Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cabacus::AbaBHeap< Type, Key >Binary heaps
 Cabacus::AbacusRootBase class of all other classes of ABACUS
 Cabacus::AbaHash< KeyType, ItemType >Hash tables
 Cabacus::AbaHashItem< KeyType, ItemType >Items in hash tables
 Cabacus::AbaRing< Type >Bounded circular lists
 Cabacus::Active< BaseType, CoType >Implements the sets of active constraints and variables which are associated with each subproblem
 Cabacus::CutBuffer< BaseType, CoType >Cut buffers
 Cabacus::LpSolution< BaseType, CoType >LP solutions
 Cabacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType >Stores constraints and variables
 Cabacus::PoolSlotRef< BaseType, CoType >Stores a pointer to a pool slot with version number
 Cabacus::Separator< BaseType, CoType >Separators
 Cabacus::StandardPool< BaseType, CoType >Standard pools
 Cabacus::AbaHash< string, string >
 Cabacus::AbaHash< unsigned, abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cabacus::AbaHash< unsigned, abacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cabacus::AbaHash< unsigned, BaseType * >
 Cabacus::AbaHashItem< string, string >
 Cabacus::AbaHashItem< unsigned, abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cabacus::AbaHashItem< unsigned, abacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cabacus::AbaHashItem< unsigned, BaseType * >
 Cabacus::AbaRing< double >
 Cabacus::Active< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable >
 Cabacus::Active< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint >
 Cabacus::Active< CoType, BaseType >
 Cogdf::Array2D< bool >
 Cogdf::Array2D< double >
 Cogdf::Array2D< int >
 Cogdf::Array2D< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::Array2D< ogdf::ListPure< int > >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::FSVarStat * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::LPVARSTAT * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlotRef< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlotRef< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlotRef< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::PoolSlotRef< CoType, BaseType > * >
 Cogdf::Array< abacus::SlackStat * >
 Cogdf::Array< BlockType >
 Cogdf::Array< bool >
 Cogdf::Array< double >
 Cogdf::Array< Index >
 Cogdf::Array< int >
 Cogdf::Array< int64_t >
 Cogdf::Array< Key >
 Cogdf::Array< List< edge > >
 Cogdf::Array< node >
 Cogdf::Array< NodeInfo >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::Array< ogdf::AdjElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::ArrayLevel * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::Block * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::ENGLayer >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::GenericPoint >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::GF2Solver::Equation * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::Level * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::LHTreeNode * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::List< ogdf::EdgeElement > * >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::List< ogdf::MultiEdgeApproxInserter::VertexBlock > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::List< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::List< ogdf::PlanRepExpansion::Crossing > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::InOutPoint > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::ListPure< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt::arctype >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt::nodetype >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::MMVariableEmbeddingInserter::AnchorNodeInfo >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::planar_separators::Ring, int >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::ShellingOrderSet >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::SList< ogdf::AdjElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::SList< ogdf::EdgeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::SList< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::SListPure< ogdf::EdgeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::SListPure< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::Array< ogdf::Triconnectivity::CompStruct >
 Cogdf::Array< PathType >
 Cogdf::Array< Prioritized< X *, double >, int >
 Cogdf::Array< TCost >
 Cogdf::Array< Type >
 Cogdf::Array< X, int >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< abacus::Constraint * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< abacus::FSVarStat * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< abacus::InfeasCon * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< abacus::PoolSlotRef< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint > * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< abacus::Sub * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< BaseType * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< const ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner::DWMData * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< const ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix::DWMData * >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< double >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< edge >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< int >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< NodePair >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::AdjElement >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::PlanRep::Deg1RestoreInfo >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore::Metadata< double > >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore::Metadata< LossMetadata< T > > >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore::Metadata< void > >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent::TerminalDataReference >
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< T >
 Cbackward::details::default_delete< T >
 Cbackward::details::deleter< R, T, F >
 Cbackward::details::demangler_impl< TAG >
 Cbackward::details::handle< T, Deleter >
 Cbackward::details::hashtable< K, V >
 Cbackward::details::rm_ptr< T >
 Cbackward::details::rm_ptr< const T * >
 Cbackward::details::rm_ptr< T * >
 Cbackward::StackTraceImpl< TAG >
 Cbackward::TraceResolverImpl< TAG >
 Cbackward::TraceResolverImpl< system_tag::unknown_tag >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::BaseIteratorContainer< ogdf::EdgeElement, ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::BaseIteratorContainer< ogdf::NodeElement, ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::BinaryHeapSimple< Prioritized< X *, double >, int >
 Cogdf::BinaryHeapSimple< X, int >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::BinCoeff< double >
 Cogdf::BucketFunc< Edge >
 Cogdf::BucketFunc< edge >
 Cogdf::BucketFunc< MehlhornTriple >
 Cogdf::GF2Solver::ChunkBase< chunkSize, Chunk >
 Cogdf::GF2Solver::ChunkBase< chunkSize2, Chunk2 >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< bool >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< double >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< int >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::booth_lueker::EmbedPQTree * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::booth_lueker::PlanarPQTree * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::cluster_planarity::ClusterPQContainer >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::ClusterElement > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::ClusterGraph * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::Fill >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::Graph * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::internal::EdgeArrayBase2< ogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::EdgeElement > * > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::internal::GraphRegisteredArray< bool > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::internal::GraphRegisteredArray< ogdf::ClusterElement > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::internal::GraphRegisteredArray< ogdf::NodeElement > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::internal::GraphRegisteredArray< ogdf::SListPure< ogdf::AdjElement > > * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::LHTreeNode * >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::List< ogdf::EdgeElement > >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::List< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< ogdf::Stroke >
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< string >
 Cabacus::CutBuffer< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable >
 Cabacus::CutBuffer< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< E >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< I >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< I1 >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< I1_ >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< I2 >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< I2_ >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< int >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< K1_ >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< K2_ >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< std::string >
 Cbackward::details::demangler_impl< system_tag::current_tag >
 Cogdf::DTreeMultilevelEmbedder< 2 >
 Cogdf::DTreeMultilevelEmbedder< 3 >
 CMinisat::Internal::Equal< CRef >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore< T, double >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore< T, LossMetadata< T > >
 Cogdf::GenericPoint< double >
 Cogdf::GenericPoint< int >
 Cbackward::details::handle< std::ifstream *, backward::details::default_delete< std::ifstream * > >
 Cogdf::HashConstIterator< Tuple2< I1_, I2_ >, E_, HashFuncTuple< I1_, I2_, DefHashFunc< I1_ >, DefHashFunc< I2_ > > >
 Cogdf::HashFuncTuple< I1, I2, DefHashFunc< I1 >, DefHashFunc< I2 > >
 Cogdf::HashFuncTuple< I1_, I2_, DefHashFunc< I1_ >, DefHashFunc< I2_ > >
 Cogdf::HashFuncTuple< int, int, DefHashFunc< int >, DefHashFunc< int > >
 Cbackward::details::hashtable< std::string, SourceFile >
 CMinisat::Internal::Heap< Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::ElimLt >
 CMinisat::Internal::Heap< Minisat::Internal::Solver::VarOrderLt >
 Cogdf::HeapBase< BinaryHeap< T, std::less< T > >, int, T, std::less< T > >
 Cogdf::HeapBase< BinomialHeap< T, std::less< T > >, BinomialHeapNode< T >, T, std::less< T > >
 Cogdf::HeapBase< FibonacciHeap< T, std::less< T > >, FibonacciHeapNode< T >, T, std::less< T > >
 Cogdf::HeapBase< PairingHeap< T, C >, PairingHeapNode< T >, T, C >
 Cogdf::HeapBase< RMHeap< T, std::less< T > >, RMHeapNode< T >, T, std::less< T > >
 Cogdf::pc_tree::IntrusiveList< ogdf::pc_tree::PCNode >
 Cogdf::List< abacus::Constraint * >
 Cogdf::List< abacus::Sub * >
 Cogdf::List< double >
 Cogdf::List< edge >
 Cogdf::List< int >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::AdjElement >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::BertaultLayout::CCElement * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::davidson_harel::EnergyFunction * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::davidson_harel::Planarity::ChangedCrossing >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::energybased::fmmm::ParticleInfo >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::energybased::fmmm::QuadTreeNodeNM * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::GenericPoint >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::Graph::HiddenEdgeSet * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::LeftistOrdering::Candidate >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::LHTreeNode::Adjacency >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::LHTreeNode::ClusterCrossing >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::List< ogdf::AdjElement > >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::List< ogdf::FaceElement > >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::List< ogdf::NodeElement > >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::MultiEdgeApproxInserter::VertexBlock >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::NodePair >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PALabel >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PlanRepExpansion::Crossing >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PlanRepExpansion::NodeSplit >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< edge, booth_lueker::IndInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< edge, IndInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< edge, ogdf::whaInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< edge, whaInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< edge, X, bool > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< T, ogdf::whaInfo *, Y > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< T, whaInfo *, Y > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::PQNode< T, X, Y > * >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent::TerminalData >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::steiner_tree::Triple< T > >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::sync_plan::Pipe >
 Cogdf::List< ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::UndoOperation * >
 Cogdf::List< PipeBijPair >
 Cogdf::List< PointType >
 Cogdf::List< std::tuple< int, int, ogdf::List > >
 Cogdf::List< Tuple2< node, int > >
 Cogdf::ListElement< ClusterGraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListElement< GraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListElement< HypergraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListElement< int >
 Cogdf::ListElement< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::ListElement< TObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< int >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::energybased::fmmm::ParticleInfo >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::Graph::HiddenEdgeSet * >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::InOutPoint >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent::TerminalData > >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::PlanRepExpansion::NodeSplit >
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< ogdf::topology_module::EdgeLeg * >
 Cogdf::ListPure< ClusterGraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListPure< GraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListPure< HypergraphObserver * >
 Cogdf::ListPure< int >
 Cogdf::ListPure< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::ListPure< TObserver * >
 Cabacus::LpSolution< CoType, BaseType >
 CMinisat::Internal::Map< CRef, T, CRefHash >
 Cmapbox::detail::Earcut< N >
 Cmapbox::detail::Earcut< N >::Node
 Cmapbox::detail::Earcut< N >::ObjectPool< T, Alloc >
 Cmapbox::util::nth< I, T >
 Cogdf::MaxFlowModule< double >
 Cogdf::MaxFlowModule< int >
 Cogdf::MaxFlowModule< TCap >
 Cogdf::MinimumCutModule< double >
 Cogdf::MinimumCutModule< int >
 Cogdf::MinimumEdgeDistances< int >
 CMinisat::ClauseRepresents a simple class for clause storage
 CMinisat::Internal::CMap< T >
 CMinisat::Internal::CMap< T >::CRefHash
 CMinisat::Internal::DeepEqual< K >
 CMinisat::Internal::DeepHash< K >
 CMinisat::Internal::Equal< K >
 CMinisat::Internal::Hash< K >
 CMinisat::Internal::Heap< Comp >
 CMinisat::Internal::LessThan_default< T >
 CMinisat::Internal::Map< K, D, H, E >
 CMinisat::Internal::Map< K, D, H, E >::Pair
 CMinisat::Internal::OccLists< Idx, Vec, Deleted >
 CMinisat::Internal::Queue< T >
 CMinisat::Internal::RegionAllocator< T >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< T >
 CMinisat::ModelRepresents a simple class for model storage
 Cogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule< double >
 Cmapbox::detail::Earcut< N >::ObjectPool< mapbox::detail::Earcut::Node >
 Cogdf::Observable< ClusterGraphObserver, ClusterGraph >
 Cogdf::Observable< GraphObserver, Graph >
 Cogdf::Observable< HypergraphObserver, Hypergraph >
 Cogdf::Observer< ClusterGraph, ClusterGraphObserver >
 Cogdf::Observer< Graph, GraphObserver >
 Cogdf::Observer< Hypergraph, HypergraphObserver >
 CMinisat::Internal::OccLists< Minisat::Internal::Lit, Minisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::Solver::Watcher >, Minisat::Internal::Solver::WatcherDeleted >
 CMinisat::Internal::OccLists< Var, Minisat::Internal::vec< CRef >, Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::ClauseDeleted >
 Cogdf::AcyclicSubgraphModuleBase class of algorithms for computing a maximal acyclic subgraph
 Cogdf::AdjacencyOracleTells you in constant time if two nodes are adjacent
 Cogdf::Array< E, INDEX >The parameterized class Array implements dynamic arrays of type E
 Cogdf::Array2D< E >The parameterized class Array2D implements dynamic two-dimensional arrays
 Cogdf::ArrayBuffer< E, INDEX >An array that keeps track of the number of inserted elements; also usable as an efficient stack
 Cogdf::ArrayReverseIteratorBase< E, isConst >Random-access reverse iterator based on a pointer to an array element
 Cogdf::AStarSearch< T >A-Star informed search algorithm
 Cogdf::AugmentationModuleThe base class for graph augmentation algorithms
 Cogdf::BarrierRepresentation of a barrier
 Cogdf::BasicPageRankBasic page rank calculation
 Cogdf::BCTreeStatic BC-trees
 Cogdf::BendStringRepresents the bends on an edge e consisting of vertical and horizontal segments
 Cogdf::BertaultLayout::BertaultSectionsThe sections associated with each node
