Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
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25 std::cerr <<
"Could not read ERDiagram.gml" << std::endl;
29 for (
node v : G.nodes)
double separation() const override
Returns the minimum distance between edges and vertices.
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Stores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information).
Declaration of class VariablEmbeddingInserter.
Declaration of class GraphAttributes which extends a Graph by additional attributes.
Includes declaration of graph class.
@ All
Postproceesing with all edges.
static bool write(const Graph &G, const string &filename, WriterFunc writer=nullptr)
Writes graph G to a file with name filename and infers the format to use from the file's extension.
The planarization approach for drawing graphs.
static bool writeGML(const Graph &G, std::ostream &os)
Writes graph G in GML format to output stream os.
static bool drawSVG(const GraphAttributes &A, std::ostream &os, const SVGSettings &settings)
Optimal edge insertion module.
Declaration of class OrthoLayout which represents an orthogonal planar drawing algorithm.
Declaration of the PlanarSubgraphFast.
Definition of RemoveReinsertType (used for postprocessing in edge insertion algorithms).
Declaration of class SubgraphPlanarizer.
static bool readGML(Graph &G, std::istream &is)
Reads graph G in GML format from input stream is.
void setInserter(EdgeInsertionModule *pInserter)
Sets the module option for the edge insertion module.
Computation of a planar subgraph using PQ-trees.
double cOverhang() const
Returns the option m_cOverhang, which specifies the minimal distance of incident edges to the corner ...
void setPlanarLayouter(LayoutPlanRepModule *pPlanarLayouter)
Sets the module option for the planar layout algorithm.
Declares ogdf::EmbedderMinDepthMaxFaceLayers.
static const long edgeType
Corresponds to edge attribute type(edge).
Decralation of GraphElement and GraphList classes.
Declares class GraphIO which provides access to all graph read and write functionality.
void setEmbedder(EmbedderModule *pEmbedder)
Sets the module option for the graph embedding algorithm.
Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation).
double height(node v) const
Returns the height of the bounding box of node v.
The Orthogonal layout algorithm for planar graphs.
static const long edgeGraphics
Corresponds to edge attribute bends(edge).
Planar graph embedding that minimizes block-nesting depth and maximizes the external face and optimiz...
void setSubgraph(PlanarSubgraphModule< int > *pSubgraph)
Sets the module option for the computation of the planar subgraph.
static bool read(Graph &G, const string &filename, ReaderFunc reader=nullptr)
Reads graph G from a file with name filename and infers the used format from the file's extension.
Declaration of class PlanarizationLayout.
The planarization approach for crossing minimization.
void removeReinsert(RemoveReinsertType rrOption)
Sets the remove-reinsert postprocessing method.
void call(GraphAttributes &ga) override
Calls planarization layout for GraphAttributes ga.
static const long nodeType
Corresponds to node attribute type(node).
void setCrossMin(CrossingMinimizationModule *pCrossMin)
Sets the module option for crossing minimization.
Class for the representation of nodes.
static const long nodeGraphics
Corresponds to node attributes x(node), y(node), width(node), height(node), and shape(node).
void runs(int nRuns)
Sets the number of randomized runs to nRuns.
double width(node v) const
Returns the width of the bounding box of node v.