| PrioritizedMapQueue (const Graph &G, const C &cmp=C(), int initialSize=-1) |
| Creates a new queue with the given comparer. More...
void | clear () |
| Removes all elements from this queue. More...
void | clear () |
| Removes all elements from this queue. More...
bool | contains (const edge &element) const |
| Returns whether this queue contains that key. More...
void | decrease (const edge &element, const P &priority) |
| Decreases the priority of the given element. More...
void | pop () |
| Removes the topmost element from the queue. More...
const P & | priority (const edge &element) const |
void | push (const edge &element, const P &priority) |
| Adds a new element to the queue. More...
| PrioritizedQueue (const C &cmp=C(), int initialSize=128) |
void | decrease (Handle pos, const P &priority) |
Handle | push (const edge &element, const P &priority) |
| Pushes a new element with the respective priority to the queue. More...
const edge & | topElement () const |
| Returns the topmost element in the queue. More...
const P & | topPriority () const |
| Returns the priority of the topmost element in this queue. More...
| PriorityQueue (const C &cmp=C(), int initialSize=128) |
| Creates empty priority queue. More...
| PriorityQueue (const PriorityQueue &other) |
| Copy constructor. More...
template<class InputIt > |
| PriorityQueue (InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &cmp=C()) |
| Creates priority queue with contents of the given range. More...
| PriorityQueue (PriorityQueue &&other) |
| Move constructor. More...
| PriorityQueue (std::initializer_list< value_type > init, const C &cmp=C()) |
| Creates priority queue with contents of the given initializer list. More...
| ~PriorityQueue () |
| Destroys the underlying data structure. More...
void | clear () |
| Removes all the entries from the queue. More...
const C & | comparator () const |
| Returns the comparator used for ordering elements. More...
void | decrease (handle pos, const T &value) |
| Decreases value of the element specified by handle to value . More...
bool | empty () const |
| Checks whether the queue is empty. More...
void | merge (PriorityQueue &other) |
| Merges in enqueued values of other queue. More...
PriorityQueue & | operator= (PriorityQueue other) |
| Copy and move assignment. More...
PriorityQueue & | operator= (std::initializer_list< value_type > ilist) |
| Assigns the priority queue contents of the given initializer list. More...
void | pop () |
| Removes the top element from the heap. More...
handle | push (const value_type &value) |
| Inserts a new element with given value into the queue. More...
template<class InputIt > |
void | push (InputIt first, InputIt last) |
| Inserts new elements specified by the given range. More...
void | push (std::initializer_list< value_type > ilist) |
| Inserts new elements specified by the given initializer list. More...
size_type | size () const |
| Returns the number of enqueued elements. More...
void | swap (PriorityQueue &other) |
| Swaps the contents. More...
const T & | top () const |
| Returns reference to the top element in the queue. More...
const T & | value (handle pos) const |
| Returns the priority of that handle. More...
template<typename P, class C, template< typename, class > class Impl, template< typename > class HashFunc>
class ogdf::PrioritizedMapQueue< edge, P, C, Impl, HashFunc >
Specialization for edge elements.
Definition at line 461 of file PriorityQueue.h.