Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T > Class Template Reference

This class implements the Minimum Steiner Tree 2-approximation algorithm by Mehlhorn. More...

#include <ogdf/graphalg/MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >:


struct  MehlhornTriple
 Represents a triple as specified in the algorithms description (see paper) More...
class  MehlhornTripleBucketMaxFunc
 Helper class to sort MehlhornTriples lexicographically. More...
class  MehlhornTripleBucketMinFunc
 Helper class to sort MehlhornTriples lexicographically. More...

Public Member Functions

 MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn ()
virtual ~MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule< T >
virtual ~MinSteinerTreeModule ()
 Do nothing on destruction. More...
virtual T call (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&finalSteinerTree)
 Calls the Steiner tree algorithm for nontrivial cases but handles trivial cases directly. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void calculateCompleteGraph (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &wG, const List< node > &terminals, const Voronoi< T > &voronoi, EdgeArray< edge > &bridges, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &completeTerminalGraph)
 Builds a complete terminal graph. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule< T >
static void getNonterminals (ArrayBuffer< node > &nonterminals, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal)
 Generates a list (as ArrayBuffer<node>) of all nonterminals. More...
static void getTerminals (List< node > &terminals, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal)
 Generates a list (as List<node>) of all terminals. More...
static bool isQuasiBipartite (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal)
 Checks in O(n + m) time if a given Steiner tree problem instance is quasi-bipartite. More...
static bool isSteinerTree (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree)
 Checks in O(n) time if a given tree is acually a Steiner Tree. More...
static void sortTerminals (List< node > &terminals)
 Sort terminals by index. More...
static T pruneAllDanglingSteinerPaths (EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal)
 Prunes nonterminal leaves and their paths to terminal or branching nodes. More...
static T pruneDanglingSteinerPathFrom (EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, node start)
 Prunes the dangling Steiner path beginning at a given nonterminal leaf only. More...
static T pruneDanglingSteinerPathsFrom (EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const List< node > &start)
 Prunes dangling Steiner paths beginning at given nonterminal leaves only. More...
static T removeCyclesFrom (EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal)
 Remove remaining cycles from a Steiner "almost" tree. More...
static void singleSourceShortestPathsPreferringTerminals (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, node source, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< T > &distance, NodeArray< edge > &pred)
 Modified single-source-shortest-paths (Dijkstra) with heuristic to prefer paths over terminals. More...
static void singleSourceShortestPathsStandard (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, node source, const NodeArray< bool > &, NodeArray< T > &distance, NodeArray< edge > &pred)
 Standard single-source-shortest-paths algoritm (Dijkstra) More...
static void singleSourceShortestPaths (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, node source, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< T > &distance, NodeArray< edge > &pred)
 The default single-source-shortest-paths algorithm. More...
static void allTerminalShortestPathsStandard (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Runs singleSourceShortestPathsStandard from all terminals. More...
static void allTerminalShortestPathsPreferringTerminals (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Runs singleSourceShortestPathsPreferringTerminals from all terminals. More...
static void allTerminalShortestPaths (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred, std::function< void(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &, node, const NodeArray< bool > &, NodeArray< T > &, NodeArray< edge > &)> ssspFunc=singleSourceShortestPaths)
 Runs a given (or the default) single-source-shortest-paths function from all terminals. More...
static void allNodeShortestPathsStandard (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Runs singleSourceShortestPathsStandard from all nodes. More...
static void allNodeShortestPathsPreferringTerminals (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Runs singleSourceShortestPathsPreferringTerminals from all nodes. More...
static void allNodeShortestPaths (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred, std::function< void(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &, node, const NodeArray< bool > &, NodeArray< T > &, NodeArray< edge > &)> ssspFunc=singleSourceShortestPaths)
 Runs a given (or the default) single-source-shortest-paths function from all nodes. More...
static void allPairShortestPathsPreferringTerminals (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Modified all-pair-shortest-paths algorithm (Floyd-Warshall) with heuristic to prefer paths over terminals. More...
static void allPairShortestPathsStandard (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 Standard all-pair-shortest-paths algorithm (Floyd-Warshall) More...
static void allPairShortestPaths (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
 The default all-pair-shortest-paths algorithm. More...
static void drawSVG (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const char *filename)
 Writes an SVG file of a minimum Steiner tree in the original graph. More...
static void drawSVG (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const char *filename)
 Writes an SVG file of the instance graph. More...
static void drawSteinerTreeSVG (const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const char *filename)
 Writes a SVG that shows only the given Steiner tree. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual T computeSteinerTree (const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&finalSteinerTree) override
 Builds a minimum Steiner tree given a weighted graph and a list of terminals. More...
void insertPath (node u, const Voronoi< T > &voronoi, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &finalSteinerTree, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &wG)
 Inserts a shortest path corresponding to an edge in the complete terminal graph. More...
void reinsertShortestPaths (EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &completeTerminalGraph, const Voronoi< T > &voronoi, const NodeArray< edge > &mstPred, const EdgeArray< edge > &bridges, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &finalSteinerTree, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &wG)
 Swaps an edge in the complete terminal graph with the corresponding shortest path in the original graph. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >

This class implements the Minimum Steiner Tree 2-approximation algorithm by Mehlhorn.

This implementation is based on:

(K. Mehlhorn, A faster approximation algorithm for the Steiner problem in graphs, Information Processing Letters, volume 27, number 3, pages 125-128, 1998)

Definition at line 53 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn()

template<typename T >
ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn ( )

Definition at line 55 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

◆ ~MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn()

template<typename T >
virtual ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::~MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn ( )

Definition at line 57 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateCompleteGraph()

template<typename T >
void ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::calculateCompleteGraph ( const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &  wG,
const List< node > &  terminals,
const Voronoi< T > &  voronoi,
EdgeArray< edge > &  bridges,
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &  completeTerminalGraph 

Builds a complete terminal graph.

wGthe original graph
terminalslist of terminals
voronoiVoronoi regions (providing a mapping from each edge in the complete terminal graph to the shortest path in the original graph)
bridgeslist of edges connecting terminal nodes by voronoi regions
completeTerminalGraphthe resulting complete terminal graph

Definition at line 182 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

◆ computeSteinerTree()

template<typename T >
T ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::computeSteinerTree ( const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &  G,
const List< node > &  terminals,
const NodeArray< bool > &  isTerminal,
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&  finalSteinerTree 

Builds a minimum Steiner tree given a weighted graph and a list of terminals.

GThe weighted input graph
terminalsThe list of terminal nodes
isTerminalA bool array of terminals
finalSteinerTreeThe final Steiner tree
The objective value (sum of edge costs) of the final Steiner tree

Implements ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule< T >.

Definition at line 158 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

◆ insertPath()

template<typename T >
void ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::insertPath ( node  u,
const Voronoi< T > &  voronoi,
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &  finalSteinerTree,
const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &  wG 

Inserts a shortest path corresponding to an edge in the complete terminal graph.

uterminal node needed to access the according predecessor edge in the minimum terminal spanning tree
voronoiVoronoi regions (contains shortest paths)
finalSteinerTreethe resulting Steiner tree
wGthe original graph

Definition at line 265 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

◆ reinsertShortestPaths()

template<typename T >
void ogdf::MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn< T >::reinsertShortestPaths ( EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &  completeTerminalGraph,
const Voronoi< T > &  voronoi,
const NodeArray< edge > &  mstPred,
const EdgeArray< edge > &  bridges,
EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &  finalSteinerTree,
const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &  wG 

Swaps an edge in the complete terminal graph with the corresponding shortest path in the original graph.

completeTerminalGraphthe complete terminal graph
voronoiVoronoi regions (providing a mapping from each edge in the complete terminal graph to the shortest path in the original graph)
mstPredpredecessor data structure of a minimum terminal spanning tree
bridgeslist of edges connecting terminal nodes by voronoi regions
finalSteinerTreethe resulting Steiner tree
wGthe original graph

Definition at line 247 of file MinSteinerTreeMehlhorn.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: