h | Declaration of class RoutingChannel which maintains required size of routing channels and separation, cOverhang |
CompactionConstraintGraph.h | Declares CompactionConstraintGraph |
EdgeRouter.h | Declaration of EdgeRouter.. |
FlowCompaction.h | Contains constructive and improvement compaction by applying computation of min-cost flow in the dual of the constraint graphs |
LongestPathCompaction.h | Contains constructive and improvement compaction by applying computation of longest paths in constraint graphs |
MinimumEdgeDistances.h | Declaration of class MinimumEdgeDistances which maintains minimum distances between attached edges at a vertex (deltas and epsilons) |
OrthoLayout.h | Declaration of class OrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm |
OrthoRep.h | Declaration of orthogonal representation of planar graphs |
OrthoShaper.h | Computes the orthogonal representation of a planar representation of a UML graph using the simple flow approach |
► packing | |
CCLayoutPackModule.h | Declaration of interface for algorithms that arrange/pack layouts of connected components |
ComponentSplitterLayout.h | Splits and packs the components of a Graph |
SimpleCCPacker.h | Declaration of ogdf::SimpleCCPacker |
TileToRowsCCPacker.h | Declaration of class TileToRowsCCPacker |
► planarity | |
► booth_lueker | |
EmbedIndicator.h | Declaration of the class EmbedIndicator |
EmbedPQTree.h | Declaration of the class EmbedPQTree |
IndInfo.h | Declaration of the class EmbedKey |
PlanarLeafKey.h | Declaration of class PlanarLeafKey |
PlanarPQTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarPQTree |
► boyer_myrvold | |
BoyerMyrvoldInit.h | Declaration of the class BoyerMyrvoldInit |
BoyerMyrvoldPlanar.h | Declaration of the class BoyerMyrvoldPlanar |
FindKuratowskis.h | Declaration of the class FindKuratowskis |
► embedder | |
ConnectedSubgraph.h | Computes a connected subgraph G' of G containing node n |
CrossingStructure.h | Declaration of class CrossingStructure |
EmbedderBCTreeBase.h | Definition of ogdf::EmbedderBCTreeBase |
EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphs.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphs |
EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphsLayers.h | Computes an embedding of a biconnected graph with maximum external face |
LayersBlockEmbedder.h | Computes an embedding of a biconnected graph with maximum external face |
MDMFLengthAttribute.h | Definition of MDMFLengthAttribute |
► embedding_inserter | |
CrossingsBucket.h | Definition of CrossingsBucket class template |
FixEdgeInserterCore.h | Declaration of class FixEdgeInserterCore and FixEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with fixed embedding |
VarEdgeInserterCore.h | Declaration of class VarEdgeInserterCore and VarEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with variable embedding |
VarEdgeInserterDynCore.h | Declaration of class VarEdgeInserterCore and VarEdgeInserterUMLCore, which are the implementation classes for edge insertion with variable embedding |
► planar_subgraph_fast | |
MaxSequencePQTree.h | Declaration and definition of the class MaxSequencePQTree |
PlanarSubgraphPQTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphPQTree |
whaInfo.h | Declaration of class whaInfo |
► planarization_layout | |
CliqueReplacer.h | Handling of clique replacement in planarization layout |
BoothLueker.h | Declaration of BoothLueker which implements a planarity test and planar embedding algorithm |
BoyerMyrvold.h | Declaration of the wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test |
CrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of CrossingMinimization Module, an interface for crossing minimization algorithms |
EdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
EdgeTypePatterns.h | Edge types and patterns for planar representations |
EmbedderMaxFace.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFace |
EmbedderMaxFaceLayers.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceLayers |
EmbedderMinDepth.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepth |
EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFace |
EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers |
EmbedderMinDepthPiTa.h | Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthPiTa |
EmbedderModule.h | Defines ogdf::EmbedderModule |
EmbedderOptimalFlexDraw.h | The algorithm computes a planar embedding with minimum cost |
ExtractKuratowskis.h | Declaration of the class ExtractKuratowskis |
FixedEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserter |
KuratowskiSubdivision.h | Declaration of KuratowskiSubdivion class |
LayoutPlanRepModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms (used in planarization approach) |
MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple.h | Declaration of class MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple |
MaximumPlanarSubgraph.h | Declaration of class MaximumPlanarSubgraph |
MMCrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of MMCrossingMinimization Module, an interface for minor-monotone crossing minimization algorithms |
MMEdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for minor-monotone edge insertion algorithms |
MMFixedEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class MMFixedEmbeddingInserter |
MMSubgraphPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class MMSubgraphPlanarizer |
MMVariableEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class MMVariableEmbeddingInserter |
MultiEdgeApproxInserter.h | Declaration of class MultiEdgeApproxInserter |
NodeTypePatterns.h | Declaration of node types and patterns for planar representations |
NonPlanarCore.h | Declaration of class NonPlanarCore which represents the non-planar core reduction for biconnected graphs |
PlanarityModule.h | Declaration of PlanarityModule |
PlanarizationGridLayout.h | Declaration of planarization with grid layout |
PlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarizationLayout |
PlanarizerChordlessCycle.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerChordlessCycle |
PlanarizerMixedInsertion.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerMixedInsertion |
PlanarizerStarReinsertion.h | Declaration of class PlanarizerStarReinsertion |
PlanarSubgraphBoyerMyrvold.h | Declaration of the subgraph wrapper class of the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test |
PlanarSubgraphCactus.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphCactus |
PlanarSubgraphEmpty.h | Declaration and Implementation of class PlanarSubgraphEmpty. Heuristic: We obtain a planar subgraph by putting all edges in delEdges |
PlanarSubgraphFast.h | Declaration of the PlanarSubgraphFast |
PlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar subgraph algorithms |
PlanarSubgraphTree.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTree |
PlanarSubgraphTriangles.h | Declaration of class PlanarSubgraphTriangles |
PlanRep.h | Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs |
PlanRepExpansion.h | Declaration of class PlanRepExpansion representing a planarized representation of the expansion of a graph |
PlanRepInc.h | Declaration of class PlanRepInc |
PlanRepLight.h | Declaration of class PlanRepLight |
RemoveReinsertType.h | Definition of RemoveReinsertType (used for postprocessing in edge insertion algorithms) |
SimpleEmbedder.h | A simple embedder algorithm |
SimpleIncNodeInserter.h | Declaration of class SimpleIncNodeInserter |
StarInserter.h | Declaration of class StarInserter |
SubgraphPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizer |
TopologyModule.h | Declaration of class TopologyModule |
VariableEmbeddingInserter.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserter |
VariableEmbeddingInserterBase.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterBase |
VariableEmbeddingInserterDyn.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterDyn |
► planarlayout | |
► mixed_model_layout | |
IOPoints.h | Declaration of classes InOutPoint and IOPoints which implement the management of in-/out-points |
MixedModelBase.h | Base functionality of Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
MMOrder.h | Declaration of shelling order used by the Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
BiconnectedShellingOrder.h | Declares the class BiconnectedShellingOrder.. |
BitonicOrdering.h | Declares the class BitonicOrdering.. |
FPPLayout.h | Declaration of the Fraysseix, Pach, Pollack Algorithm (FPPLayout) algorithm |
GridLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for grid layout algorithms |
LeftistOrdering.h | Declares the class LeftistOrdering.. |
MixedModelCrossingsBeautifierModule.h | Declaration of interface for mixed-model crossings beautifier algorithms |
MixedModelLayout.h | Declaration of Mixed-Model layout algorithm |
MMCBBase.h | Declaration of base class for certain Mixed-Model crossings beautifier |
MMCBDoubleGrid.h | Declaration of a Mixed-Model crossings beautifier that uses grid doubling |
MMCBLocalStretch.h | Declaration of a Mixed-Model crossings beautifier that local stretching |
PlanarDrawLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarDrawLayout which represents a planar straight-line drawing algorithm |
PlanarStraightLayout.h | Declaration of class PlanarStraightLayout which represents a planar straight-line drawing algorithm |
SchnyderLayout.h | Declaration of the Schnyder Layout Algorithm (SchnyderLayout) algorithm |
ShellingOrder.h | Declares classes ShellingOrderSet and ShellingOrder |
ShellingOrderModule.h | Declares the base class ShellingOrderModule for modules that compute a shelling order of a graph |