 Cogdf::BertaultLayout::CCElementObjects of this class are members of the containment heirarchy made in preprocessing stage of ImPrEd
 Cogdf::BertaultLayout::projStructure which stores the projection of a node on an edge
 Cogdf::BinaryHeap< T, C >::HeapEntry
 Cogdf::BinaryHeapSimple< X, INDEX >Dynamically growing binary heap tuned for efficiency on a small interface (compared to BinaryHeap)
 Cogdf::BinomialHeapNode< T >Binomial heap node
 Cogdf::BlockClass representing idea of Blocks used in GlobalSifting and GridSifting algorithms
 Cogdf::BoundedQueue< E, INDEX >The parameterized class BoundedQueue implements queues with bounded size
 Cogdf::boyer_myrvold::BoyerMyrvoldInitThis class is used in the Boyer-Myrvold planarity test for preprocessing purposes
 Cogdf::BoyerMyrvoldPlanarThis class implements the extended BoyerMyrvold planarity embedding algorithm
 Cogdf::BucketFunc< E >Abstract base class for bucket functions
 Cogdf::CCLayoutPackModuleBase class of algorithms that arrange/pack layouts of connected components
 Cogdf::CconnectClusterPlanarC-planarity test by Cohen, Feng and Eades
 Cogdf::CconnectClusterPlanarEmbedC-planarity test and embedding by Cohen, Feng and Eades
 Cogdf::CliqueFinderModuleFinds cliques
 Cogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarSubClusteredSTConstructs a c-planar subclustered spanning tree of the input by setting edgearray values
 Cogdf::cluster_planarity::edgeValueStruct for attaching the current lp-value to the corresponding edge. Used in the primal heuristic
 Cogdf::ClusterArrayBase< Value, WithDefault >RegisteredArray for labeling the clusters of a ClusterGraph
 Cogdf::ClustererModuleInterface for algorithms that compute a clustering for a given graph
 Cogdf::ClusterGraphCopyAttributesManages access on copy of an attributed clustered graph
 Cogdf::ClusterOrthoShaperComputes the orthogonal representation of a clustered graph
 Cogdf::ClusterPlanarizationLayoutThe cluster planarization layout algorithm
 Cogdf::CoinManagerIf you use COIN-OR, you should use this class
 Cogdf::ColorColors represented as RGBA values
 Cogdf::CompactionConstraintGraph< ATYPE >::IntervalRepresents an interval on the sweep line
 Cogdf::CompactionConstraintGraph< ATYPE >::SegmentComparerComparer class used for sorting segments by increasing position (given by segPos) such that two overlapping segments come in the order imposed by the embedding (given by secSort: segment which comes first has secSort = 0, the other has 1)
 Cogdf::ConfigurationProvides information about how OGDF has been configured
 Cogdf::ConnectivityTesterNaive implementation for testing the connectivity of a graph
 Cogdf::ConvexHullComputes the convex hull of a set of points or a layout
 Cogdf::CPlanarEdgeInserterEdge insertion algorithm for clustered graphs
 Cogdf::CPlanarSubClusteredGraphConstructs a c-planar subclustered graph of the input based on a spanning tree
 Cogdf::CrossingsMatrixImplements crossings matrix which is used by some TwoLayerCrossingMinimization heuristics (e.g. split)
 Cogdf::davidson_harel::EnergyFunctionThe interface for energy functions for the Davidson Harel graph drawing method
 Cogdf::DavidsonHarelThe Davidson-Harel approach for drawing graphs
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< K >Default hash functions
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< double >Specialized default hash function for double
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< IPoint >
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< string >Specialized default hash function for string
 Cogdf::DefHashFunc< void * >Specialized default hash function for pointer types
 Cogdf::Dijkstra< T, H >Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm
 Cogdf::DisjointSets< linkOption, compressionOption, interleavingOption >A Union/Find data structure for maintaining disjoint sets
 Cogdf::dot::AstDOT format abstract syntax tree class, based on official documentation
 Cogdf::dot::LexerLexical analysis tool
 Cogdf::dot::ParserDOT format parser class
 Cogdf::dot::SubgraphDataA helper structure containing information for recursive graph reading
 Cogdf::dot::TokenJust a simple token struct representing a DOT file fragment
 Cogdf::DRectRectangles with real coordinates
 Cogdf::DTreeMultilevelEmbedder< Dim >
 Cogdf::DTreeMultilevelEmbedder< Dim >::NodeCoords
 Cogdf::DualGraphBase< isConst >A dual graph including its combinatorial embedding of an embedded graph
 Cogdf::EdgeIndependentSpanningTreesCalculates k edge-independent spanning trees of a graph
 Cogdf::EdgeLabel< coordType >
 Cogdf::EdgeOrderComparerOrders edges such that they do not cross each other when embeddded as insertion paths
 Cogdf::EdgeRouterPlaces node boxes in replacement areas of orthogonal drawing step and route edges to minimize bends
 Cogdf::EdgeSet< SupportFastSizeQuery >Edge sets
 Cogdf::ELabelInterface< coordType >
 Cogdf::embedder::ConnectedSubgraph< T >
 Cogdf::embedder::MDMFLengthAttributeAuxiliary length attribute
 Cogdf::EmbedderMaxFaceBiconnectedGraphs< T >Embedder that maximizing the external face
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTree< IntType, Dim >Implentation of the reduced quadtree for Dim dimensions
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTree< IntType, Dim >::MortonEntryThe entry in the sorted order for a point
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTree< IntType, Dim >::NodeThe node class
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTree< IntType, Dim >::PointThe point class with integer coords
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeEmbedder< Dim >
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeEmbedder< Dim >::NodeInfoNode state
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeForce< Dim >
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeForce< Dim >::NodeDataNode data
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeForce< Dim >::PointDataPoint data
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeWSPD< Dim >
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeWSPD< Dim >::NodeDataGeometry for the quadtree nodes
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeWSPD< Dim >::PointDataWorld coordinates of the points
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::DTreeWSPDCallback< Dim, ForceFunc, UseForcePrime >
 Cogdf::energybased::dtree::GalaxyLevelSimple implementation of the slightly modified version of Hachul by Gronemann
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::EdgeHelping data structure for deleting parallel edges in class FMMMLayout and Multilevel (needed for the bucket sort algorithm)
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::EdgeAttributesHelping data structure that stores the graphical attributes of an edge that are needed for the force-directed algorithms
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::MAARPackingData structure for packing rectangles within an area of a desired aspect ratio without overlappings; optimization goal: to minimize the used aspect ratio area
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::NodeData structure for representing nodes and an int value (needed for class ogdf/list) to perform bucket sort
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::NodeAttributesHelping data structure that stores the graphical attributes of a node that are needed for the force-directed algorithms
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::numexceptThis class is developed for exceptions that might occure, when nodes are placed at the same position and a new random position has to be found, or when the calculated forces are near the machine accuracy, where no reasonable numeric and logic calculations are possible any more
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::PackingRowInfoHelping data structure for MAARPacking
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::ParticleInfoHelping data structure for building up the reduced quad tree by NMM
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::QuadTreeNMHelping data structure that stores the information needed to represent the modified quadtree in the New Multipole Method (NMM)
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::QuadTreeNodeNMHelping data structure that stores the information needed to represent a node of the reduced quad tree in the New Multipole Method (NMM)
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::RectangleHelping data structure for packing rectangles; The width, height and the position of the down left corner of the tight surroundig rectangle is represented for each connected component of the graph
 Cogdf::energybased::fmmm::SetHelping data structure that holds set S_node of nodes in the range [0, G.number_of_nodes()-1] (needed for class Multilevel) for randomly choosing nodes (with uniform or weighted probability!)
 Cogdf::ENGLayerRepresents layer in an extended nesting graph
 Cogdf::ExternEList of externally active nodes strictly between x and y for minortypes B and E
 Cogdf::ExtractKuratowskisExtracts multiple Kuratowski Subdivisions
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::BinCoeff< TYP >Binomial coeffs from Hachuls FMMM
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::CollectForceFunctor< FLAGS >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::composition_functor< FuncFirst, FuncSecond >Functor for composing two other functors
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::const_condition< result >Condition functor for returning a constant boolean value
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::D2DFunctorCalculates the repulsive forces acting between all nodes of the direct interacting cells of the i-th node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::do_nothingUseless do nothing function
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::EdgeAdjInfoInformation about an edge (16 bytes)
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::EdgeForceFunctor< FLAGS >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMEGlobalContextGlobal Context
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMEGlobalOptionsMain global options for a run
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMELocalContextLocal thread Context
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMETaskThe thread task class used only as an interface
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMEThreadThe fast multipole embedder work thread class
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FMETreePartitionStruct for distributing subtrees to the threads
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8 >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, ArgType6, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, ArgType5, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, ArgType2, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, ArgType1, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::FuncInvoker< FunctionType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType, EmptyArgType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::if_then_else_functor< CondType, ThenType, ElseType >Functor for conditional usage of a functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::l2l_functorLocal-to-Local functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::l2p_functorLocal-to-Point functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::bottom_up_traversal_functor< F, CondType >Bottom up traversal of the subtree of a given node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::forall_children_functor< F >Simple functor for iterating over all children of a node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::forall_ordered_pairs_of_children_functor< F >Functor for iterating over all ordered pairs of children of a node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::forall_points_functor< Func >Simple functor for iterating over all points of a node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::forall_tree_nodes_functor< F >Simple functor for iterating over all nodes
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::top_down_traversal_functor< F, CondType >Top down traversal of the subtree of a given node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtree::wspd_functor< WSPairFuncType, DPairFuncType, DNodeFuncType, BranchCondType >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LinearQuadtreeBuilderBuilder for the LinearQuadtree
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LQCoordsFunctorComputes the coords and size of the i-th node in the LinearQuadtree
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::LQPartitionerThe partitioner which partitions the quadtree into subtrees and partitions the sequence of inner nodes and leaves
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::m2l_functorMultipole-to-Local functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::M2LFunctorConverts the multipole expansion coefficients from all nodes which are well separated from the i-th node to local expansion coefficients and adds them to the local expansion coefficients of the i-th node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::m2m_functorMultipole-to-Multipole functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::min_max_functor< T >Generic min max functor for an array
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::NDFunctorCalculates the repulsive forces acting between all nodes inside the cell of the i-th LinearQuadtree node
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::NodeAdjInfoInformation about incident edges (16 bytes)
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::NodeMoveFunctor< FLAGS >
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::not_condition_functor< Func >Functor for negating a condition
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::p2m_functorPoint-to-Multipole functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::p2p_functorLocal-to-Point functor
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::pair_call_functor< F, A >Helper functor to generate a pair as parameters
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::pair_vice_versa_functor< Func >Functor for invoking a functor for a pair(u,v) and then (v,u)
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::RandomNodeSetUtility class to select multiple nodes randomly
 Cogdf::fast_multipole_embedder::WSPDClass for the Well-Separated-Pairs-Decomposition (WSPD)
 Cogdf::FibonacciHeapNode< T >Fibonacci heap node
 Cogdf::FillProperties of fills
 Cogdf::FilteringBFSAn iterator-based BFS through a Graph
 Cogdf::FindKuratowskisThis class collects information about Kuratowski Subdivisions which is used for extraction later
 Cogdf::FlowCompactionCompaction algorithm using min-cost flow in the dual of the constraint graph
 Cogdf::FourBlockTreeA node in a 4-block tree
 Cogdf::GenericComparer< ELEM, NUM, ascending >Compare elements based on a single comparable attribute
 Cogdf::GenericLine< PointType >Infinite lines
 Cogdf::GenericPoint< T >Parameterized base class for points
 Cogdf::GF2Solver::ChunkBase< Dim, Next >
 Cogdf::GlueMap< TCost >This is a helper class to make the glueing of two edges simpler
 Cogdf::gml::ObjectRepresents node in GML parse tree
 Cogdf::gml::ParserReads GML file and constructs GML parse tree
 Cogdf::Graph::CCsInfoInfo structure for maintaining connected components
 Cogdf::Graph::HiddenEdgeSetFunctionality for temporarily hiding edges in constant time
 Cogdf::GraphAdjIteratorIterator for AdjEntries of a graph
 Cogdf::GraphAttributesStores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information)
 Cogdf::GraphIOUtility class providing graph I/O in various exchange formats
 Cogdf::GraphIO::SVGSettingsCondensed settings for drawing SVGs
 Cogdf::GridLayoutRepresentation of a graph's grid layout
 Cogdf::HashConstIterator< K, I, H >Iterators for hash tables
 Cogdf::HashElementBaseBase class for elements within a hash table
 Cogdf::HashFuncTuple< K1_, K2_, Hash1_, Hash2_ >
 Cogdf::HashingBaseBase class for hashing with chaining and table doubling
 Cogdf::HeapBase< IMPL, H, T, C >Common interface for all heap classes
 Cogdf::HierarchyRepresentation of proper hierarchies used by Sugiyama-layout
 Cogdf::HierarchyClusterLayoutModuleInterface of hierarchy layout algorithms for cluster graphs
 Cogdf::HierarchyLayoutModuleInterface of hierarchy layout algorithms
 Cogdf::HotQueue< V, P, H >Heap-on-Top queue implementation
 Cogdf::HotQueue< V, P, H >::HeapComparatorComparator used by underlying heap
 Cogdf::HotQueueHandle< V, P, HeapHandle >Heap-on-Top handle to inserted items
 Cogdf::HotQueueNode< V, P >Heap-on-Top bucket element
 Cogdf::HypergraphAttributesStores additional attributes of a hypergraph
 Cogdf::HypergraphLayoutModuleInterface of hypergraph layout algorithms
 Cogdf::InitializationThe class Initialization is used for initializing global variables
 Cogdf::InitialPlacerBase class for placer modules
 Cogdf::InOutPointRepresentation of an in- or outpoint
 Cogdf::internal::FaceAdjContainerContainer for the adjacency entries in a face
 Cogdf::internal::FaceAdjIteratorForward iterator for adjacency entries in a face
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::datastructure::FilterIterator< Iterator >
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::datastructure::IteratorRange< Iterator >
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::datastructure::UnionFindImplements the Union Find Datastructure to maintain disjoint sets efficiently
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::graph::Dijkstra< Graph, Flags >
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::graph::Drawing< Kernel, Graph >
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::graph::OGDFEntryIterator< _Entry >Iterate over entries of an ogdf graph
 Cogdf::internal::GraphArrayIteratorBase< ArrayType, isConst >
 Cogdf::internal::GraphElementThe base class for objects used by (hyper)graphs
 Cogdf::internal::GraphIteratorBase< GraphObjectPtr, isReverse, isConst >
 Cogdf::internal::GraphListBaseBase class for GraphElement lists
 Cogdf::internal::RegisteredArrayBase< Registry >Abstract base class for registered arrays
 Cogdf::internal::SimpleRange< It >
 Cogdf::IOPointsRepresentation of in- and outpoint lists
 Cogdf::KuratowskiStructureA Kuratowski Structure is a special graph structure containing severals subdivisions
 Cogdf::KuratowskiWrapperWrapper-class for Kuratowski Subdivisions containing the minortype and edgelist
 Cogdf::LayeredCrossMinModuleInterface of crossing minimization algorithms for layered graphs
 Cogdf::LayoutStores a layout of a graph (coordinates of nodes, bend points of edges)
 Cogdf::LayoutClusterPlanRepModuleInterface for planar cluster layout algorithms
 Cogdf::LayoutModuleInterface of general layout algorithms
 Cogdf::LayoutPlanRepModuleInterface for planar layout algorithms (used in the planarization approach)
 Cogdf::LayoutPlanRepUMLModuleInterface for planar UML layout algorithms
 Cogdf::LayoutStandardsStandard values for graphical attributes and layouts
 Cogdf::LayoutStatisticsComputes statistical information about a layout
 Cogdf::LCAImplements the <O(n log n), O(1)>-time "sparse table" algorithm by Bender and Farach-Colton to compute lowest common ancestors (LCAs) in arborescences (not arbitrary directed acyclic graphs)
 Cogdf::LevelBaseRepresentation of levels in hierarchies
 Cogdf::List< E >Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list)
 Cogdf::ListElement< E >Structure for elements of doubly linked lists
 Cogdf::ListIteratorBase< E, isConst, isReverse >Encapsulates a pointer to a list element
 Cogdf::ListPure< E >Doubly linked lists
 Cogdf::LoggerCentralized global and local logging facility working on streams like std::cout
 Cogdf::LongestPathCompactionCompaction algorithm using longest paths in the constraint graph
 Cogdf::MallocMemoryAllocatorImplements a simple memory manager using malloc() and free()
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::AlternatingTree< TWeight >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::AuxEdge< TWeight >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::AuxGraph< TWeight >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::AuxNode< TWeight >
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::BaseIteratorContainer< Iterator, Key, Value >Dummy class for scoped iteration of a std::unordered_map
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::BlossomVHelper< TWeight >Helper class for the blossom matching algorithms
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::PseudonodeHelper class representing a pseudonode in the Blossom algorithm
 Cogdf::matching_blossom::Pseudonode::ReferenceEdgesHelper class to store reference edges for all self loops
 Cogdf::MatchingBlossomV< TWeight >::statsStructure to store statistics
 Cogdf::MaxAdjOrderingCalculate one or all Maximum Adjacency Ordering(s) of a given simple undirected graph
 Cogdf::MaxFlowModule< T >
 Cogdf::MinCostFlowModule< TCost >Interface for min-cost flow algorithms
 Cogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt< TCost >::arctype
 Cogdf::MinCostFlowReinelt< TCost >::nodetype
 Cogdf::MinimumCutModule< T >Serves as an interface for various methods to compute minimum cuts with or without edge weights
 Cogdf::MinimumEdgeDistances< ATYPE >Maintains input sizes for improvement compaction (deltas and epsilons)
 Cogdf::MinimumEdgeDistances< ATYPE >::InfoType
 Cogdf::MinSTCutModule< TCost >
 Cogdf::MinSteinerTreeGoemans139< T >::MainClass managing LP-based approximation
 Cogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::MehlhornTripleRepresents a triple as specified in the algorithms description (see paper)
 Cogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule< T >Serves as an interface for various methods to compute or approximate minimum Steiner trees on undirected graphs with edge costs
 Cogdf::MinSteinerTreeRZLoss< T >::Main
 Cogdf::MixedModelCrossingsBeautifierModuleThe base class for Mixed-Model crossings beautifier algorithms
 Cogdf::ModifiedNibbleClustererThe modified nibble clustering algorithm
 Cogdf::ModuleBase class for modules
 Cogdf::MultilevelBuilderBase class for merger modules
 Cogdf::NearestRectangleFinderFinds in a given set of rectangles for each point in a given set of points the nearest rectangle
 Cogdf::NearestRectangleFinder::PairRectDistRepresents a rectangle (given by its index) and a distance value
 Cogdf::NearestRectangleFinder::RectRegionRepresents a rectangle given by center point, width and height
 Cogdf::NodeColoringModuleApproximation algorithms for the node coloring problem in graphs
 Cogdf::NodeColoringModule::SearchWrapperWraps the search for the minimum parameter k so that the same code can be reused for all algorithms
 Cogdf::NodeColoringModule::SubsetIteratorStruct to iterate over all node subsets of a given size
 Cogdf::NodeColoringSequential::NodeDegreeComparerClass for comparing two nodes by the node degree
 Cogdf::NonPlanarCore< TCost >Non-planar core reduction
 Cogdf::NonPlanarCore< TCost >::CutEdgeStruct to represent an edge that needs to be crossed in order to cross an st-component
 Cogdf::Observable< TObserver, TObserved >Base class for an observable object that can be tracked by multiple Observer objects
 Cogdf::Observer< TObserved, TObserver >Base class for an observer for a single Observable object
 Cogdf::OGDFAllocator< T >Encapsulates OGDF_ALLOCATOR in a class that can be used as the Allocator for containers of the C++ standard library
