Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation Class Reference

This class represents the embedding tree of a single node in a biconnected component. More...

#include <ogdf/basic/pctree/NodePCRotation.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation:

Public Member Functions

 NodePCRotation (const Graph &G, node n, bool mapBundleEdges=true)
 Calculate the embedding tree of node n in graph G. More...
void generateInnerNodeForGraphNodeMapping (NodeArray< PCNode * > &mapping) const
void generateLeafForIncidentEdgeMapping (EdgeArray< PCNode * > &mapping) const
void generatePartnerEdgesForIncidentEdge (EdgeArray< const List< edge > * > &mapping) const
const GraphgetGraph () const
node getGraphNodeForInnerNode (PCNode *n) const
 Returns which graph node created a P-node during the run of the planarity test that resulted in this embedding tree. More...
edge getIncidentEdgeForLeaf (PCNode *n) const
 Returns which incident edge corresponds to which leaf. More...
node getNode () const
const List< edge > & getPartnerEdgesForLeaf (PCNode *l) const
 If this embedding tree is trivial and getNode() thus has a partner pole, returns the set of edges incident to the pole that correspond to a given leaf l. More...
node getTrivialPartnerPole () const
 If this embedding tree is trivial (i.e., consists of a single P-node allowing arbitrary rotations), the graphs must contain another node called pole that mirrors the rotation of this node. More...
bool isEqual (const NodePCRotation &pc) const
 Equality check where to leaves are considered the same if they map to the same edge via getIncidentEdgeForLeaf() in both trees. More...
bool knowsPartnerEdges () const
void setIncidentEdgeForLeaf (PCNode *n, edge e)
 This is only needed so that SyncPlan::propagatePQ can fix its mapping when propagating into an adjacent cut. More...
std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> uidComparer () const
std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> uidPrinter () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree
 PCTree ()
 Constructs a new PCTree. More...
 PCTree (const PCTree &other, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &nodeMapping, bool keep_ids=false, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Copy a PCTree. More...
 PCTree (const std::string &str, bool keep_ids=false, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Deserialize a PCTree from a string str as generated by operator<<(std::ostream&, const PCTree*) or PCTree::uniqueID(). More...
 PCTree (int leafNum, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr, PCTreeForest *forest=nullptr)
 Convenience method generating a PCTree consisting of a single P-node with leafNum leaves, which are all copied to the optional list added. More...
 PCTree (PCTreeForest *forest)
 Constructs a new PCTree that is part of forest and can thus be merged with any other PCTree of the same forest. More...
virtual ~PCTree ()
 operator const PCTreeRegistry & () const
PCTreeForestgetForest () const
 The PCTreeForest this PCTree belongs to, or nullptr. More...
bool isTrivial () const
 Whether this PCTree allows all orders (consists of a single P-node). More...
const IntrusiveList< PCNode > & getLeaves () const
size_t getLeafCount () const
size_t getPNodeCount () const
size_t getCNodeCount () const
PCNodegetRootNode () const
int getTerminalPathLength () const
FilteringPCTreeDFS allNodes () const
 An iterable through all nodes of this PCTree. More...
FilteringPCTreeDFS innerNodes () const
 An iterable through all inner (non-leaf) nodes of this PCTree. More...
template<typename Container >
void currentLeafOrder (Container &container) const
 Store the order of leaves currently represented by this tree in container. More...
std::vector< PCNode * > currentLeafOrder () const
bool checkValid (bool allow_small_deg=true) const
 Validity check for debugging assertions. More...
bool isValidOrder (const std::vector< PCNode * > &order) const
 Check whether the order order is represented by this tree. More...
void getTree (ogdf::Graph &tree, ogdf::GraphAttributes *g_a, PCTreeNodeArray< ogdf::node > &pc_repr, ogdf::NodeArray< PCNode * > *g_repr=nullptr, bool mark_full=false, bool show_sibs=false) const
 Get a graphical representation of this tree as Graph. More...
void getRestrictions (std::vector< std::vector< PCNode * >> &restrictions, PCNode *fixedLeaf=nullptr) const
 Get a list of all cyclic restrictions used to generate this tree. More...
template<typename R >
possibleOrders () const
 Calculate the number of cyclic orders represented by this tree. More...
std::ostream & uniqueID (std::ostream &os, const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &printNode=uid_utils::nodeToID, const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &compareNodes=uid_utils::compareNodesByID)
 Print a deterministic and unique representation of this PCTree to os. More...
std::string uniqueID (const std::function< void(std::ostream &os, PCNode *, int)> &printNode=uid_utils::nodeToID, [[maybe_unused]] const std::function< bool(PCNode *, PCNode *)> &compareNodes=uid_utils::compareNodesByID)
std::list< Observer * >::const_iterator addObserver (Observer *observer)
void removeObserver (std::list< Observer * >::const_iterator it)
void removeObserver (Observer *observer)
PCNodenewNode (PCNodeType type, PCNode *parent=nullptr, int id=-1)
 Create a new node. More...
void destroyNode (PCNode *&node)
 Destroy a node. More...
void destroyNode (PCNode *const &node)
 Destroy a node. More...
void insertLeaves (int count, PCNode *parent, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr)
 Attach count leaves to P- or C-node parent and optionally store the new leaves in a vector added. More...
void replaceLeaf (int leafCount, PCNode *leaf, std::vector< PCNode * > *added=nullptr)
 Convert leaf into a P-node and attach leafCount new leaves to it. More...
PCNodemergeLeaves (const std::vector< PCNode * > &consecutiveLeaves, bool assumeConsecutive=false)
 Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it. More...
template<typename It >
PCNodemergeLeaves (It begin, It end, bool assumeConsecutive=false)
 Merge multiple leaves into a single one and return it. More...
void destroyLeaf (PCNode *leaf)
 Remove a leaf and also any newly-introduced inner degree-2 or -1 nodes. More...
PCNodesetRoot (PCNode *newRoot)
 Overwrite the stored root for this PC-tree. More...
PCNodechangeRoot (PCNode *newRoot)
 Change the orientation of edges such that newRoot becomes the root of the tree. More...
PCNodeType changeNodeType (PCNode *node, PCNodeType newType)
 Change the type of a node and update all its registrations. More...
void insertTree (PCNode *at, PCTree *tree)
 Insert tree tree into this tree at node at. More...
bool isTrivialRestriction (int size) const
bool makeConsecutive (std::initializer_list< PCNode * > consecutiveLeaves)
bool makeConsecutive (const std::vector< PCNode * > &consecutiveLeaves)
template<typename It >
bool makeConsecutive (It begin, It end)
 Make the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) consecutive in all represented orders. More...
void resetTempData ()
 Reset all makeConsecutive()-related temporary information, especially which leaves are full (should be made consecutive). More...
template<typename It >
void markLeavesFull (It begin, It end)
 Only marks leaves full, does not update partial/full info of parents. More...
template<typename It >
void markFull (It begin, It end, std::vector< PCNode * > *fullNodeOrder=nullptr)
 Marks the leaves contained in the range denoted by iterators begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive) full, that is marked for being made consecutive in all represented orders. More...
bool makeFullNodesConsecutive ()
 Updates the tree to make all leaves marked as full consecutive in all represented orders. More...
bool intersect (PCTree &other, PCTreeNodeArray< PCNode * > &mapping)
 Intersect the restrictions represented by this tree with those represented by other, given a bijection mapping from the leaves of other to this trees' leaves. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static node getTrivialPartnerPole (const Graph &G, node n)

