Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree Class Reference

A PC-tree represents a set of cyclic orders of its leaves by labeling its inner nodes as either P- or C-node and allowing arbitrary permutations of the neighbors of P-nodes while only allowing flips of C-nodes. More...

#include <ogdf/basic/pctree/PCTree.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree:


struct  LoggingObserver
struct  NextFullLeaf
struct  Observer
 Interface for Observers that can be notified of all changes made to the tree during an update. More...

Public Member Functions

 PCTree ()
 Constructs a new PCTree. More...
 PCTree (const PCTree &other, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &nodeMapping, bool keep_ids=false, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Copy a PCTree. More...
 PCTree (const std::string &str, bool keep_ids=false, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Deserialize a PCTree from a string str as generated by operator<<(std::ostream&, const PCTree*) or PCTree::uniqueID(). More...
 PCTree (int leafNum, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Convenience method generating a PCTree consisting of a single P-node with leafNum leaves, which are all copied to the optional list added. More...
 PCTree (PCTreeForest *forest)
 Constructs a new PCTree that is part of forest and can thus be merged with any other PCTree of the same forest. More...
virtual ~PCTree ()
 operator const PCTreeRegistry & () const
PCTreeForestgetForest () const
 The PCTreeForest this PCTree belongs to, or nullptr. More...
bool isTrivial () const
 Whether this PCTree allows all orders (consists of a single P-node). More...
const IntrusiveList< PCNode > & getLeaves () const
size_t getLeafCount () const
size_t getPNodeCount () const
size_t getCNodeCount () const
PCNodegetRootNode () const
int getTerminalPathLength () const
FilteringPCTreeDFS allNodes () const
 An iterable through all nodes of this PCTree. More...
FilteringPCTreeDFS innerNodes () const
 An iterable through all inner (non-leaf) nodes of this PCTree. More...
template<typename Container >
void currentLeafOrder (Container &container) const
 Store the order of leaves currently represented by this tree in container. More...
std::vector< PCNode * > currentLeafOrder () const
bool checkValid (bool allow_small_deg=true) const
 Validity check for debugging assertions. More...
bool isValidOrder (const std::vector< PCNode * > &order) const
 Check whether the order order is represented by this tree. More...
void getTree (ogdf::Graph &tree, ogdf::GraphAttributes *g_a, PCTreeNodeArray< ogdf::node > &pc_repr, ogdf::NodeArray< PCNode * > *g_repr=nullptr, bool mark_full=false, bool show_sibs=false) const
 Get a graphical representation of this tree as Graph. More...
void getRestrictions (std::vector< std::vector< PCNode * >> &restrictions, PCNode *fixedLeaf=nullptr) const
 Get a list of all cyclic restrictions used to generate this tree. More...
template<typename R >
possibleOrders () const
 Calculate the number of cyclic orders represented by this tree. More...
std::ostream & uniqueID (std::ostream &os, const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &printNode=uid_utils::nodeToID, const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &compareNodes=uid_utils::compareNodesByID)
 Print a deterministic and unique representation of this PCTree to os. More...
std::string uniqueID (const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &printNode=uid_utils::nodeToID, [[maybe_unused]] const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &compareNodes=uid_utils::compareNodesByID)

Private Attributes

PCNodem_apexCandidate = nullptr
bool m_apexCandidateIsFix = false
PCNodem_apexTPPred2 = nullptr
size_t m_cNodeCount = 0
bool m_externalForest = true
PCNodem_firstPartial = nullptr
PCTreeForestm_forest = nullptr
PCNodem_lastPartial = nullptr
IntrusiveList< PCNodem_leaves
std::list< Observer * > m_observers
size_t m_partialCount = 0
size_t m_pNodeCount = 0
PCNodem_rootNode = nullptr
size_t m_terminalPathLength = 0


std::ostream & operator<<) (std::ostream &, const ogdf::pc_tree::PCNode *)
std::ostream & operator<<) (std::ostream &, const ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree *)
class PCNode
class PCTreeForest
class PCTreeRegistry

Node creation / destruction

PCNodenewNode (PCNodeType type, PCNode *parent=nullptr, int id=-1)
 Create a new node. More...
void destroyNode (PCNode *&node)
 Destroy a node. More...
void destroyNode (PCNode *const &node)
 Destroy a node. More...
void insertLeaves (int count, PCNode *parent, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr)
 Attach count leaves to P- or C-node parent and optionally store the new leaves in a vector added. More...
void replaceLeaf (int leafCount, PCNode *leaf, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr)
 Convert leaf into a P-node and attach leafCount new leaves to it. More...
PCNodemergeLeaves (const std::vector< PCNode * > &consecutiveLeaves, bool assumeConsecutive=false)
 Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it. More...
template<typename It >
PCNodemergeLeaves (It begin, It end, bool assumeConsecutive=false)
 Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it. More...
void destroyLeaf (PCNode *leaf)
 Remove a leaf and also any newly-introduced inner degree-2 or -1 nodes. More...
PCNodesetRoot (PCNode *newRoot)
 Overwrite the stored root for this PC-tree. More...
PCNodechangeRoot (PCNode *newRoot)
 Change the orientation of edges such that newRoot becomes the root of the tree. More...
PCNodeType changeNodeType (PCNode *node, PCNodeType newType)
 Change the type of a node and update all its registrations. More...
void insertTree (PCNode *at, PCTree *tree)
 Insert tree tree into this tree at node at. More...
void unregisterNode (PCNode *node)
void registerNode (PCNode *node)


bool isTrivialRestriction (int size) const
bool makeConsecutive (std::initializer_list< PCNode * > consecutiveLeaves)
bool makeConsecutive (const std::vector< PCNode * > &consecutiveLeaves)
template<typename It >
bool makeConsecutive (It begin, It end)
 Make the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) consecutive in all represented orders. More...
void resetTempData ()
 Reset all makeConsecutive()-related temporary information, especially which leaves are full (should be made consecutive). More...
template<typename It >
void markLeavesFull (It begin, It end)
 Only marks leaves full, does not update partial/full info of parents. More...
template<typename It >
void markFull (It begin, It end, std::vector< PCNode * > *fullNodeOrder=nullptr)
 Marks the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) full, that is marked for being made consecutive in all represented orders. More...
bool makeFullNodesConsecutive ()
 Updates the tree to make all leaves marked as full consecutive in all represented orders. More...
PCNodemarkFull (PCNode *full_node, std::vector< PCNode * > *fullNodeOrder=nullptr)
bool findTerminalPath ()
void updateSingletonTerminalPath ()
PCNodecreateCentralNode ()
int updateTerminalPath (PCNode *central, PCNode *tpNeigh)
void addPartialNode (PCNode *partial)
void removePartialNode (PCNode *partial)
bool checkTPPartialCNode (PCNode *node)
size_t findEndOfFullBlock (PCNode *node, PCNode *pred, PCNode *curr, PCNode *&fullEnd, PCNode *&emptyEnd) const
bool setApexCandidate (PCNode *ac, bool fix=false)
void replaceTPNeigh (PCNode *central, PCNode *oldTPNeigh, PCNode *newTPNeigh, PCNode *newFullNeigh, PCNode *otherEndOfFullBlock)
PCNodesplitOffFullPNode (PCNode *node, bool skip_parent)


bool intersect (PCTree &other, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &mapping)
 Intersect the restrictions represented by this tree with those represented by other, given a bijection mapping from the leaves of other to this trees' leaves. More...
bool findNodeRestrictions (PCTree &applyTo, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &mapping, PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &blockNodes, PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &subtreeNodes, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &leafPartner, PCTreeNodeArray< bool > &isFront)
void restoreSubtrees (PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &blockNodes, PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &subtreeNodes, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &leafPartner, PCTreeNodeArray< bool > &isFront)


using FullLeafIter = std::function< std::function< PCNode *()>()>
std::list< Observer * >::const_iterator addObserver (Observer *observer)
void removeObserver (std::list< Observer * >::const_iterator it)
void removeObserver (Observer *observer)

Detailed Description

A PC-tree represents a set of cyclic orders of its leaves by labeling its inner nodes as either P- or C-node and allowing arbitrary permutations of the neighbors of P-nodes while only allowing flips of C-nodes.