TriconnectedShellingOrder.h | Declares the class TriconnectedShellingOrder.. |
► simultaneous | |
SimDraw.h | Base class for simultaneous drawing |
SimDrawCaller.h | Offers variety of possible algorithm calls for simultaneous drawing |
SimDrawColorizer.h | Offers colorizer for SimDraw |
SimDrawCreator.h | Offers variety of possible SimDraw creations |
SimDrawCreatorSimple.h | Offers simple SimDraw creations |
SimDrawManipulatorModule.h | Module for simdraw manipulator classes |
TwoLayerCrossMinSimDraw.h | Declaration of interface for two-layer crossing minimization algorithms for Simultaneous Drawing |
► tree | |
LCA.h | The Sparse Table Algorithm for the Least Common Ancestor problem as proposed by Bender and Farach-Colton |
RadialTreeLayout.h | Declaration of linear time layout algorithm for free trees (class RadialTreeLayout) |
TreeLayout.h | Declaration of linear time layout algorithm for trees (TreeLayout) based on Walker's algorithm |
► uml | |
FixedEmbeddingInserterUML.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterUML |
LayoutPlanRepUMLModule.h | Declaration of interface for planar layout algorithms for UML diagrams (used in planarization approach) |
OrthoLayoutUML.h | Declaration of class OrthoLayoutUML which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm for mixed-upward embedded graphs |
PlanarizationLayoutUML.h | Declaration of class PlanarizationLayoutUML |
PlanRepUML.h | Declaration of class PlanRepUML |
SubgraphPlanarizerUML.h | Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizerUML |
UMLCrossingMinimizationModule.h | Declaration of CrossingMinimization Module, an interface for crossing minimization algorithms |
UmlDiagramGraph.h | Contains the class UmlDiagramGraph which represents one particular diagram of the complete UML Model |
UMLEdgeInsertionModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
UMLGraph.h | Declaration of class UMLGraph |
UMLLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for UML diagrams |
UmlModelGraph.h | Contains the class UmlModelGraph which represents the complete UML Model in a graph like data structure |
VariableEmbeddingInserterDynUML.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterDynUML |
VariableEmbeddingInserterUML.h | Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserterUML |
► upward | |
► internal | |
UpSAT.h | Declaration of class UpSAT, which implements the upward-planarity testing formulations based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+) |
UpwardPlanarityEmbeddedDigraph.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarityEmbeddedDigraph, which implements the upward-planarity testing algorithm for digraphs with a fixed embedding by Bertolazzi et al |
UpwardPlanaritySingleSource.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanaritySingleSource, which implements the upward-planarity testing and embedding algorithm for single-source digraphs by Bertolazzi et al |
DominanceLayout.h | Declaration of dominance layout algorithm |
ExpansionGraph.h | Declares class ExpansionGraph.. |
FaceSinkGraph.h | Declaration of class FaceSinkGraph |
FixedEmbeddingUpwardEdgeInserter.h | Declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterOld |
FUPSModule.h | Declaration of Feasible Upward Planar Subgraph (FUPS) Module, an interface for subgraph computation |
FUPSSimple.h | Declaration of the FUPSSimple |
LayerBasedUPRLayout.h | Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm |
MaximalFUPS.h | Declaration of class MFUPS, which implements the maximal feasible upward planar subgraph computation based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+) |
SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer.h | Declaration of class SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer |
UPRLayoutModule.h | Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for a UpwardPlanRep |
UpwardEdgeInserterModule.h | Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms |
UpwardPlanarity.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarity, which implements different types of algorithms testing upward planarity of graphs with different restrictions. Actually, restrictions are: |
UpwardPlanarizationLayout.h | Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm |
UpwardPlanarizerModule.h | Declaration of UpwardPlanarizer Module, an interface for upward planarization algorithms |
UpwardPlanarSubgraphModule.h | Declaration of interface for upward planar subgraph algorithms |
UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple.h | Declaration of class UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple which computes an upward planar subgraph by using upward planarity testing |
UpwardPlanRep.h | Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs |
VisibilityLayout.h | Declaration of visibility layout algorithm |