Protected Member Functions

 NodePCRotation ()

Protected Attributes

PCTreeNodeArray< List< edge > > m_bundleEdgesForLeaf
const Graphm_G
PCTreeNodeArray< nodem_graphNodeForInnerNode
PCTreeNodeArray< edgem_incidentEdgeForLeaf
node m_n

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ogdf::pc_tree::PCTree
using FullLeafIter = std::function< std::function< PCNode *()>()>

Detailed Description

This class represents the embedding tree of a single node in a biconnected component.

The embedding tree is a PCTree with one leaf for each incident edge that describes all possible rotations of the incident edges in all planar embeddings of the component. Uses the Booth&Lueker Planarity Test for computing the embedding tree, see (Section 9.2).

Definition at line 44 of file NodePCRotation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NodePCRotation() [1/2]

ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::NodePCRotation ( )

Definition at line 53 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ NodePCRotation() [2/2]

ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::NodePCRotation ( const Graph G,
node  n,
bool  mapBundleEdges = true 

Calculate the embedding tree of node n in graph G.

The connected component of n has to be biconnected.

GThe graph of n.
nThe node for which we want an embedding tree.
mapBundleEdgesBy default, the data needed for method getPartnerEdgesForLeaf() will also be generated. Set to false to turn this off.
GraphNotPlanarExceptionif the component of n is non-planar.

Member Function Documentation

◆ generateInnerNodeForGraphNodeMapping()

void ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::generateInnerNodeForGraphNodeMapping ( NodeArray< PCNode * > &  mapping) const

Definition at line 94 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ generateLeafForIncidentEdgeMapping()

void ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::generateLeafForIncidentEdgeMapping ( EdgeArray< PCNode * > &  mapping) const

Definition at line 75 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ generatePartnerEdgesForIncidentEdge()

void ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::generatePartnerEdgesForIncidentEdge ( EdgeArray< const List< edge > * > &  mapping) const

Definition at line 107 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getGraph()

const Graph* ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 134 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getGraphNodeForInnerNode()

node ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getGraphNodeForInnerNode ( PCNode n) const

Returns which graph node created a P-node during the run of the planarity test that resulted in this embedding tree.

nA P-node of this PCtree.
A node of getGraph() corresponding to n.

Definition at line 105 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getIncidentEdgeForLeaf()

edge ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getIncidentEdgeForLeaf ( PCNode n) const

Returns which incident edge corresponds to which leaf.

nA leaf of this PCtree.
An edge incident to getNode() corresponding to n.

Definition at line 86 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getNode()

node ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getNode ( ) const

Definition at line 136 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getPartnerEdgesForLeaf()

const List<edge>& ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getPartnerEdgesForLeaf ( PCNode l) const

If this embedding tree is trivial and getNode() thus has a partner pole, returns the set of edges incident to the pole that correspond to a given leaf l.

If the pole is also trivial, this is a one-to-one mapping. Otherwise, multiple edges incident to getTrivialPartnerPole() may correspond to one edge incident to getNode(). Setting mapBundleEdges to false disables this functionality.

lA leaf of this PC-tree.
A list of edges incident to getTrivialPartnerPole() corresponding to l.

Definition at line 121 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ getTrivialPartnerPole() [1/2]

node ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getTrivialPartnerPole ( ) const

If this embedding tree is trivial (i.e., consists of a single P-node allowing arbitrary rotations), the graphs must contain another node called pole that mirrors the rotation of this node.

the pole corresponding to the node that this embedding tree represents, or nullptr if no pole exists

◆ getTrivialPartnerPole() [2/2]

static node ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::getTrivialPartnerPole ( const Graph G,
node  n 

◆ isEqual()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::isEqual ( const NodePCRotation pc) const

Equality check where to leaves are considered the same if they map to the same edge via getIncidentEdgeForLeaf() in both trees.

pcThe other tree.
true iff the leaves of both tree map to the same edges and they represent the same restrictions on these leaves/edges.

◆ knowsPartnerEdges()

bool ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::knowsPartnerEdges ( ) const
the value passed to mapBundleEdges in the constructor

Definition at line 126 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ setIncidentEdgeForLeaf()

void ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::setIncidentEdgeForLeaf ( PCNode n,
edge  e 

This is only needed so that SyncPlan::propagatePQ can fix its mapping when propagating into an adjacent cut.

This method is thus considered internal.

Definition at line 92 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ uidComparer()

std::function<bool(PCNode*, PCNode*)> ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::uidComparer ( ) const
A comparison function that uses the same info as uidPrinter() to make the comparison deterministic if the underlying graph structure is the same.
See also

◆ uidPrinter()

std::function<void(std::ostream& os, PCNode*, int)> ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::uidPrinter ( ) const
A function that prints the ID of the respective graph node / edge for an inner node / leaf.
See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bundleEdgesForLeaf

PCTreeNodeArray<List<edge> > ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::m_bundleEdgesForLeaf

Definition at line 51 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ m_G

const Graph* ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::m_G

Definition at line 46 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ m_graphNodeForInnerNode

PCTreeNodeArray<node> ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::m_graphNodeForInnerNode

Definition at line 50 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ m_incidentEdgeForLeaf

PCTreeNodeArray<edge> ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::m_incidentEdgeForLeaf

Definition at line 49 of file NodePCRotation.h.

◆ m_n

node ogdf::pc_tree::NodePCRotation::m_n

Definition at line 47 of file NodePCRotation.h.

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