The operation PCTree::makeConsecutive() updates the tree such that a set of leaves is consecutive in all represented cyclic orders.

If you are using this implementation, please cite the following work:

Simon D. Fink, Matthias Pfretzschner, and Ignaz Rutter. 2023. Experimental Comparison of PC-Trees and PQ-Trees. ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics 28, Article 1.10 (December 2023).

For more details, see also (open access):

Simon D. Fink. 2024. Constrained Planarity Algorithms in Theory and Practice. Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau.

Definition at line 109 of file PCTree.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ FullLeafIter

using ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::FullLeafIter = std::function<std::function<PCNode*()>()>

Definition at line 622 of file PCTree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PCTree() [1/5]

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::PCTree ( )

Constructs a new PCTree.

The tree will be part of an automatically managed internal forest and thus not allow merging with other trees.

Definition at line 150 of file PCTree.h.

◆ PCTree() [2/5]

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::PCTree ( PCTreeForest forest)

Constructs a new PCTree that is part of forest and can thus be merged with any other PCTree of the same forest.

Definition at line 155 of file PCTree.h.

◆ PCTree() [3/5]

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::PCTree ( int  leafNum,
std::vector< PCNode * > *  added = nullptr,
PCTreeForest forest = nullptr 

Convenience method generating a PCTree consisting of a single P-node with leafNum leaves, which are all copied to the optional list added.

Automatically creates and manages a forest if forest is null.

◆ PCTree() [4/5]

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::PCTree ( const PCTree other,
PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &  nodeMapping,
bool  keep_ids = false,
PCTreeForest forest = nullptr 

Copy a PCTree.

otherThe PCTree to copy.
nodeMappingWill be assigned a mapping from the nodes of other to the newly created nodes in this tree.
keep_idsSet to true to use the same node IDs as in other, otherwise consecutive IDs will be generated.
forestAutomatically create and manages a forest if forest is null.

◆ PCTree() [5/5]

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::PCTree ( const std::string &  str,
bool  keep_ids = false,
PCTreeForest forest = nullptr 

Deserialize a PCTree from a string str as generated by operator<<(std::ostream&, const PCTree*) or PCTree::uniqueID().

Automatically creates and manages a forest if forest is null.

◆ ~PCTree()

virtual ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::~PCTree ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addObserver()

std::list<Observer*>::const_iterator ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::addObserver ( Observer observer)

Definition at line 688 of file PCTree.h.

◆ addPartialNode()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::addPartialNode ( PCNode partial)

◆ allNodes()

FilteringPCTreeDFS ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::allNodes ( ) const

An iterable through all nodes of this PCTree.

Definition at line 520 of file PCTree.h.

◆ changeNodeType()

PCNodeType ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::changeNodeType ( PCNode node,
PCNodeType  newType 

Change the type of a node and update all its registrations.

the previous type of the node.

◆ changeRoot()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::changeRoot ( PCNode newRoot)

Change the orientation of edges such that newRoot becomes the root of the tree.

The previous root.
See also

◆ checkTPPartialCNode()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::checkTPPartialCNode ( PCNode node)

◆ checkValid()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::checkValid ( bool  allow_small_deg = true) const

Validity check for debugging assertions.

◆ createCentralNode()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::createCentralNode ( )

◆ currentLeafOrder() [1/2]

std::vector<PCNode*> ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::currentLeafOrder ( ) const

Definition at line 538 of file PCTree.h.

◆ currentLeafOrder() [2/2]

template<typename Container >
void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::currentLeafOrder ( Container &  container) const

Store the order of leaves currently represented by this tree in container.

Definition at line 529 of file PCTree.h.

◆ destroyLeaf()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::destroyLeaf ( PCNode leaf)

Remove a leaf and also any newly-introduced inner degree-2 or -1 nodes.

Unlike destroyNode(), the leaf leaf must still be attached (so that its parent's degree can be checked)

See also

◆ destroyNode() [1/2]

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::destroyNode ( PCNode *&  node)

Destroy a node.

The node must be detached and may not be the root of this tree.

nodewill be set to null afterwards

Definition at line 209 of file PCTree.h.

◆ destroyNode() [2/2]

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::destroyNode ( PCNode *const &  node)

Destroy a node.

The node must be detached and may not be the root of this tree.

◆ findEndOfFullBlock()

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::findEndOfFullBlock ( PCNode node,
PCNode pred,
PCNode curr,
PCNode *&  fullEnd,
PCNode *&  emptyEnd 
) const

◆ findNodeRestrictions()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::findNodeRestrictions ( PCTree applyTo,
PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &  mapping,
PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &  blockNodes,
PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &  subtreeNodes,
PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &  leafPartner,
PCTreeNodeArray< bool > &  isFront 

◆ findTerminalPath()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::findTerminalPath ( )

◆ getCNodeCount()

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getCNodeCount ( ) const

Definition at line 510 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getForest()

PCTreeForest* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getForest ( ) const

The PCTreeForest this PCTree belongs to, or nullptr.

Definition at line 499 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getLeafCount()

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getLeafCount ( ) const

Definition at line 506 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getLeaves()

const IntrusiveList<PCNode>& ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getLeaves ( ) const

Definition at line 504 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getPNodeCount()

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getPNodeCount ( ) const

Definition at line 508 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getRestrictions()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getRestrictions ( std::vector< std::vector< PCNode * >> &  restrictions,
PCNode fixedLeaf = nullptr 
) const

Get a list of all cyclic restrictions used to generate this tree.

If a fixedLeaf was given, the restrictions will linear with none of them containing fixedLeaf.

◆ getRootNode()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getRootNode ( ) const

Definition at line 512 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getTerminalPathLength()

int ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getTerminalPathLength ( ) const
the length of the terminal path in the last update operation

Definition at line 517 of file PCTree.h.

◆ getTree()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::getTree ( ogdf::Graph tree,
ogdf::GraphAttributes g_a,
PCTreeNodeArray< ogdf::node > &  pc_repr,
ogdf::NodeArray< PCNode * > *  g_repr = nullptr,
bool  mark_full = false,
bool  show_sibs = false 
) const

Get a graphical representation of this tree as Graph.

◆ innerNodes()

FilteringPCTreeDFS ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::innerNodes ( ) const

An iterable through all inner (non-leaf) nodes of this PCTree.

Definition at line 523 of file PCTree.h.

◆ insertLeaves()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::insertLeaves ( int  count,
PCNode parent,
std::vector< PCNode * > *  added = nullptr 

Attach count leaves to P- or C-node parent and optionally store the new leaves in a vector added.

◆ insertTree()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::insertTree ( PCNode at,
PCTree tree 

Insert tree tree into this tree at node at.

Both trees need to be part of the same forest. All observers of tree will be moved to this tree. If at is a leaf, it will be replaced by tree, otherwise tree will be appended as child of at.

◆ intersect()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::intersect ( PCTree other,
PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &  mapping 

Intersect the restrictions represented by this tree with those represented by other, given a bijection mapping from the leaves of other to this trees' leaves.

true if the intersection is non-empty and this now represented by this tree. Otherwise, the intersection is empty and the state of this tree is undefined.

◆ isTrivial()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::isTrivial ( ) const

Whether this PCTree allows all orders (consists of a single P-node).

