Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding Class Reference

Combinatorial embeddings of planar graphs with modification functionality. More...

#include <ogdf/basic/CombinatorialEmbedding.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding:

Public Member Functions

 CombinatorialEmbedding ()
 Creates a combinatorial embedding associated with no graph. More...
 CombinatorialEmbedding (Graph &G)
 Creates a combinatorial embedding of graph G. More...
Access to the associated graph
const GraphgetGraph () const
 Returns the associated graph. More...
GraphgetGraph ()
 operator const Graph & () const
 operator Graph & ()
void init (Graph &G)
 Initializes the embedding for graph G. More...
void clear ()
 Removes all nodes, edges, and faces from the graph and the embedding. More...
Update of embedding
edge split (edge e)
 Splits edge e=(v,w) into e=(v,u) and e'=(u,w) creating a new node u. More...
void unsplit (edge eIn, edge eOut)
 Undoes a split operation. More...
node splitNode (adjEntry adjStartLeft, adjEntry adjStartRight)
 Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
node contract (edge e, bool keepSelfLoops=false)
 Contracts edge e while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
edge splitFace (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, bool sourceAfter=false)
 Splits a face by inserting a new edge. More...
edge addEdgeToIsolatedNode (node v, adjEntry adjTgt)
 Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again. More...
edge addEdgeToIsolatedNode (adjEntry adjSrc, node v)
 Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again. More...
face joinFaces (edge e)
 Removes edge e and joins the two faces adjacent to e. More...
void reverseEdge (edge e)
 Reverses edges e and updates embedding. More...
void moveBridge (adjEntry adjBridge, adjEntry adjBefore)
 Moves a bridge in the graph. More...
void removeDeg1 (node v)
 Removes degree-1 node v. More...
void updateMerger (edge e, face fRight, face fLeft)
 Update face information after inserting a merger in a copy graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
 ConstCombinatorialEmbedding ()
 Creates a combinatorial embedding associated with no graph. More...
 ConstCombinatorialEmbedding (const ConstCombinatorialEmbedding &C)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ConstCombinatorialEmbedding (const Graph &G)
 Creates a combinatorial embedding of graph G. More...
virtual ~ConstCombinatorialEmbedding ()
 Destructor. More...
face_iterator begin () const
int calculateArraySize (int add) const
face chooseFace (std::function< bool(face)> includeFace=[](face) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const
 Returns a random face. More...
void computeFaces ()
 Computes the list of faces. More...
void consistencyCheck () const
 Asserts that this embedding is consistent. More...
face_iterator end () const
face externalFace () const
 Returns the external face. More...
adjEntry findCommonFace (const node v, const node w, adjEntry &adjW, bool left=true) const
 Identifies a common face of two nodes and returns the respective adjacency entry. More...
adjEntry findCommonFace (const node v, const node w, bool left=true) const
 Identifies a common face of two nodes and returns the respective adjacency entry. More...
face firstFace () const
 Returns the first face in the list of all faces. More...
const GraphgetGraph () const
 Returns the associated graph of the combinatorial embedding. More...
void init ()
void init (const Graph &G)
 Initializes the embedding for graph G. More...
bool isBridge (edge e) const
bool isKeyAssociated (face key) const
face lastFace () const
 Returns the last face in the list of all faces. More...
face leftFace (adjEntry adj) const
 Returns the face to the left of adj, i.e., the face containing the twin of adj. More...
int maxFaceIndex () const
 Returns the largest used face index. More...
face maximalFace () const
 Returns a face of maximal size. More...
int maxKeyIndex () const
int numberOfFaces () const
 Returns the number of faces. More...
 operator const Graph & () const
 Returns associated graph. More...
ConstCombinatorialEmbeddingoperator= (const ConstCombinatorialEmbedding &C)
 Assignment operator. More...
face rightFace (adjEntry adj) const
 Returns the face to the right of adj, i.e., the face containing adj. More...
void setExternalFace (face f)
 Sets the external face to f. More...
bool valid () const
 Returns whether the embedding is associated with a graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::RegistryBase< Key, Registry, Iterator >
 RegistryBase (const RegistryBase &copy)=delete
 RegistryBase (RegistryBase &&move) noexcept=delete
virtual ~RegistryBase () noexcept
 Destructor. Unregisters all associated arrays. More...
void copyArrayEntries (int toIndex, int fromIndex)
 Copies the entry from fromIndex to toIndex in all registered arrays. More...
int getArraySize () const
 Returns the current size of all registered arrays. More...
const registration_list_typegetRegisteredArrays () const
 Returns a reference to the list of all registered arrays. More...
bool isAutoShrink () const
 Returns whether the registry allows arrays to shrink when keys are removed. More...
void keyAdded (Key key)
 Records the addition of a new key and resizes all registered arrays if necessary. More...
void keyRemoved (Key key)
 Records the deletion of a key and resizes all registered arrays if auto shrink is enabled. More...
void keysCleared ()
 Records that all keys have been cleared. If auto shrink is enabled, all arrays are cleared and resized to 0. More...
void moveRegisterArray (registration_iterator_type it, registered_array_type *pArray) const
 Stores array pArray at position it in the list of registered arrays. More...
RegistryBaseoperator= (const RegistryBase &other)=delete
RegistryBaseoperator= (RegistryBase &&other) noexcept=delete
OGDF_NODISCARD registration_iterator_type registerArray (registered_array_type *pArray) const
 Registers a new array with this registry. More...
void reserveSpace (int new_keys)
 Resizes all arrays to make space of new_keys new keys. More...
void resizeArrays ()
 Resizes all arrays to the size requested by calculateArraySize(). Only shrinks the arrays if auto shrink is enabled. More...
void resizeArrays (int size)
 Resizes all arrays to size. Only shrinks the arrays if auto shrink is enabled. More...
void resizeArrays (int size, bool shrink)
 Resizes all arrays to size. If shrink is true, the arrays may also shrink. More...
void setAutoShrink (bool mAutoShrink)
 Specifies whether the registry allows arrays to shrink when keys are removed. More...
void swapArrayEntries (int index1, int index2)
 Swaps the entries at index1 and index2 in all registered arrays. More...
void unregisterArray (registration_iterator_type it) const noexcept
 Unregisters an array associated with this registry. More...
void unregisterArrays () noexcept
 Unregister all associated arrays. More...

Private Member Functions

 CombinatorialEmbedding (const CombinatorialEmbedding &)=delete
edge addEdgeToIsolatedNode (adjEntry adj, node v, bool adjSrc)
 Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again. More...
CombinatorialEmbeddingoperator= (const CombinatorialEmbedding &)=delete

Private Attributes

 The associated graph. More...


class GraphCopy

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
using face_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< face >
 The external face. More...
- Public Types inherited from ogdf::RegistryBase< Key, Registry, Iterator >
using iterator_type = Iterator
using key_type = Key
using registered_array_type = internal::RegisteredArrayBase< Registry >
using registration_iterator_type = typename registration_list_type::iterator
using registration_list_type = std::list< registered_array_type *, OGDFAllocator< registered_array_type * > >
using registry_type = Registry
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
static int keyToIndex (face key)
- Public Attributes inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
internal::GraphObjectContainer< FaceElementfaces
 The container containing all face objects. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
face createFaceElement (adjEntry adjFirst)
 Create a new face. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::RegistryBase< Key, Registry, Iterator >
 RegistryBase ()=default
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::ConstCombinatorialEmbedding
const Graphm_cpGraph
 The associated graph. More...
face m_externalFace
int m_faceIdCount
 The index assigned to the next created face. More...
AdjEntryArray< facem_rightFace
 The face to which an adjacency entry belongs. More...

Detailed Description

Combinatorial embeddings of planar graphs with modification functionality.

Maintains a combinatorial embedding of an embedded connected graph, i.e., the set of faces, and provides method for modifying the embedding, e.g., by inserting edges.

Thread Safety

The class Graph allows shared access of threads to const methods only. If one thread executes a non-const method, shared access is no longer thread-safe.

Definition at line 397 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CombinatorialEmbedding() [1/3]

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::CombinatorialEmbedding ( const CombinatorialEmbedding )

◆ CombinatorialEmbedding() [2/3]

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::CombinatorialEmbedding ( )

Creates a combinatorial embedding associated with no graph.

Definition at line 412 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ CombinatorialEmbedding() [3/3]

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::CombinatorialEmbedding ( Graph G)

Creates a combinatorial embedding of graph G.

Graph G must be embedded, i.e., the adjacency lists of its nodes must define an embedding.

Definition at line 420 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEdgeToIsolatedNode() [1/3]

edge ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::addEdgeToIsolatedNode ( adjEntry  adj,
node  v,
bool  adjSrc 

Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again.

adjThe adjacency entry belonging to the face that we want to insert the new edge into
vThe degree 0 node.
adjSrcwhether v will be the target node.
The new edge.

◆ addEdgeToIsolatedNode() [2/3]

edge ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::addEdgeToIsolatedNode ( adjEntry  adjSrc,
node  v 

Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again.

Creates a new edge from the node of adjSrc to the degree 0 node v. The face that adjSrc belongs to is split.

The new edge.

◆ addEdgeToIsolatedNode() [3/3]

edge ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::addEdgeToIsolatedNode ( node  v,
adjEntry  adjTgt 

Inserts a new edge similarly to splitFace without having to call computeFaces again.

Creates a new edge from the degree 0 node v to the node of adjTgt. The face that adjTgt belongs to is split.

The new edge.

◆ clear()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::clear ( )

Removes all nodes, edges, and faces from the graph and the embedding.

◆ contract()

node ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::contract ( edge  e,
bool  keepSelfLoops = false 

Contracts edge e while preserving the order of adjacency entries.

eis the edge to be contracted.
keepSelfLoopsdetermines whether edges parallel to e will result in self-loops or not (in the latter case, they will also be contracted).
The endpoint of e to which all edges have been moved. The implementation ensures this to be the source of the former edge e.

◆ getGraph() [1/2]

Graph& ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::getGraph ( )

Definition at line 434 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ getGraph() [2/2]

const Graph& ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::getGraph ( ) const

Returns the associated graph.

Definition at line 429 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ init()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::init ( Graph G)

Initializes the embedding for graph G.

Graph G must be embedded, i.e., the adjacency lists of its nodes must define an embedding.

Definition at line 455 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ joinFaces()

face ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::joinFaces ( edge  e)

Removes edge e and joins the two faces adjacent to e.

eis an edge in the associated graph.
the resulting (joined) face.

◆ moveBridge()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::moveBridge ( adjEntry  adjBridge,
adjEntry  adjBefore 

Moves a bridge in the graph.

◆ operator const Graph &()

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::operator const Graph & ( ) const

Definition at line 439 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ operator Graph &()

ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::operator Graph & ( )

Definition at line 441 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

◆ operator=()

CombinatorialEmbedding& ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::operator= ( const CombinatorialEmbedding )

◆ removeDeg1()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::removeDeg1 ( node  v)

Removes degree-1 node v.

◆ reverseEdge()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::reverseEdge ( edge  e)

Reverses edges e and updates embedding.

◆ split()

edge ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::split ( edge  e)

Splits edge e=(v,w) into e=(v,u) and e'=(u,w) creating a new node u.

eis the edge to be split; e is modified by the split.
the edge e'.

◆ splitFace()

edge ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::splitFace ( adjEntry  adjSrc,
adjEntry  adjTgt,
bool  sourceAfter = false 

Splits a face by inserting a new edge.

Creates a new edge from the node of adjSrc to the one of adjTgt. Note that this can also be achieved by inserting an edge in the underlying graph directly and calling computeFaces again. In contrast, this operation achieves constant running time.

adjSrc and adjTgt belong to the same face.
adjSrcThe adjEntry after which the source adjEntry of the new edge should be inserted.
adjTgtThe adjEntry after which the target adjEntry of the new edge should be inserted.
sourceAfterOnly has an effect if adjSrc == adjTgt. Marks whether the source of the introduced self-loop comes after its target in the adjacency list.
The new edge.

◆ splitNode()

node ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::splitNode ( adjEntry  adjStartLeft,
adjEntry  adjStartRight 

Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries.

This method splits a node v into two nodes vl and vr. Node vl receives all adjacent edges of v from adjStartLeft until the edge preceding adjStartRight, and vr the remaining nodes (thus adjStartRight is the first edge that goes to vr). The order of adjacency entries is preserved. Additionally, a new edge (vl,vr) is created, such that this edge is inserted before adjStartLeft and adjStartRight in the the adjacency lists of vl and vr.

Node v is modified to become node vl, and node vr is returned.

adjStartLeftis the first entry that goes to the left node.
adjStartRightis the first entry that goes to the right node.
the newly created node.

◆ unsplit()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::unsplit ( edge  eIn,
edge  eOut 

Undoes a split operation.

eInis the edge (v,u).
eOutis the edge (u,w).

◆ updateMerger()

void ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::updateMerger ( edge  e,
face  fRight,
face  fLeft 

Update face information after inserting a merger in a copy graph.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ GraphCopy

friend class GraphCopy

Definition at line 398 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_pGraph

Graph* ogdf::CombinatorialEmbedding::m_pGraph

The associated graph.

Definition at line 400 of file CombinatorialEmbedding.h.

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