Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

Planarized representations for clustered graphs. More...

#include <ogdf/cluster/ClusterPlanRep.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::ClusterPlanRep:

Public Member Functions

 ClusterPlanRep (const ClusterGraphAttributes &acGraph, const ClusterGraph &clusterGraph)
virtual ~ClusterPlanRep ()
int ClusterID (edge e) const
int ClusterID (node v) const
cluster clusterOfDummy (node v)
cluster clusterOfEdge (edge e)
 Returns cluster of edge e. More...
cluster clusterOfIndex (int i)
virtual void expand (bool lowDegreeExpand=false) override
 Expands nodes with degree > 4 and merge nodes for generalizations. More...
virtual void expandLowDegreeVertices (OrthoRep &OR)
adjEntry externalAdj ()
const ClusterGraphgetClusterGraph () const
void initCC (int i)
void insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges; splits each edge in crossedEdges Precond. More...
bool isClusterBoundary (edge e)
void ModelBoundaries ()
void setClusterBoundary (edge e)
virtual edge split (edge e) override
 Splits edge e, updates clustercage lists if necessary and returns new edge. More...
void writeGML (const char *fileName)
void writeGML (const char *fileName, const Layout &drawing)
void writeGML (std::ostream &os, const Layout &drawing)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::PlanRep
void writeGML (const char *fileName, const OrthoRep &OR, const GridLayout &drawing)
void writeGML (std::ostream &os, const OrthoRep &OR, const GridLayout &drawing)
 PlanRep (const Graph &G)
 Creates a planarized representation of graph G. More...
 PlanRep (const GraphAttributes &AG)
 Creates a planarized representation of graph AG. More...
virtual ~PlanRep ()
int numberOfCCs () const
 Returns the number of connected components in the original graph. More...
int currentCC () const
 Returns the index of the current connected component (-1 if not yet initialized). More...
const CCsInfoccInfo () const
 Returns the connected components info structure. More...
int numberOfNodesInCC () const
 Returns the number of nodes in the current connected component. More...
int numberOfNodesInCC (int cc) const
 Returns the number of nodes in connected component cc. More...
node v (int i) const
 Returns node i in the list of all original nodes. More...
edge e (int i) const
 Returns edge i in the list of all original edges. More...
int startNode () const
 Returns the index of the first node in this connected component. More...
int startNode (int cc) const
 Returns the index of the first node in connected component cc. More...
int stopNode () const
 Returns the index of (one past) the last node in this connected component. More...
int stopNode (int cc) const
 Returns the index of (one past) the last node in connected component cc. More...
int startEdge () const
 Returns the index of the first edge in this connected component. More...
int stopEdge () const
 Returns the index of (one past) the last edge in this connected component. More...
void initCC (int cc)
 Initializes the planarized representation for connected component cc. More...
adjEntry expandAdj (node v) const
 Returns the adjacency entry of a node of an expanded face. More...
adjEntryexpandAdj (node v)
adjEntry boundaryAdj (node v) const
 Returns the adjacency entry of the first edge of the inserted boundary at a center node (original) of a clique, 0 if no boundary exists. More...
adjEntryboundaryAdj (node v)
 Returns a reference to the adjacency entry of the first edge of the inserted boundary at a center node (original) of a clique, 0 if no boundary exists. More...
void setCliqueBoundary (edge e)
bool isCliqueBoundary (edge e) const
Graph::NodeType typeOf (node v) const
 Returns the type of node v. More...
Graph::NodeTypetypeOf (node v)
 Returns a reference to the type of node v. More...
bool isVertex (node v) const
 Returns true if the node represents a "real" object in the original graph. More...
nodeType nodeTypeOf (node v)
 Returns the extended node type of v. More...
void setCrossingType (node v)
 Classifies node v as a crossing. More...
bool isCrossingType (node v) const
 Returns true iff node v is classified as a crossing. More...
EdgeType typeOf (edge e) const
 Returns the type of edge e. More...
EdgeTypetypeOf (edge e)
 Returns a reference to the type of edge e. More...
edgeTypeoriEdgeTypes (edge e)
 Returns a reference to the type of original edge e. More...
edgeType edgeTypeOf (edge e) const
 Returns the new type field of e. More...
edgeTypeedgeTypes (edge e)
 Returns a reference to the new type field of e. More...
void setEdgeTypeOf (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets the new type field of edge e to et. More...
void setType (edge e, EdgeType et)
 Set both type values of e at once. More...
bool isGeneralization (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e is classified as generalization. More...
void setGeneralization (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as generalization (primary type). More...
bool isDependency (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e is classified as dependency. More...
void setDependency (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as dependency (primary type). More...
void setAssociation (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as association (primary type). More...
void setExpansion (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as expansion edge (secondary type). More...
bool isExpansion (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e is classified as expansion edge. More...
bool isBoundary (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e is a clique boundary. More...
void setAssClass (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as connection at an association class (tertiary type). More...
bool isAssClass (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e is classified as connection at an association class. More...
void setBrother (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as connection between hierarchy neighbours (fourth level type). More...
void setHalfBrother (edge e)
 Classifies edge e as connection between ... (fourth level type). More...
bool isBrother (edge e) const
 Returns true if edge e is classified as brother. More...
bool isHalfBrother (edge e) const
 Returns true if edge e is classified as half-brother. More...
edgeType edgeTypeAND (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets type of edge e to current type (bitwise) AND et. More...
edgeType edgeTypeOR (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets type of edge e to current type (bitwise) OR et. More...
void setPrimaryType (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets primary edge type of edge e to primary edge type in et (deletes old primary value). More...
void setPrimaryType (edge e, UMLEdgeTypeConstants et)
 Sets primary edge type of edge e to primary edge type in et (deletes old primary value). More...
void setSecondaryType (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets secondary edge type of edge e to primary edge type in et. More...
edgeType edgeTypePrimaryAND (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets primary type of e to bitwise AND of et's primary value and old value. More...
edgeType edgeTypePrimaryOR (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets primary type of e to bitwise OR of et's primary value and old value. More...
void setUserType (edge e, edgeType et)
 Sets user defined type locally. More...
bool isUserType (edge e, edgeType et) const
 Returns user defined type. More...
void setExpansionEdge (edge e, int expType)
 Sets the expansion edge type of e to expType. More...
bool isExpansionEdge (edge e) const
 Returns if e is an expansion edge. More...
int expansionType (edge e) const
 Returns the expansion edge type of e. More...
bool isDegreeExpansionEdge (edge e) const
 Returns if e is a degree expansion edge. More...
const NodeArray< double > & widthOrig () const
 Gives access to the node array of the widths of original nodes. More...
double widthOrig (node v) const
 Returns the width of original node v. More...
const NodeArray< double > & heightOrig () const
 Gives access to the node array of the heights of original nodes. More...
double heightOrig (node v) const
 Returns the height of original node v. More...
EdgeType typeOrig (edge e) const
 Returns the type of original edge e. More...
const GraphAttributesgetGraphAttributes () const
 Returns the graph attributes of the original graph (the pointer may be 0). More...
void expandLowDegreeVertices (OrthoRep &OR)
void collapseVertices (const OrthoRep &OR, Layout &drawing)
void collapseVertices (const OrthoRep &OR, GridLayout &drawing)
void removeCrossing (node v)
void insertBoundary (node center, adjEntry &adjExternal)
node expandedNode (node v) const
void setExpandedNode (node v, node w)
node newCopy (node vOrig, Graph::NodeType vType)
 Creates a new node with node type vType in the planarized representation. More...
edge newCopy (node v, adjEntry adjAfter, edge eOrig)
 Creates a new edge in the planarized representation. More...
edge newCopy (node v, adjEntry adjAfter, edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E)
 Creates a new edge in the planarized representation while updating the embedding E. More...
void insertEdgePath (edge eOrig, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 Re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges. More...
void insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 Same as insertEdgePath, but for embedded graphs. More...
void removeEdgePathEmbedded (CombinatorialEmbedding &E, edge eOrig, FaceSet< false > &newFaces)
 Removes the complete edge path for edge eOrig while preserving the embedding. More...
edge insertCrossing (edge &crossingEdge, edge crossedEdge, bool topDown)
 Inserts crossings between two copy edges. More...
void removeDeg1Nodes (ArrayBuffer< Deg1RestoreInfo > &S, const NodeArray< bool > &mark)
 Removes all marked degree-1 nodes from the graph copy and stores restore information in S. More...
void restoreDeg1Nodes (ArrayBuffer< Deg1RestoreInfo > &S, List< node > &deg1s)
 Restores degree-1 nodes previously removed with removeDeg1Nodes(). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::GraphCopy
 GraphCopy ()
 GraphCopy (const Graph &G)
 GraphCopy (const Graph *G)
 GraphCopy (const GraphCopy &other)
void clear () override
 Removes all nodes and edges from this copy but does not break the link with the original graph. More...
GraphCopyoperator= (const GraphCopy &other)
void setOriginalGraph (const Graph &G)
 Re-initializes the copy using G, but does not create any nodes or edges. More...
void setOriginalGraph (const Graph *G) override
 Associates the graph copy with G, but does not create any nodes or edges. More...
virtual void setOriginalGraph (const Graph *G)=0
 Re-initializes the copy using G (which might be null), but does not create any nodes or edges. More...
const List< edge > & chain (edge e) const
 Returns the list of edges coresponding to edge e. More...
edge copy (edge e) const override
 Returns the first edge in the list of edges corresponding to edge e. More...
adjEntry copy (adjEntry adj) const override
 Returns the adjacency entry in the copy graph corresponding to adj. More...
bool isReversed (edge e) const
 Returns true iff edge e has been reversed. More...
bool isReversedCopyEdge (edge e) const
 Returns true iff e is reversed w.r.t. More...
node copy (node v) const
 Returns the node in the graph copy corresponding to v. More...
virtual edge copy (edge e) const=0
 Returns the edge in the graph copy corresponding to e. More...
virtual adjEntry copy (adjEntry adj) const=0
 Returns the adjacency entry in the graph copy corresponding to adj. More...
void delEdge (edge e) override
 Removes edge e and clears the list of edges corresponding to e's original edge. More...
void unsplit (edge eIn, edge eOut) override
 Undoes a previous split operation. More...
edge newEdge (edge eOrig)
 Creates a new edge (v,w) with original edge eOrig. More...
void setEdge (edge eOrig, edge eCopy)
 sets eOrig to be the corresponding original edge of eCopy and vice versa More...
void setOriginalEmbedding () override
 Sets the embedding of the graph copy to the embedding of the original graph. More...
void removePseudoCrossings ()
 Removes all crossing nodes which are actually only two "touching" edges. More...
bool hasSameEdgesCrossings () const
 Returns whether there are two edges in the GraphCopy that cross each other multiple times. More...
bool hasAdjacentEdgesCrossings () const
 Returns whether the GraphCopy contains at least one crossing of two adjacent edges. More...
bool hasNonSimpleCrossings () const
 Returns whether the GraphCopy contains crossings that will result in a non-simple drawing. More...
void removeNonSimpleCrossings (SListPure< edge > &edgesToCheck, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr)
 Removes all non-simple cossings involving edges from edgesToCheck (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings). More...
void removeNonSimpleCrossings (DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr)
 Removes all non-simple cossings (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings). More...
void removeNonSimpleCrossings (node origNode, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph=nullptr)
 Removes all non-simple cossings involving edges incident to origNode (see hasNonSimpleCrossings() for a definition of non-simple crossings). More...
void insertEdgePath (edge eOrig, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 Re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges. More...
void insertEdgePath (node srcOrig, node tgtOrig, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 Special version (for FixedEmbeddingUpwardEdgeInserter only). More...
void removeEdgePath (edge eOrig)
 Removes the complete edge path for edge eOrig. More...
edge insertCrossing (edge &crossingEdge, edge crossedEdge, bool rightToLeft)
 Inserts crossings between two copy edges. More...
edge newEdge (node v, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge (v,w) and returns it. More...
edge newEdge (node v, adjEntry adjTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir=Direction::after, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
template<typename S , typename T >
edge newEdge (S src, Direction dirSrc, T tgt, Direction dirTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (node v, adjEntry adj, edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E)
 Creates a new edge with original edge eOrig in an embedding E. More...
void insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
 Re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges in embedding E. More...
void insertEdgePathEmbedded (edge eOrig, CombinatorialEmbedding &E, DynamicDualGraph &dual, const SList< adjEntry > &crossedEdges)
void removeEdgePathEmbedded (CombinatorialEmbedding &E, edge eOrig, FaceSet< false > &newFaces)