◆ isTrivialRestriction()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::isTrivialRestriction ( int  size) const
true if calling makeConsecutive() with size leaves never requires changes to the tree. This is the case for size values 0, 1, getLeafCount() - 1, and getLeafCount().
See also

◆ isValidOrder()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::isValidOrder ( const std::vector< PCNode * > &  order) const

Check whether the order order is represented by this tree.

◆ makeConsecutive() [1/3]

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::makeConsecutive ( const std::vector< PCNode * > &  consecutiveLeaves)

Definition at line 331 of file PCTree.h.

◆ makeConsecutive() [2/3]

template<typename It >
bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::makeConsecutive ( It  begin,
It  end 

Make the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) consecutive in all represented orders.

This is equivalent to calling resetTempData() and markFull(It, It, std::vector<PCNode*>*) followd by makeFullNodesConsecutive().

true if the update was successful, false if the leaves cannot be made consecutive and the tree was left unchanged.

Definition at line 343 of file PCTree.h.

◆ makeConsecutive() [3/3]

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::makeConsecutive ( std::initializer_list< PCNode * >  consecutiveLeaves)

Definition at line 327 of file PCTree.h.

◆ makeFullNodesConsecutive()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::makeFullNodesConsecutive ( )

Updates the tree to make all leaves marked as full consecutive in all represented orders.

Requires labels of parents to be correctly set by markFull(It, It, std::vector<PCNode*>*).

true if the update was successful, false if the leaves cannot be made consecutive and the tree was left unchanged.

◆ markFull() [1/2]

template<typename It >
void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::markFull ( It  begin,
It  end,
std::vector< PCNode * > *  fullNodeOrder = nullptr 

Marks the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) full, that is marked for being made consecutive in all represented orders.

Also propagates the markings to parents, which is required for makeFullNodesConsecutive().

Definition at line 408 of file PCTree.h.

◆ markFull() [2/2]

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::markFull ( PCNode full_node,
std::vector< PCNode * > *  fullNodeOrder = nullptr 

◆ markLeavesFull()

template<typename It >
void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::markLeavesFull ( It  begin,
It  end 

Only marks leaves full, does not update partial/full info of parents.

Use markFull(It, It, std::vector<PCNode*>*) to also update parents for use with makeFullNodesConsecutive().

Definition at line 392 of file PCTree.h.

◆ mergeLeaves() [1/2]

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::mergeLeaves ( const std::vector< PCNode * > &  consecutiveLeaves,
bool  assumeConsecutive = false 

Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it.

consecutiveLeavesThe leaves that shall be merged.
assumeConsecutiveSet to true if you already called makeConsecutive() on the leaves.
The entry of consecutiveLeaves into which all other leaves got merged.

Definition at line 237 of file PCTree.h.

◆ mergeLeaves() [2/2]

template<typename It >
PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::mergeLeaves ( It  begin,
It  end,
bool  assumeConsecutive = false 

Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it.

begin,endIterator range spanning the leaves that shall be merged.
assumeConsecutiveSet to true if you already called makeConsecutive() on the leaves.
The entry of consecutiveLeaves into which all other leaves got merged.

Definition at line 250 of file PCTree.h.

◆ newNode()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::newNode ( PCNodeType  type,
PCNode parent = nullptr,
int  id = -1 

Create a new node.

typeThe type of the node.
parentParent to attach this node to, may only be null if this tree is empty and thus has no root.
idID for the new node, or -1 to automatically use the next free one.
the new node

◆ operator const PCTreeRegistry &()

ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::operator const PCTreeRegistry & ( ) const

Definition at line 496 of file PCTree.h.

◆ possibleOrders()

template<typename R >
R ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::possibleOrders ( ) const

Calculate the number of cyclic orders represented by this tree.

Definition at line 564 of file PCTree.h.

◆ registerNode()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::registerNode ( PCNode node)

◆ removeObserver() [1/2]

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::removeObserver ( Observer observer)

Definition at line 695 of file PCTree.h.

◆ removeObserver() [2/2]

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::removeObserver ( std::list< Observer * >::const_iterator  it)

Definition at line 693 of file PCTree.h.

