Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst Class Reference

A simple greedy node coloring heuristic in graphs. More...

#include <ogdf/graphalg/NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst:

Public Member Functions

virtual NodeColor call (const Graph &graph, NodeArray< NodeColor > &colors, NodeColor start=0) override
 The actual algorithm call. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::NodeColoringModule
 NodeColoringModule ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~NodeColoringModule ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool checkColoring (const Graph &graph, const NodeArray< NodeColor > &colors) const
 Checks if the given node coloring is valid. More...
virtual void preprocessGraph (Graph &graph) const
 Preprocesses a graph so that a coloring algorithm can be applied. More...

Private Member Functions

void getCandidate (node &candidate, NodeArray< int > &degreesUnavailable, Graph &graph)
 Searches a node candidate for the next coloring step. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ogdf::NodeColoringModule
using NodeColor = unsigned int
 Data type of the node colors. More...
enum  RamseyProcedure { RamseyProcedure::smallestIndex, RamseyProcedure::smallestDegree, RamseyProcedure::largestDegree, RamseyProcedure::extremalDegree }
 Declares the procedure of finding nodes in Ramsey's algorithm. More...
enum  SearchProcedure { SearchProcedure::linearSearch, SearchProcedure::binarySearch, SearchProcedure::wigdersonSearch }
 Declares the search procedures. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::NodeColoringModule
template<class CONTAINER >
bool checkIndependentSet (const Graph &graph, const CONTAINER &nodes) const
 Checks if subgraph induced by the given nodes forms an independent set. More...
virtual void cliqueRemoval (const Graph &graph, List< node > &independentSet) const
 Applies the clique removal algorithm for finding a large independent set in a given graph. More...
virtual void createBuckets (const Graph &graph, int size, Array< Array< node >> &buckets) const
 Creates a partitioning of the node set into buckets of a given size. More...
virtual int getMaximumDegreeNode (const Graph &graph, node &maxDegreeNode) const
 Searches for a maximum degree node in the graph. More...
virtual int getMaximumDegreeNodes (const Graph &graph, List< node > &maxDegreeNodes) const
 Searches for all nodes with maximum degree in the graph. More...
virtual NodeColor getMaximumNodeColor (NodeArray< NodeColor > &colors)
 Calculates the maximum node color index used in a certain node coloring. More...
virtual int getMinimumDegreeNode (const Graph &graph, node &minDegreeNode) const
 Searches for a minimum degree node in the graph. More...
virtual int getMinimumDegreeNodes (const Graph &graph, List< node > &minDegreeNodes) const
 Searches for all nodes with minimum degree in the graph. More...
int getNeighborDegrees (const node &v) const
 Calculates the sum of neighbor nodes degrees for a given node v. More...
template<class LISTITERATOR >
void getNeighbors (const Graph &graph, LISTITERATOR nodes, List< node > &neighbors) const
 Calculates the set of neighbors Y for a given set of nodes X. More...
template<class LISTITERATOR >
void getNeighborsComplement (const Graph &graph, LISTITERATOR nodes, List< node > &complementNeighbors) const
 Calculates the set of complement neighbors Y for a given set of nodes X. More...
template<class LISTITERATOR >
void mergeNodeLists (const Graph &graph, LISTITERATOR firstList, LISTITERATOR secondList, List< node > &mergedList) const
 Merges two lists of nodes and deletes the duplicates. More...
virtual void ramseyAlgorithm (const Graph &graph, List< node > &clique, List< node > &independentSet) const
 Performs the Ramsey algorithm for finding heuristically large cliques and independents sets in a graph. More...
virtual void reverseNodeTable (const Graph &graphOrig, const Graph &graphNew, const NodeArray< node > &orig2New, NodeArray< node > &new2Orig) const
 Reverses the mapping between the nodes sets of a graph and a subgraph. More...
int searchBinary (SearchWrapper *searchWrapper, int start, int end) const
 Performs a binary search in a specified range with a given oracle. More...
int searchLinear (SearchWrapper *searchWrapper, int start, int end) const
 Performs a linear search in a specified range with a given oracle. More...
int searchWigderson (SearchWrapper *searchWrapper) const
 Performs a the search procedure specified by Wigderson. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::NodeColoringModule
RamseyProcedure m_ramseyProcedure
 The RamseyProcedure to be used to select nodes. More...

Detailed Description

A simple greedy node coloring heuristic in graphs.

It colors one node after another by preferring nodes with a large degree.

Definition at line 43 of file NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ call()

virtual NodeColor ogdf::NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst::call ( const Graph graph,
NodeArray< NodeColor > &  colors,
NodeColor  start = 0 

The actual algorithm call.

graphThe graph for which the node coloring will be calculated.
colorsThe resulting node coloring.
startThe first color index which will be used.
The number of colors used by the node coloring.

Implements ogdf::NodeColoringModule.

◆ getCandidate()

void ogdf::NodeColoringRecursiveLargestFirst::getCandidate ( node candidate,
NodeArray< int > &  degreesUnavailable,
Graph graph 

Searches a node candidate for the next coloring step.

candidateThe resulting node candidate
degreesUnavailableThe degrees to the unavailable nodes
graphThe graph of the nodes

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