 Removes the complete edge path for edge eOrig while preserving the embedding. More...
void removeEdgePathEmbedded (CombinatorialEmbedding &E, DynamicDualGraph &dual, edge eOrig)
void consistencyCheck () const
 Asserts that this copy is consistent. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::GraphCopyBase
 GraphCopyBase ()=default
 Constructs a GraphCopyBase associated with no graph. More...
 GraphCopyBase (const GraphCopyBase &other)=delete
 GraphCopyBase (GraphCopyBase &&other) noexcept=delete
node copy (node v) const
 Returns the node in the graph copy corresponding to v. More...
void createEmpty (const Graph &G)
 Re-initializes the copy using G, but does not create any nodes or edges. More...
void delNode (node v) override
 Removes node v. More...
bool getLinkCopiesOnInsert () const
const GraphgetOriginalGraph () const
void init (const Graph &G)
 Re-initializes the copy using G, creating copies for all nodes and edges in G. More...
void init (const Graph *G)
 Re-initializes the copy using G (which might be null), creating copies for all nodes and edges in G. More...
bool isDummy (adjEntry adj) const
 Returns true iff adj->theEdge() has no corresponding edge in the original graph. More...
bool isDummy (edge e) const
 Returns true iff e has no corresponding edge in the original graph. More...
bool isDummy (node v) const
 Returns true iff v has no corresponding node in the original graph. More...
node newNode (int index=-1)
 Creates a new node and returns it. More...
node newNode (node vOrig)
 Creates a new node in the graph copy with original node vOrig. More...
GraphCopyBaseoperator= (const GraphCopyBase &other)=delete
GraphCopyBaseoperator= (GraphCopyBase &&other) noexcept=delete
const Graphoriginal () const
 Returns a reference to the original graph. More...
adjEntry original (adjEntry adj) const
 Returns the adjacency entry in the original graph corresponding to adj. More...
edge original (edge e) const
 Returns the edge in the original graph corresponding to e. More...
node original (node v) const
 Returns the node in the original graph corresponding to v. More...
void setLinkCopiesOnInsert (bool linkCopiesOnInsert)
 Whether insert(getOriginalGraph()) will automatically set copy and original. More...
void setOriginalGraph (const Graph &G)
 Re-initializes the copy using G, but does not create any nodes or edges. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Graph
 Graph ()
 Constructs an empty graph. More...
 Graph (const Graph &copy)
 Constructs a graph that is a copy of G. More...
 Graph (Graph &&move)=delete
virtual ~Graph ()
 Destructor. More...
Graphoperator= (const Graph &copy)
 Overwrites this graph to be a copy of G. More...
Graphoperator= (Graph &&move)=delete
bool empty () const
 Returns true iff the graph is empty, i.e., contains no nodes. More...
int numberOfNodes () const
 Returns the number of nodes in the graph. More...
int numberOfEdges () const
 Returns the number of edges in the graph. More...
int maxNodeIndex () const
 Returns the largest used node index. More...
int maxEdgeIndex () const
 Returns the largest used edge index. More...
int maxAdjEntryIndex () const
 Returns the largest used adjEntry index. More...
node firstNode () const
 Returns the first node in the list of all nodes. More...
node lastNode () const
 Returns the last node in the list of all nodes. More...
edge firstEdge () const
 Returns the first edge in the list of all edges. More...
edge lastEdge () const
 Returns the last edge in the list of all edges. More...
node chooseNode (std::function< bool(node)> includeNode=[](node) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const
 Returns a random node. More...
edge chooseEdge (std::function< bool(edge)> includeEdge=[](edge) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const
 Returns a random edge. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
void allNodes (CONTAINER &nodeContainer) const
 Returns a container with all nodes of the graph. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
void allEdges (CONTAINER &edgeContainer) const
 Returns a container with all edges of the graph. More...
node newNode (int index=-1)
 Creates a new node and returns it. More...
edge newEdge (node v, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge (v,w) and returns it. More...
edge newEdge (node v, adjEntry adjTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir=Direction::after, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
template<typename S , typename T >
edge newEdge (S src, Direction dirSrc, T tgt, Direction dirTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
void restoreAllEdges ()
 Restore all hidden edges and invalidate all HiddenEdgeSets. More...
void unsplit (node u)
 Undoes a split operation. More...
node splitNode (adjEntry adjStartLeft, adjEntry adjStartRight)
 Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
node contract (edge e, bool keepSelfLoops=false)
 Contracts edge e while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
void move (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dirSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dirTgt)
 Moves edge e to a different adjacency list. More...
void moveTarget (edge e, node w)
 Moves the target node of edge e to node w. More...
void moveTarget (edge e, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir)
 Moves the target node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list. More...
void moveSource (edge e, node w)
 Moves the source node of edge e to node w. More...
void moveSource (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dir)
 Moves the source node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list. More...
edge searchEdge (node v, node w, bool directed=false) const
 Searches and returns an edge connecting nodes v and w in time O( min(deg(v ), deg(w ))). More...
void reverseEdge (edge e)
 Reverses the edge e, i.e., exchanges source and target node. More...
void reverseAllEdges ()
 Reverses all edges in the graph. More...
template<class NODELIST >
void collapse (NODELIST &nodesToCollapse)
 Collapses all nodes in the list nodesToCollapse to the first node in the list. More...
template<class ADJ_ENTRY_LIST >
void sort (node v, const ADJ_ENTRY_LIST &newOrder)
 Sorts the adjacency list of node v according to newOrder. More...
template<class IT >
void sort (node v, IT begin, IT end)
 Sorts the adjacency list of node v according to the range denoted by two iterators. More...
void reverseAdjEdges (node v)
 Reverses the adjacency list of v. More...
void moveAdj (adjEntry adjMove, Direction dir, adjEntry adjPos)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove before or after adjPos. More...
void moveAdjAfter (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjAfter)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove after adjAfter. More...
void moveAdjBefore (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjBefore)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove before adjBefore. More...
void reverseAdjEdges ()
 Reverses all adjacency lists. More...
void swapAdjEdges (adjEntry adj1, adjEntry adj2)
 Exchanges two entries in an adjacency list. More...
int genus () const
 Returns the genus of the graph's embedding. More...
bool representsCombEmbedding () const
 Returns true iff the graph represents a combinatorial embedding. More...
void consistencyCheck () const
 Asserts that this graph is consistent. More...
internal::GraphNodeRegistrynodeRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of node arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphNodeRegistrynodeRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of node arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphNodeRegistry & () const
internal::GraphEdgeRegistryedgeRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of edge arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphEdgeRegistryedgeRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of edge arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphEdgeRegistry & () const
internal::GraphAdjRegistryadjEntryRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphAdjRegistryadjEntryRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphAdjRegistry & () const
void resetEdgeIdCount (int maxId)
 Resets the edge id count to maxId. More...
void resetNodeIdCount (int maxId)
template<OGDF_NODE_ITER NI, OGDF_EDGE_ITER EI, bool copyEmbedding = true, bool copyIDs = false, bool notifyObservers = true>
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NI &nodesBegin, const NI &nodesEnd, const EI &edgesBegin, const EI &edgesEnd, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
template<OGDF_NODE_ITER NI, OGDF_EDGE_FILTER EF, bool copyIDs = false, bool notifyObservers = true>
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NI &nodesBegin, const NI &nodesEnd, const EF &edgeFilter, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EdgeSet< true > &edgeSet, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EdgeSet< false > &edgeSet, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EL &edgeList, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const CCsInfo &info, int cc, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given connected component cc into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const Graph &G, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given Graph G into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const Graph &G)
 Inserts a copy of a given Graph G into this graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Observable< GraphObserver, Graph >
 Observable ()=default
 Observable (const Observable &copy)=delete
 If you want to copy a subclass of Observable, call the default Observable() constructor. More...
 Observable (Observable &&move)=delete
 If you want to move a subclass of Observable, call the default Observable() constructor. More...
virtual ~Observable ()
Observableoperator= (const Observable &copy)=delete
Observableoperator= (Observable &&move)=delete

Protected Member Functions

void convertClusterGraph (cluster act, AdjEntryArray< edge > &currentEdge, AdjEntryArray< int > &outEdge)
 Insert boundaries for all given clusters. More...
void insertBoundary (cluster C, AdjEntryArray< edge > &currentEdge, AdjEntryArray< int > &outEdge, bool clusterIsLeaf)
 Insert edges to represent the cluster boundary. More...
void reinsertEdge (edge e)
 Reinserts edges to planarize the graph after convertClusterGraph. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::PlanRep
edgeType assClassPattern () const
edgeType associationPattern () const
edgeType brotherPattern () const
edgeType cliquePattern () const
edgeType expansionPattern () const
edgeType generalizationPattern () const
edgeType halfBrotherPattern () const
void setCopyType (edge eCopy, edge eOrig)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::GraphCopy
void edgeInserted (void *userData, edge original, edge copy) override
 Callback notifying subclasses that insert() copied an edge. More...
void removeAdjacentEdgesCrossing (adjEntry adj1, adjEntry adj2, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph)
 Removes the crossing of the two adjacent edges adj1->theEdge() and adj2->theEdge(). More...
void removeSameEdgesCrossing (adjEntry adjFirstCrossing1, adjEntry adjFirstCrossing2, adjEntry adjSecondCrossing1, adjEntry adjSecondCrossing2, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph)
 Removes the two crossings given by the adjEntries, assuming that both crossings stem from the same two edges. More...
void removeUnnecessaryCrossing (adjEntry adj, DynamicDualGraph *dualGraph)
 Removes the pseudo crossing that adj belongs to. More...
void removeUnnecessaryCrossing (adjEntry adjA1, adjEntry adjA2, adjEntry adjB1, adjEntry adjB2)
void setOriginalEdgeAlongCrossings (adjEntry adjCopy1, adjEntry adjCopy2, node vCopy, edge eOrig1, edge eOrig2)
 Sets the original edges from adjCopy1 up to vCopy to eOrig2, and the original edges from adjCopy2 up to vCopy to eOrig1. More...
void swapOriginalEdgesAtCrossing (adjEntry adjCopy1, adjEntry adjCopy2, DynamicDualGraph *dual=nullptr)
 Swaps the original edges from adjCopy1 up to the common node of {adjCopy1, adjCopy2} with the original edges from adjCopy2 up to the same common node. More...
void swapOriginalEdgesBetweenCrossings (adjEntry adjFirstCrossing1, adjEntry adjFirstCrossing2, adjEntry adjSecondCrossing1, adjEntry adjSecondCrossing2, DynamicDualGraph *dual=nullptr)
 Swaps the original edges from adjFirstCrossing1 up to adjSecondCrossing1->theNode() with the original edges from adjFirstCrossing2 up to adjSecondCrossing2->theNode(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::GraphCopyBase
void nodeInserted (void *userData, node original, node copy) override
 Callback notifying subclasses that insert() copied a node. More...
void * preInsert (bool copyEmbedding, bool copyIDs, bool notifyObservers, bool edgeFilter, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap, int *newNodes, int *newEdges) override
 Callback notifying subclasses that some graph is about to be insert() -ed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Graph
virtual void postInsert (void *userData, int newNodes, int newEdges)
 Callback notifying subclasses that an insert() call has finished. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Observable< GraphObserver, Graph >
void clearObservers ()
const ListPure< GraphObserver * > & getObservers () const

Private Member Functions

edgeType clusterPattern ()

Private Attributes

HashArray< int, clusterm_clusterOfIndex
EdgeArray< int > m_edgeClusterID
NodeArray< int > m_nodeClusterID
const ClusterGraphm_pClusterGraph
adjEntry m_rootAdj
 Connects cluster on highest level with non cluster or same level. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ogdf::Graph
enum  EdgeType { EdgeType::association = 0, EdgeType::generalization = 1, EdgeType::dependency = 2 }
 The type of edges (only used in derived classes). More...
enum  NodeType { NodeType::vertex = 0, NodeType::dummy = 1, NodeType::generalizationMerger = 2, NodeType::generalizationExpander = 3, NodeType::highDegreeExpander = 4, NodeType::lowDegreeExpander = 5, NodeType::associationClass = 6 }
 The type of nodes. More...
using node_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< node >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to a node in a graph. More...
using edge_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< edge >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to an edge in a graph. More...
using adjEntry_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< adjEntry >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to an entry in an adjacency list. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from ogdf::Graph
internal::GraphObjectContainer< NodeElementnodes
 The container containing all node objects. More...
internal::GraphObjectContainer< EdgeElementedges
 The container containing all edge objects. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::PlanRep
NodeArray< adjEntrym_boundaryAdj
Graph::CCsInfo m_ccInfo
int m_currentCC
 The index of the current component. More...
EdgeArray< edgem_eAuxCopy
EdgeArray< edgeTypem_edgeTypes
EdgeArray< EdgeTypem_eType
NodeArray< adjEntrym_expandAdj
NodeArray< nodem_expandedNode
 For all expansion nodes, save expanded node. More...
EdgeArray< int > m_expansionEdge
NodeArray< nodeTypem_nodeTypes
 Node types for extended semantic information. More...
EdgeArray< edgeTypem_oriEdgeTypes
const GraphAttributesm_pGraphAttributes
 Pointer to graph attributes of original graph. More...
NodeArray< NodeTypem_vType
 Simple node types. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::GraphCopy
EdgeArray< List< edge > > m_eCopy
 The corresponding list of edges in the graph copy. More...
EdgeArray< ListIterator< edge > > m_eIterator
 The position of copy edge in the list. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::GraphCopyBase
EdgeArray< edgem_eOrig
 The corresponding edge in the original graph. More...
bool m_linkCopiesOnInsert
 Whether insert(getOriginalGraph()) will set copy and original. More...
const Graphm_pGraph = nullptr
 The original graph. More...
NodeArray< nodem_vCopy
 The corresponding node in the graph copy. More...
NodeArray< nodem_vOrig
 The corresponding node in the original graph. More...

Detailed Description

Planarized representations for clustered graphs.

Definition at line 47 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ClusterPlanRep()

ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::ClusterPlanRep ( const ClusterGraphAttributes acGraph,
const ClusterGraph clusterGraph 

◆ ~ClusterPlanRep()

virtual ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::~ClusterPlanRep ( )

Definition at line 51 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClusterID() [1/2]

int ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::ClusterID ( edge  e) const

Definition at line 132 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ ClusterID() [2/2]

int ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::ClusterID ( node  v) const

Definition at line 130 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ clusterOfDummy()

cluster ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::clusterOfDummy ( node  v)

Definition at line 139 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ clusterOfEdge()

cluster ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::clusterOfEdge ( edge  e)

Returns cluster of edge e.

Edges only have unique numbers if clusters are already modelled. We derive the edge cluster from the endnode cluster information.

Definition at line 105 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ clusterOfIndex()

cluster ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::clusterOfIndex ( int  i)

Definition at line 134 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ clusterPattern()

edgeType ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::clusterPattern ( )

Definition at line 165 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ convertClusterGraph()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::convertClusterGraph ( cluster  act,
AdjEntryArray< edge > &  currentEdge,
AdjEntryArray< int > &  outEdge 

Insert boundaries for all given clusters.

◆ expand()

virtual void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::expand ( bool  lowDegreeExpand = false)

Expands nodes with degree > 4 and merge nodes for generalizations.

Reimplemented from ogdf::PlanRep.

◆ expandLowDegreeVertices()

virtual void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::expandLowDegreeVertices ( OrthoRep OR)

◆ externalAdj()

adjEntry ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::externalAdj ( )

Definition at line 79 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ getClusterGraph()

const ClusterGraph& ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::getClusterGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ initCC()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::initCC ( int  i)

◆ insertBoundary()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::insertBoundary ( cluster  C,
AdjEntryArray< edge > &  currentEdge,
AdjEntryArray< int > &  outEdge,
bool  clusterIsLeaf 

Insert edges to represent the cluster boundary.

◆ insertEdgePathEmbedded()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::insertEdgePathEmbedded ( edge  eOrig,
CombinatorialEmbedding E,
const SList< adjEntry > &  crossedEdges 

re-inserts edge eOrig by "crossing" the edges in crossedEdges; splits each edge in crossedEdges Precond.

: eOrig is an edge in the original graph, the edges in crossedEdges are in this graph, cluster boundaries are modelled as edge paths

eOrigOriginal edge to be inserted
crossedEdgesEdges that are crossed by this insertion
EThe embedding in which the edge is inserted

◆ isClusterBoundary()

bool ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::isClusterBoundary ( edge  e)

Definition at line 58 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ ModelBoundaries()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::ModelBoundaries ( )

◆ reinsertEdge()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::reinsertEdge ( edge  e)

Reinserts edges to planarize the graph after convertClusterGraph.

◆ setClusterBoundary()

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::setClusterBoundary ( edge  e)

Definition at line 56 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ split()

virtual edge ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::split ( edge  e)

Splits edge e, updates clustercage lists if necessary and returns new edge.

Reimplemented from ogdf::PlanRep.

Definition at line 89 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ writeGML() [1/3]

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::writeGML ( const char *  fileName)

◆ writeGML() [2/3]

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::writeGML ( const char *  fileName,
const Layout drawing 

◆ writeGML() [3/3]

void ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::writeGML ( std::ostream &  os,
const Layout drawing 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_clusterOfIndex

HashArray<int, cluster> ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::m_clusterOfIndex

Definition at line 176 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ m_edgeClusterID

EdgeArray<int> ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::m_edgeClusterID

Definition at line 172 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ m_nodeClusterID

NodeArray<int> ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::m_nodeClusterID

Definition at line 173 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ m_pClusterGraph

const ClusterGraph* ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::m_pClusterGraph

Definition at line 163 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

◆ m_rootAdj

adjEntry ogdf::ClusterPlanRep::m_rootAdj

Connects cluster on highest level with non cluster or same level.

Definition at line 170 of file ClusterPlanRep.h.

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