 Cogdf::OrthoRepOrthogonal representation of an embedded graph
 Cogdf::OrthoRep::SideInfoUMLInformation about a side of a vertex in UML diagrams
 Cogdf::OrthoRep::VertexInfoUMLFurther information about the cages of vertices in UML diagrams
 Cogdf::OverlappingGraphCopiesThe manager class for multiple OverlappingGraphCopy instances of the same graph
 Cogdf::PairingHeapNode< T >Pairing heap node
 Cogdf::PALabelAuxiliary class for the planar augmentation algorithm
 Cogdf::pc_tree::FilteringPCTreeWalk< dfs, reverse >A DFS or BFS through a PCTree
 Cogdf::pc_tree::IntrusiveList< T >
 Cogdf::pc_tree::IntrusiveList< T >::iterator
 Cogdf::pc_tree::IntrusiveList< T >::node
 Cogdf::pc_tree::PCNode::TempInfoTemporary information used during each step of the PCTree::makeConsecutive() update operation
 Cogdf::pc_tree::PCTreeA PC-tree represents a set of cyclic orders of its leaves by labeling its inner nodes as either P- or C-node and allowing arbitrary permutations of the neighbors of P-nodes while only allowing flips of C-nodes
 Cogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::NextFullLeaf< It >
 Cogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::ObserverInterface for Observers that can be notified of all changes made to the tree during an update
 Cogdf::pc_tree::PCTreeForestMultiple PCTrees can be created within the same PCTreeForest, which allows merging the trees later on by making one a child of another
 Cogdf::PertinentGraphPertinent graphs of nodes in an SPQR-tree
 Cogdf::planar_separator::SeparatorDualHelperHelper class for SeparatorDual and SeparatorDualFC
 Cogdf::planar_separator::SeparatorDualHelper::CycleDataAuxiliary lightweight data structure to represent cycles
 Cogdf::planar_separators::BFSTreeAbstract description of a Breadth First Search tree
 Cogdf::planar_separators::CycleAuxiliary data structure to represent Cycles in planar graphs
 Cogdf::planar_separators::Cycle::IteratorSpecial iterator to walk over the inward-pointing edges of the cycle
 Cogdf::planar_separators::PostprocessorAbstract description of postprocessors
 Cogdf::planar_separators::RingA closed ring of nodes
 Cogdf::PlanarityModuleModule for planarity testing and planar embeddings
 Cogdf::PlanarSeparatorModuleAbstract description of all planar separator algorithms
 Cogdf::PlanarSubgraphFast< TCost >::ThreadMaster
 Cogdf::PlanarSubgraphFast< TCost >::Worker
 Cogdf::PlanRep::Deg1RestoreInfoInformation for restoring degree-1 nodes
 Cogdf::PlanRepExpansion::NodeSplitRepresentation of a node split in a planarized expansion
 Cogdf::PoolMemoryAllocatorAllocates memory in large chunks for better runtime
 Cogdf::PoolMemoryAllocator::MemElemBasic memory element used to realize a linked list of deallocated memory segments
 Cogdf::pq_internal::Compare< T, C >Used to compare elements with assigned priorities
 Cogdf::pq_internal::PairTemplate< E, P >Pair for storing an element and a priority
 Cogdf::PQBasicKeyRootThe class PQBasicKeyRoot is used as a base class of the class template basicKey
 Cogdf::PQNode< T, X, Y >The class template PQBasicKey is an abstract base class
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< T, X, Y >The class template PQNodeKey is a derived class of class template PQBasicKey
 Cogdf::PQNodeRootThe class PQNodeRoot is used as a base class of the class PQNode
 Cogdf::PQTree< T, X, Y >
 Cogdf::PreprocessorLayout::EdgeDataDeleted Edges are stored in EdgeData
 Cogdf::Prioritized< X, Priority >Augments any data elements of type X with keys of type Priority. This class is also its own Comparer
 Cogdf::PriorityQueue< T, C, Impl >Priority queue interface wrapper for heaps
 Cogdf::RadixHeap< V, P >Radix heap data structure implementation
 Cogdf::RadixHeapNode< V, P >
 Cogdf::RandomClusterConfigParameters for the randomPlanarClustering() method
 Cogdf::Range< IT >Simple before-C++20 version for std::ranges::ref_view
 Cogdf::RankingModuleInterface of algorithms for computing a node ranking
 Cogdf::RegisteredArrayIterator< ArrayType, KeyIterator, isConst >Iterator for registered arrays
 Cogdf::RegisteredMultiArray< Key1, Key2, Value, BaseArray, array_max >Data structure for two-dimensional mappings that are sparse in the second dimension
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< Registry, SupportFastSizeQuery >Constant-time set operations
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< Key, Registry, Iterator >Abstract base class for registries
 Cogdf::Reverse< T >A wrapper class to easily iterate through a container in reverse
 Cogdf::RMHeapNode< T >Randomized meldable heap node
 Cogdf::RoutingChannel< ATYPE >Maintains input sizes for constructive compaction (size of routing channels, separation, cOverhang)
 Cogdf::RoutingChannel< ATYPE >::vInfo
 Cogdf::ShellingOrderThe shelling order of a graph
 Cogdf::ShellingOrderModuleBase class for modules that compute a shelling order of a graph
 Cogdf::SimDrawThe Base class for simultaneous graph drawing
 Cogdf::SimDrawColorizer::SimDrawColorSchemeManages the various color schemes
 Cogdf::SimDrawManipulatorModuleInterface for simdraw manipulators
 Cogdf::SkeletonSkeleton graphs of nodes in an SPQR-tree
 Cogdf::Skiplist< X >A randomized skiplist
 Cogdf::Skiplist< X >::ElementInternal structure to hold the items and internal forward pointers of the skiplist
 Cogdf::SkiplistIterator< X >Forward-Iterator for Skiplists
 Cogdf::SListElement< E >Structure for elements of singly linked lists
 Cogdf::SListIteratorBase< E, isConst >Encapsulates a pointer to an ogdf::SList element
 Cogdf::SListPure< E >Singly linked lists
 Cogdf::SortedSequence< KEY, INFO, CMP >Maintains a sequence of (key,info) pairs sorted by key
 Cogdf::SortedSequence< KEY, INFO, CMP >::ElementInternal structure to hold the items and internal forward/backward pointers of the skiplist
 Cogdf::SortedSequenceIteratorBase< KEY, INFO, CMP, isConst, isReverse >Iterators for sorted sequences
 Cogdf::SpannerBasicGreedy< TWeight >::EdgeWeightComparator
 Cogdf::SpannerElkinNeiman< TWeight >::BfsNode
 Cogdf::SpannerModule< TWeight >::TimeoutException
 Cogdf::SPQRTreeLinear-time implementation of static SPQR-trees
 Cogdf::spring_embedder::CommonForceModelBase< NodeInfo >
 Cogdf::spring_embedder::MasterBase< NodeInfo, ForceModelBase >Base class for ogdf::SpringEmbedderGridVariant::Master
 Cogdf::spring_embedder::WorkerBase< Master, NodeInfo >Base class for ogdf::SpringEmbedderGridVariant::Worker
 Cogdf::sse::ComplexDoubleClass to generate instrinsics for complex number arithmetic functions
 Cogdf::StdComparer< E >Standard comparer (valid as a static comparer)
 Cogdf::StdComparer< bool >Generates a specialization of the standard static comparer for booleans
 Cogdf::StdComparer< Prioritized< X, Priority > >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::Full2ComponentGenerator< T >Trivial full 2-component generation by lookups of shortest paths between terminal pairs
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorModule< T >Interface for full 3-component generation including auxiliary functions
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentDecisionsContains rules of thumb to decide which (sub-)algorithms to use for the generation of full components
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorCaller< T >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner< T >A generator for restricted full components (for Steiner tree approximations) based on the Dreyfus-Wagner algorithm
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner< T >::DWMDataSubgraphs (given by other subgraphs and additional node pairs) and their cost for a partial solution
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner< T >::DWMSplitA collection of two subgraphs and their total cost
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner< T >::SortedNodeListHashFunc
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix< T >A generator for restricted full components (for Steiner tree approximations) based on the Dreyfus-Wagner algorithm that does not need a precomputed all-pair-shortest-paths matrix because single-source-shortest-path are used within
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix< T >::AuxiliaryGraphNecessary because ogdf::EdgeWeightedGraphCopy<T> is rubbish
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix< T >::DWMDataSubgraphs (given by other subgraphs and additional edges) and their cost for a partial solution
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix< T >::DWMSplitA collection of two subgraphs and their total cost
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix< T >::SortedNodeListHashFunc
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore< T, ExtraDataType >A data structure to store full components
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore< T, ExtraDataType >::Metadata< Y, Enable >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentStore< T, ExtraDataType >::Metadata< Y, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< Y >::value >::type >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::Approximation< T >The actual 1.39-approximation algorithm by Goemans et al. with a set of terminalized nodes as result
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupComponents< T >Obtain and provides information about components in a given blowup graph
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::BlowupGraph< T >A special-purpose blowup graph for gammoid computation: directed, with special source and target, with core edges (implemented as nodes)
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::goemans::CoreEdgeModule< T >Interface for core edge finder algorithms
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::HeavyPathDecomposition< T >An implementation of the heavy path decomposition on trees
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::LossMetadata< T >
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent< T >Computes lower bounds for minimum Steiner tree instances
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent< T >::TerminalData
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::LowerBoundDualAscent< T >::TerminalDataReference
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::LPRelaxationSER< T >Class managing the component-based subtour elimination LP relaxation for the Steiner tree problem and its solving
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::Save< T >This class serves as an interface for different approaches concerning the calculation of save edges
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::Triple< T >This class represents a triple used by various contraction-based minimum Steiner tree approximations
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::UnorderedNodePairEqualityA class used by the unordered_maps inside the reductions
 Cogdf::steiner_tree::UnorderedNodePairHasherA class used by the unordered_maps inside the reductions
 Cogdf::SteinerTreeLowerBoundDualAscent< T >Implementation of a dual-ascent-based lower bound heuristic for Steiner tree problems
 Cogdf::SteinerTreePreprocessing< T >This class implements preprocessing strategies for the Steiner tree problem
 Cogdf::StlGreater< TYPE, COMPARER >Template for converting any StdComparer into a STL compatible compare functor
 Cogdf::StlLess< TYPE, COMPARER >Template for converting any StdComparer into a STL compatible compare functor
 Cogdf::StopwatchRealizes a stopwatch for measuring elapsed time
 Cogdf::StrokeProperties of strokes
 Cogdf::SubsetEnumerator< T >Enumerator for k-subsets of a given type
 Cogdf::SvgPrinterSVG Writer
 Cogdf::sync_plan::BiconnectedIsolationHides all (edges leading to) adjacent biconnected components without changing the current embedding
 Cogdf::sync_plan::internal::BlockEmbeddingInternal class used to embed a biconnected component with Q-vertices
 Cogdf::sync_plan::internal::EncapsulatedBlockInformation on a single block adjacent to a cut-vertex that is about to be encapsulated
 Cogdf::sync_plan::PipeA pair of matched vertices of the same degree, whose rotation shall be synchronized
 Cogdf::sync_plan::PipeCmpPtr< PipeCmp >A null-safe and priority aware comparator (wrapper) for pipes
 Cogdf::sync_plan::PipeQueueA queue of all pipes, ordered by an arbitrary comparator function
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SimpleSPQRTreeWrapper class around Triconnectivity information
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlanA class for modelling and solving Synchronized Planarity instances
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::UndoOperationThe information needed for undoing the changes a specific operation made to the graph while maintaining its embedding
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlanComponents(Bi)Connected components information maintained during the SyncPlan algorithm
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlanConsistencyConsistency checks for debugging the SyncPlan algorithm
 Cogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlanDrawerUtilities by dumping a drawing of the current state of a SyncPlan instance
 Cogdf::SystemSystem specific functionality
 Cogdf::TargetComparer< CONTENTTYPE, STATICCONTENTCOMPARER >A static comparer which compares the target of pointers ("content"), instead of the pointer's adresses
 Cogdf::TikzWriterLaTeX+TikZ Writer
 Cogdf::TileToRowsCCPacker::RowInfo< POINT >
 Cogdf::TimeouterClass for timeout funtionality
 Cogdf::topology_module::EdgeLegHelper class for the computation of crossings
 Cogdf::TopologyModuleConstructs embeddings from given layout
 Cogdf::TriconnectivityRealizes Hopcroft/Tarjan algorithm for finding the triconnected components of a biconnected multi-graph
 Cogdf::Triconnectivity::CompStructRepresentation of a component
 Cogdf::TsplibXmlParserParses tsplib files in xml format
 Cogdf::Tuple2< E1, E2 >Tuples of two elements (2-tuples)
 Cogdf::twosat_varIn debug mode, twosat_var is a class instead of a simple int to prevent unintened use of the default 0-value instead of TwoSAT_Var_Undefined
 Cogdf::UmlDiagramGraphContains the class UmlDiagramGraph which represents one particular diagram of the complete UML Model
 Cogdf::UMLGraph::AssociationClassModelling of association classes
 Cogdf::UMLLayoutModuleInterface of UML layout algorithms
 Cogdf::UPRLayoutModuleInterface of hierarchy layout algorithms
 Cogdf::UpwardPlanarityUpward planarity testing and embedding
 Cogdf::UpwardPlanaritySingleSourcePerforms upward planarity testing and embedding for single-source digraphs
 Cogdf::UpwardPlanarSubgraphModuleInterface for algorithms for computing an upward planar subgraph
 Cogdf::UsuallySmallMap< Key2, Value, array_max >A wrapper around std::map that uses a constant-size array (or only a single value) plus linear search until the map grows too big
 Cogdf::VComparer< E >Abstract base class for comparer classes
 Cogdf::VertexPositionModuleInterface for computing a good / optimal vertex position
 Cogdf::Voronoi< T >Computes Voronoi regions in an edge-weighted graph
 Cogdf::WeightComparer< T >
 Cogdf::WInfoSaves information about a pertinent node w between two stopping vertices
 Cogdf::ZipIterator< IT1, IT2 >Simple before-C++20 version for std::ranges::zip_view
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::graph::OGDFEntryIterator< adjEntry >
 Cogdf::internal::gcm::graph::OGDFEntryIterator< Entry >
 Cabacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable >
 Cabacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint >
 Cabacus::PoolSlot< CoType, BaseType >
 Cabacus::PoolSlotRef< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable >
 Cabacus::PoolSlotRef< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint >
 Cabacus::PoolSlotRef< CoType, BaseType >
 Cogdf::PQNode< edge, booth_lueker::IndInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNode< edge, IndInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNode< edge, ogdf::whaInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNode< edge, whaInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNode< edge, X, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNode< T, ogdf::whaInfo *, Y >
 Cogdf::PQNode< T, whaInfo *, Y >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< edge, booth_lueker::IndInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< edge, IndInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< edge, ogdf::whaInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< edge, whaInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< edge, X, bool >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< T, ogdf::whaInfo *, Y >
 Cogdf::PQNodeKey< T, whaInfo *, Y >
 Cogdf::PQTree< edge, IndInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQTree< edge, whaInfo *, bool >
 Cogdf::PQTree< T, whaInfo *, Y >
 Cogdf::Prioritized< X *, double >
 Cpugi::xml_object_range< It >
 CMinisat::Internal::Queue< CRef >
 CMinisat::Internal::RegionAllocator< uint32_t >
 Cogdf::RegisteredMultiArray< const OverlappingGraphCopy *, edge >
 Cogdf::RegisteredMultiArray< const OverlappingGraphCopy *, node >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< ClusterGraph, true >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< ConstCombinatorialEmbedding, SupportFastSizeQuery >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< ConstCombinatorialEmbedding, true >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< internal::GraphAdjRegistry, true >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< internal::GraphNodeRegistry, SupportFastSizeQuery >
 Cogdf::RegisteredSet< internal::GraphNodeRegistry, true >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< int, QPartitioning, int >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< Key *, GraphRegistry< Key, GraphObjectContainer< Key >, 1 >, GraphObjectContainer< Key > ::iterator >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< Key *, HypergraphRegistry< Key >, internal::GraphIterator< Key * > >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< ogdf::HyperedgeElement *, HypergraphRegistry< ogdf::HyperedgeElement >, internal::GraphIterator< ogdf::HyperedgeElement * > >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< ogdf::HypernodeElement *, HypergraphRegistry< ogdf::HypernodeElement >, internal::GraphIterator< ogdf::HypernodeElement * > >
 Cogdf::RegistryBase< PCNode *, PCTreeRegistry >
 Cogdf::RoutingChannel< int >
 Cogdf::SListElement< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint > * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< abacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< double >
 Cogdf::SListElement< int >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::AdjElement >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::AdjElement > >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::ExternE >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::KuratowskiStructure >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::PQNode< edge, ogdf::whaInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::PQNode< T, ogdf::whaInfo *, Y > * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::SimpleCluster * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::SListPure< ogdf::EdgeElement > >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::sync_plan::internal::FrozenSimplifyMapping >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::UMLGraph::AssociationClass * >
 Cogdf::SListElement< ogdf::WInfo >
 Cogdf::SListIteratorBase< ogdf::ExternE >
 Cogdf::SListPure< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< abacus::PoolSlot< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint > * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< abacus::PoolSlot< BaseType, CoType > * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< double >
 Cogdf::SListPure< int >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::AdjElement >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::ArrayBuffer< ogdf::AdjElement > >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::ClusterElement >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::EdgeElement >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::ExternE >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::KuratowskiStructure >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::PQNode< edge, ogdf::whaInfo *, bool > * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::PQNode< T, ogdf::whaInfo *, Y > * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::SimpleCluster * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::SListPure< ogdf::EdgeElement > >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::sync_plan::internal::FrozenSimplifyMapping >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::UMLGraph::AssociationClass * >
 Cogdf::SListPure< ogdf::WInfo >
 Cbackward::StackTraceImpl< system_tag::current_tag >
 Cabacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable >
 Cabacus::StandardPool< abacus::Variable, abacus::Constraint >
 Cstd::hash< ogdf::gml::Key >
 Cogdf::StdComparer< KEY >
 Cogdf::SubsetEnumerator< ogdf::NodeElement >
 Cbackward::TraceResolverImpl< system_tag::current_tag >
 Cogdf::Tuple2< I1_, I2_ >
 Cogdf::VComparer< adjEntry >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< char >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< CRef >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< double >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Idx >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< int >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::lbool >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::Lit >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::Map::Pair >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::Solver::VarData >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::vec< CRef > >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::vec< Minisat::Internal::Solver::Watcher > >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< uint32_t >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Var >
 CMinisat::Internal::vec< Vec >