◆ removePartialNode()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::removePartialNode ( PCNode partial)

◆ replaceLeaf()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::replaceLeaf ( int  leafCount,
PCNode leaf,
std::vector< PCNode * > *  added = nullptr 

Convert leaf into a P-node and attach leafCount new leaves to it.

◆ replaceTPNeigh()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::replaceTPNeigh ( PCNode central,
PCNode oldTPNeigh,
PCNode newTPNeigh,
PCNode newFullNeigh,
PCNode otherEndOfFullBlock 

◆ resetTempData()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::resetTempData ( )

Reset all makeConsecutive()-related temporary information, especially which leaves are full (should be made consecutive).

Definition at line 377 of file PCTree.h.

◆ restoreSubtrees()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::restoreSubtrees ( PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &  blockNodes,
PCTreeNodeArray< std::vector< PCNode * >> &  subtreeNodes,
PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &  leafPartner,
PCTreeNodeArray< bool > &  isFront 

◆ setApexCandidate()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::setApexCandidate ( PCNode ac,
bool  fix = false 

◆ setRoot()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::setRoot ( PCNode newRoot)

Overwrite the stored root for this PC-tree.

Note that the passed newRoot needs to be valid as root for this tree.

The old node stored as root.
See also

◆ splitOffFullPNode()

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::splitOffFullPNode ( PCNode node,
bool  skip_parent 

◆ uniqueID() [1/2]

std::string ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::uniqueID ( const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &  printNode = uid_utils::nodeToID,
[[maybe_unused] ] const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &  compareNodes = uid_utils::compareNodesByID 

Definition at line 589 of file PCTree.h.

◆ uniqueID() [2/2]

std::ostream& ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::uniqueID ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &  printNode = uid_utils::nodeToID,
const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &  compareNodes = uid_utils::compareNodesByID 

Print a deterministic and unique representation of this PCTree to os.

Unique node IDs and a deterministic order of nodes' children is generated using printNode and compareNodes, respectively.

See also

◆ unregisterNode()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::unregisterNode ( PCNode node)

◆ updateSingletonTerminalPath()

void ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::updateSingletonTerminalPath ( )

◆ updateTerminalPath()

int ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::updateTerminalPath ( PCNode central,
PCNode tpNeigh 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<) [1/2]

std::ostream& operator<<) ( std::ostream &  ,
const ogdf::pc_tree::PCNode  

◆ operator<<) [2/2]

std::ostream& operator<<) ( std::ostream &  ,
const ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree  

◆ PCNode

friend class PCNode

Definition at line 113 of file PCTree.h.

◆ PCTreeForest

friend class PCTreeForest

Definition at line 115 of file PCTree.h.

◆ PCTreeRegistry

friend class PCTreeRegistry

Definition at line 114 of file PCTree.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_apexCandidate

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_apexCandidate = nullptr

Definition at line 137 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_apexCandidateIsFix

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_apexCandidateIsFix = false

Definition at line 138 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_apexTPPred2

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_apexTPPred2 = nullptr

Definition at line 139 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_cNodeCount

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_cNodeCount = 0

Definition at line 126 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_externalForest

bool ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_externalForest = true

Definition at line 142 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_firstPartial

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_firstPartial = nullptr

Definition at line 135 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_forest

PCTreeForest* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_forest = nullptr

Definition at line 122 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_lastPartial

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_lastPartial = nullptr

Definition at line 136 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_leaves

IntrusiveList<PCNode> ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_leaves

Definition at line 127 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_observers

std::list<Observer*> ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_observers

Definition at line 143 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_partialCount

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_partialCount = 0

Definition at line 133 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_pNodeCount

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_pNodeCount = 0

Definition at line 125 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_rootNode

PCNode* ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_rootNode = nullptr

Definition at line 130 of file PCTree.h.

◆ m_terminalPathLength

size_t ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree::m_terminalPathLength = 0

Definition at line 134 of file PCTree.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: