Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster Class Reference

#include <ogdf/cluster/internal/CPlanarityMaster.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster:

Public Member Functions

 CPlanarityMaster (const ClusterGraph &C, int heuristicLevel=0, int heuristicRuns=2, double heuristicOEdgeBound=0.3, int heuristicNPermLists=5, int kuratowskiIterations=3, int subdivisions=10, int kSupportGraphs=3, double kuratowskiHigh=0.75, double kuratowskiLow=0.3, bool perturbation=false, double branchingGap=0.4, const char *time="00:20:00")
virtual ~CPlanarityMaster ()
 Destruction. More...
double branchingOEdgeSelectGap () const
virtual abacus::SubfirstSub () override
 Should return a pointer to the first subproblem of the optimization, i.e., the root node of the enumeration tree. More...
const ClusterGraphgetClusterGraph () const
const List< node > & getClusterNodes (cluster c) const
 Returns reference to cluster nodes member list for c. More...
void getClusterNodes (cluster c, List< node > &nodeList) const
 Copies cluster nodes from member list to parameter list. Should be used if node list needs to be altered. More...
void getConnectionOptimalSolutionEdges (List< NodePair > &egdes) const override
 Returns nodePairs of connecting optimal solution edges in list edges. More...
const GraphgetGraph () const
double getHeuristicFractionalBound () const
int getHeuristicLevel () const
int getHeuristicRuns () const
double getKBoundHigh () const
double getKBoundLow () const
int getKIterations () const
bool getMPHeuristic () const
int getNKuratowskiSupportGraphs () const
int getNSubdivisions () const
int getNumAddVariables () const
int getNumInactiveVars ()
const char * getStdConstraintsFileName ()
 The name of the file that contains the standard, i.e., non-cut, constraints (may be deleted by ABACUS and shouldn't be stored twice) More...
double getStrongConstraintViolation () const
double getStrongVariableViolation () const
void heuristicLevel (int level)
int nMaxVars () const
int numberOfHeuristicPermutationLists () const
bool perturbation () const
void printGraph (const Graph &G)
 Simple output function to print the given graph to the console. Used for debugging only. More...
const GraphCopysearchSpaceGraph () const
void setHeuristicFractionalBound (double b)
void setHeuristicPermutationLists (int n)
void setHeuristicRuns (int n)
void setKBoundHigh (double n)
void setKBoundLow (double n)
void setKIterations (int n)
void setMPHeuristic (bool b)
 Switches use of lower bound heuristic. More...
void setNHeuristicRuns (int n)
void setNKuratowskiSupportGraphs (int n)
void setNSubdivisions (int n)
void setNumAddVariables (int i)
void setPertubation (bool b)
void setSearchSpaceShrinking (bool b)
 Toggles reduction of search space (using only some bag/satchel connections) on/off. More...
void setStrongConstraintViolation (double d)
void setStrongVariableViolation (double d)
GraphsolutionInducedGraph () override
 Returns the optimal solution induced Clustergraph. More...
void updateBestSubGraph (List< NodePair > &connection) override
 Updates the "best" Subgraph m_solutionGraph found so far and fills connection with. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase
 CP_MasterBase (const ClusterGraph &C, int heuristicLevel=1, int heuristicRuns=2, double heuristicOEdgeBound=0.3, int heuristicNPermLists=5, int kuratowskiIterations=3, int subdivisions=10, int kSupportGraphs=3, double kuratowskiHigh=0.7, double kuratowskiLow=0.3, bool perturbation=false, double branchingGap=0.4, const char *time="00:05:00")
 Construction and default values. More...
virtual ~CP_MasterBase ()
 Destruction. More...
int addedCConstraints () const
int addedKConstraints () const
double epsilon () const
 Returns the objective function coefficient of C-edges. More...
const ClusterGraphgetClusterGraph () const
 Returns a pointer to the given Clustergraph. More...
abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * getCutConnPool ()
 Returns cut pool for connectivity. More...
abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * getCutKuraPool ()
 Returns cut pool for planarity. More...
double getDualBound ()
const GraphgetGraph () const
 Returns a pointer to the underlying Graph. More...
double getHeuristicFractionalBound () const
int getHeuristicLevel () const
int getHeuristicRuns () const
double getKBoundHigh () const
double getKBoundLow () const
int getKIterations () const
bool getMPHeuristic () const
int getNKuratowskiSupportGraphs () const
int getNSubdivisions () const
int getNumAddVariables () const
int getNumInactiveVars ()
double getPrimalBound ()
const char * getStdConstraintsFileName ()
 The name of the file that contains the standard, i.e., non-cut, constraints (may be deleted by ABACUS and shouldn't be stored twice) More...
double getStrongConstraintViolation () const
double getStrongVariableViolation () const
void heuristicLevel (int level)
double intGap ()
 Returns a value that allows to distinguish result values when connection edges (tiny negative cost) are added. More...
int nMaxVars () const
 Returns the number of variables. More...
int numberOfHeuristicPermutationLists () const
bool perturbation () const
void printGraph (const Graph &G)
void setHeuristicFractionalBound (double b)
void setHeuristicPermutationLists (int n)
void setHeuristicRuns (int n)
void setKBoundHigh (double n)
void setKBoundLow (double n)
void setKIterations (int n)
void setMPHeuristic (bool b)
 Switches use of lower bound heuristic. More...
void setNHeuristicRuns (int n)
void setNKuratowskiSupportGraphs (int n)
void setNSubdivisions (int n)
void setNumAddVariables (int i)
void setPertubation (bool b)
void setPortaFile (bool b)
 If set to true, PORTA output is written in a file. More...
void setStrongConstraintViolation (double d)
void setStrongVariableViolation (double d)
void setTimeLimit (const char *s)
void updateAddedCCons (int n)
void updateAddedKCons (int n)
bool & useDefaultCutPool ()
 Returns true if default cut pool is used. Otherwise, separate connectivity and Kuratowski pools are generated and used. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from abacus::Master
 Master (const char *problemName, bool cutting, bool pricing, OptSense::SENSE optSense=OptSense::Unknown, double eps=1.0e-4, double machineEps=1.0e-7, double infinity=1.0e30, bool readParamFromFile=false)
 The constructor. More...
virtual ~Master ()
 The destructor. More...
BRANCHINGSTRAT branchingStrategy () const
 Returns the branching strategy. More...
void branchingStrategy (BRANCHINGSTRAT strat)
 Changes the branching strategy to strat. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUbranchingTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in finding and selecting the branching rules. More...
bool check () const
 Can be used to control the correctness of the optimization if the value of the optimum solution has been loaded. More...
int conElimAge () const
 Returns the age for the elimination of constraints. More...
void conElimAge (int age)
 Changes the age for the elimination of constraints to age. More...
double conElimEps () const
 Returns the zero tolerance for the elimination of constraints by the slack criterion. More...
void conElimEps (double eps)
 Changes the tolerance for the elimination of constraints by the slack criterion to eps. More...
CONELIMMODE conElimMode () const
 Returns the mode for the elimination of constraints. More...
void conElimMode (CONELIMMODE mode)
 Changes the constraint elimination mode to mode. More...
StandardPool< Constraint, Variable > * conPool () const
 Returns a pointer to the default pool storing the constraints of the problem formulation. More...
StandardPool< Constraint, Variable > * cutPool () const
 Returns a pointer to the default pool for the generated cutting planes. More...
bool cutting () const
int dbThreshold () const
 Returns the number of optimizations of a subproblem until sons are created. More...
void dbThreshold (int threshold)
 Sets the number of optimizations of a subproblem until sons are created in Sub::branching(). More...
OSISOLVER defaultLpSolver () const
 returns the Lp Solver. More...
void defaultLpSolver (OSISOLVER osiSolver)
 Changes the default Lp solver to osiSolver. More...
bool delayedBranching (int nOpt) const
 Returns true if the number of optimizations nOpt of a subproblem exceeds the delayed branching threshold, false otherwise. More...
bool eliminateFixedSet () const
void eliminateFixedSet (bool turnOn)
 Turns the elimination of fixed and set variables on or off. More...
ENUMSTRAT enumerationStrategy () const
 Returns the enumeration strategy. More...
virtual int enumerationStrategy (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2)
 Analyzes the enumeration strategy set in the parameter file .abacus and calls the corresponding comparison function for the subproblems s1 and s2. More...
void enumerationStrategy (ENUMSTRAT strat)
 Changes the enumeration strategy to strat. More...
bool fixSetByRedCost () const
void fixSetByRedCost (bool on)
 Turns fixing and setting variables by reduced cost on or off. More...
double guarantee () const
 Can be used to access the guarantee which can be given for the best known feasible solution. More...
bool guaranteed () const
 Can be used to check if the guarantee requirements are fulfilled. More...
int highestLevel () const
 Returns the highest level in the tree which has been reached during the implicit enumeration. More...
Historyhistory () const
 Returns a pointer to the object storing the solution history of this branch and cut problem. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUimproveTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in the heuristics for the computation of feasible solutions. More...
bool knownOptimum (double &optVal) const
 Opens the file specified with the parameter OptimumFileName in the configuration file .abacus and tries to find a line with the name of the problem instance (as specified in the constructor of Master) as first string. More...
LpMasterOsilpMasterOsi () const
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUlpSolverTime () const
 Return a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time required by the LP solver. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUlpTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in members of the LP-interface. More...
int maxConAdd () const
 Returns the maximal number of constraints which should be added in every iteration of the cutting plane algorithm. More...
void maxConAdd (int max)
 Sets the maximal number of constraints that are added in an iteration of the cutting plane algorithm. More...
int maxConBuffered () const
 Returns the size of the buffer for generated constraints in the cutting plane algorithm. More...
void maxConBuffered (int max)
 Changes the maximal number of constraints that are buffered in an iteration of the cutting plane algorithm. More...
int64_t maxCowTime () const
 Returns the maximal wall-clock time (in seconds) which can be used by the optimization. More...
void maxCowTime (const string &t)
 Sets the maximally allowed wall-clock time for the optimization to t. More...
void maxCowTime (int64_t seconds)
 Sets the maximally allowed wall-clock time to seconds. More...
string maxCowTimeAsString () const
 Returns the maximal wall-clock time (as string hh:mm:ss) which can be used by the optimization. More...
int64_t maxCpuTime () const
 Returns the maximal cpu time (in seconds) which can be used by the optimization. More...
void maxCpuTime (const string &t)
 Sets the maximally allowed cpu time for the optimization to t. More...
void maxCpuTime (int hour, int min, int sec)
 Sets the maximally allowed cpu time for the optimization to hour, min, sec. More...
void maxCpuTime (int64_t seconds)
 Sets the maximally allowed cpu time to seconds. More...
string maxCpuTimeAsString () const
 Returns the maximal cpu time (as string hh:mm:ss) which can be used by the optimization. More...
int maxIterations () const
 Returns the maximal number of iterations per subproblem optimization (-1 means no iteration limit). More...
void maxIterations (int max)
 Changes the default value for the maximal number of iterations of the optimization of a subproblem. More...
int maxLevel () const
 Returns the maximal depth up to which the enumeration should be performed. More...
void maxLevel (int ml)
 This version of the function maxLevel() changes the maximal enumeration depth. More...
int maxNSub () const
 Returns the maximal number of subproblems to be processed. More...
void maxNSub (int ml)
 Changes the maximal number of subproblems to ml. More...
int maxVarAdd () const
 Returns the maximal number of variables which should be added in the column generation algorithm. More...
void maxVarAdd (int max)
 Changes the maximal number of variables that are added in an iteration of the subproblem optimization. More...
int maxVarBuffered () const
 Returns the size of the buffer for the variables generated in the column generation algorithm. More...
void maxVarBuffered (int max)
 Changes the maximal number of variables that are buffered in an iteration of the subproblem optimization. More...
int minDormantRounds () const
 Returns the maximal number of rounds, i.e., number of subproblem optimizations, a subproblem is dormant. More...
void minDormantRounds (int nRounds)
 Sets the number of rounds a subproblem should stay dormant to nRounds. More...
int nBranchingVariableCandidates () const
 Returns the number of variables that should be tested for the selection of the branching variable. More...
void nBranchingVariableCandidates (int n)
 Sets the number of tested branching variable candidates to n. More...
bool newRootReOptimize () const
void newRootReOptimize (bool on)
 Turns the reoptimization of new root nodes of the remaining branch and bound tree on or off. More...
int nLp () const
 Returns the number of optimized linear programs (only LP-relaxations). More...
int nNewRoot () const
 Returns the number of root changes of the remaining branch-and-cut tree. More...
int nStrongBranchingIterations () const
 The number of simplex iterations that are performed when testing candidates for branching variables within strong branching. More...
void nStrongBranchingIterations (int n)
 Sets the number of simplex iterations that are performed when testing candidates for branching variables within strong branching. More...
int nSub () const
 returns the number of generated subproblems. More...
int nSubSelected () const
 Returns the number of subproblems which have already been selected from the set of open subproblems. More...
bool objInteger () const
 If true then we assume that all feasible solutions have integral objective function values. More...
void objInteger (bool b)
 Sets the assumption that the objective function values of all feasible solutions are integer. More...
OpenSubopenSub () const
 Returns a pointer to the set of open subproblems. More...
STATUS optimize ()
 Performs the optimization by branch-and-bound. More...
const string & optimumFileName () const
 Returns the name of the file that stores the optimum solutions. More...
void optimumFileName (const char *name)
 Changes the name of the file in which the value of the optimum solution is searched. More...
const OptSenseoptSense () const
 Returns a pointer to the object holding the optimization sense of the problem. More...
virtual void output () const
 Does nothing but can be redefined in derived classes for output before the timing statistics. More...
 Returns the mode of the primal bound initialization. More...
void pbMode (PRIMALBOUNDMODE mode)
 Sets the mode of the primal bound initialization to mode. More...
bool pricing () const
int pricingFreq () const
 Returns the number of linear programs being solved between two additional pricing steps. More...
void pricingFreq (int f)
 Sets the number of linear programs being solved between two additional pricing steps to f. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUpricingTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in pricing. More...
void printGuarantee () const
 Writes the guarantee nicely formated on the output stream associated with this object. More...
bool printLP () const
void printLP (bool on)
 Turns the output of the linear program in every iteration on or off. More...
void printParameters () const
 Writes all parameters of the class Master together with their values to the global output stream. More...
const string & problemName () const
 Returns the name of the instance being optimized (as specified in the constructor of this class). More...
double requiredGuarantee () const
 The guarantee specification for the optimization. More...
void requiredGuarantee (double g)
 Changes the guarantee specification tp g. More...
Subroot () const
 Can be used to access the root node of the branch-and-bound tree. More...
SubrRoot () const
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUseparationTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in the separation of cutting planes. More...
virtual bool setSolverParameters (OsiSolverInterface *interface, bool solverIsApprox)
 Sets solver specific parameters. More...
bool showAverageCutDistance () const
void showAverageCutDistance (bool on)
 Turns the output of the average distance of the added cuts from the fractional solution on or off. More...
int skipFactor () const
 Returns the frequency of subproblems in which constraints or variables should be generated. More...
void skipFactor (int f)
 Sets the frequency for constraint and variable generation to f. More...
SKIPPINGMODE skippingMode () const
 Returns the skipping strategy. More...
void skippingMode (SKIPPINGMODE mode)
 Sets the skipping strategy to mode. More...
bool solveApprox () const
 True, if an approximative solver should be used. More...
STATUS status () const
 Returns the status of the Master. More...
int tailOffNLp () const
 Returns the number of linear programs considered in the tailing off analysis. More...
void tailOffNLp (int n)
 Sets the number of linear programs considered in the tailing off analysis to n. More...
double tailOffPercent () const
 Returns the minimal change of the dual bound for the tailing off analysis in percent. More...
void tailOffPercent (double p)
 Sets the minimal change of the dual bound for the tailing off analysis to p. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchWallClocktotalCowTime () const
 Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the total wall clock time. More...
const ogdf::StopwatchCPUtotalTime () const
 returns a pointer to the timer measuring the total cpu time for the optimization. More...
int varElimAge () const
 Returns the age for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion. More...
void varElimAge (int age)
 Changes the age for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion to age. More...
double varElimEps () const
 Returns the zero tolerance for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion. More...
void varElimEps (double eps)
 Changes the tolerance for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion to eps. More...
VARELIMMODE varElimMode () const
 Returns the mode for the elimination of variables. More...
void varElimMode (VARELIMMODE mode)
 Changes the variable elimination mode to mode. More...
StandardPool< Variable, Constraint > * varPool () const
 Returns a pointer to the default pool storing the variables. More...
VBCMODE vbcLog () const
 Returns the mode of output for the Vbc-Tool. More...
void vbcLog (VBCMODE mode)
 Changes the mode of output for the Vbc-Tool to mode. More...
double lowerBound () const
 Returns the value of the global lower bound. More...
double upperBound () const
 Returns the value of the global upper bound. More...
double primalBound () const
 Returns the value of the primal bound. More...
void primalBound (double x)
 Sets the primal bound to x and makes a new entry in the solution history. More...
double dualBound () const
 Returns the value of the dual bound. More...
void dualBound (double x)
 Sets the dual bound to x and makes a new entry in the solution history. More...
bool betterDual (double x) const
 Returns true if x is better than the best known dual bound; false otherwise. More...
bool primalViolated (double x) const
 Can be used to compare a value with the one of the best known primal bound. More...
bool betterPrimal (double x) const
 Can be used to check if a value is better than the best know primal bound. More...
double rootDualBound () const
 Returns the dual bound at the root node. More...
bool feasibleFound () const
 We use this function, e.g., to adapt the enumeration strategy in the DiveAndBest-Strategy. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from abacus::AbacusGlobal
 AbacusGlobal (double eps=1.0e-4, double machineEps=1.0e-7, double infinity=1.0e32)
 The constructor. More...
virtual ~AbacusGlobal ()
 The destructor. More...
void assignParameter (bool &param, const char *name) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (bool &param, const char *name, bool defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (char &param, const char *name, const char *feasible, char defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (char &param, const char *name, const char *feasible=nullptr) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (double &param, const char *name, double minVal, double maxVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (double &param, const char *name, double minVal, double maxVal, double defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (int &param, const char *name, int minVal, int maxVal) const
 Searches for parameter name in the parameter table and returns its value in param. More...
void assignParameter (int &param, const char *name, int minVal, int maxVal, int defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (string &param, const char *name, unsigned nFeasible, const char *feasible[], const char *defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (string &param, const char *name, unsigned nFeasible=0, const char *feasible[]=nullptr) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (unsigned &param, const char *name, unsigned minVal, unsigned maxVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
void assignParameter (unsigned &param, const char *name, unsigned minVal, unsigned maxVal, unsigned defVal) const
 See AbacusGlobal::assignParameter(int&,const char*,int,int) for a description. More...
double eps () const
 Returns the zero tolerance. More...
void eps (double e)
 Sets the zero tolerance to e. More...
bool equal (double x, double y) const
 Returns whether the absolute difference between x and y is less than the machine dependent zero tolerance. More...
int findParameter (const char *name, const char *feasible) const
 See AbacusGlobal::findParameter(const char *name, unsigned nFeasible, const int *feasible) for description. More...
int findParameter (const char *name, unsigned nFeasible, const char *feasible[]) const
 See AbacusGlobal::findParameter(const char *name, unsigned nFeasible, const int *feasible) for description. More...
int findParameter (const char *name, unsigned nFeasible, const int *feasible) const
 Searches for parameter name in the parameter table. More...
int getParameter (const char *name, bool &param) const
int getParameter (const char *name, char &param) const
int getParameter (const char *name, double &param) const
int getParameter (const char *name, int &param) const
 Searches for parameter name in the parameter table and returns its value in param. More...
int getParameter (const char *name, string &param) const
int getParameter (const char *name, unsigned int &param) const
double infinity () const
 Provides a floating point value of "infinite" size. More...
void infinity (double x)
 Sets the "infinite value" to x. More...
void insertParameter (const char *name, const char *value)
 Inserts parameter name with value value into the parameter table. More...
bool isInfinity (double x) const
 Returns true if x is regarded as "infinite" large, false otherwise. More...
bool isInteger (double x) const
 Returns whether the value x differs at most by the machine dependent zero tolerance from an integer value. More...
bool isInteger (double x, double eps) const
 Returns whether the value x differs at most by eps from an integer value. More...
bool isMinusInfinity (double x) const
 Returns true if x is regarded as infinite small, false otherwise. More...
double machineEps () const
 Provides a machine dependent zero tolerance. More...
void machineEps (double e)
 Sets the machine dependent zero tolerance to e. More...
void readParameters (const string &fileName)
 Opens the parameter file fileName, reads all parameters, and inserts them in the parameter table. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from abacus::AbacusRoot
virtual ~AbacusRoot ()
 The destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

void addExternalConnections (cluster c, List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &connectVars)
 Create variables for external cluster connections in case we search only in the bag-reduced search space. More...
void addInnerConnections (cluster c, List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &connectVars)
 Adds inner cluster connection variables in bag-reduced search space. More...
void createInitialVariables (List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &initVars) override
 All variables that have to be present at start of optimization are created here. Their number is returned. More...
bool goodVar (node a, node b) override
 Node pair is potential candidate for new edge variable. More...
double heuristicInitialLowerBound () override
virtual void initializeOptimization () override
 The default implementation of initializeOptimization() does nothing. More...
bool isCP () override
 Derives and returns c-planarity property either directly or indirectly from computation results. More...
virtual void terminateOptimization () override
 Function that is invoked at the end of the optimization. Does nothing but output in CP_MasterBase. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase
void clearActiveRepairs ()
double getDoubleTime (const Stopwatch *act)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from abacus::Master
virtual void assignParameters ()
 Assigns the parameters that were read from a file to the member variables of the master. More...
int bestFirstSearch (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const
 Implements the best first search enumeration. More...
int breadthFirstSearch (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const
 Implements the breadth first search enumeration strategy, i.e., the subproblem with minimum level is selected. More...
int depthFirstSearch (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const
 Implements the depth first search enumeration strategy, i.e., the subproblem with maximum level is selected. More...
int diveAndBestFirstSearch (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const
 Performs depth-first search until a feasible solution is found, then the search process is continued with best-first search. More...
virtual int equalSubCompare (const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const
 Is called from the function bestFirstSearch() and from the function depthFirstSearch() if the subproblems s1 and s2 have the same priority. More...
void initializeOptSense (OptSense::SENSE sense)
 Can be used to initialize the sense of the optimization in derived classes, if this has not been already performed when the constructor of Master has been called. More...
virtual void initializeParameters ()
 Is only a dummy. More...
virtual void initializePools (ArrayBuffer< Constraint * > &constraints, ArrayBuffer< Constraint * > &cuts, ArrayBuffer< Variable * > &variables, int varPoolSize, int cutPoolSize, bool dynamicCutPool=false)
 Is overloaded such that also a first set of cutting planes can be inserted into the cutting plane pool. More...
virtual void initializePools (ArrayBuffer< Constraint * > &constraints, ArrayBuffer< Variable * > &variables, int varPoolSize, int cutPoolSize, bool dynamicCutPool=false)
 Sets up the default pools for variables, constraints, and cutting planes. More...

Private Member Functions

double clusterConnection (cluster c, GraphCopy &GC) override
 Is invoked by heuristicInitialLowerBound() More...
void createCompConnVars (List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &initVars) override
 Creates variables for complete connectivity. More...
virtual CPlanarEdgeVarcreateVariable (ListIterator< NodePair > &it) override
 Variable creation for nodePair. More...
virtual CPlanarEdgeVarcreateVariable (node a, node b) override
 Variable creation for pair of nodes which is not stored in m_inactiveVariables. More...
virtual CPlanarEdgeVarcreateVariable (node a, node b, double lbound)
 Variable creation for pair of nodes with lower bound. More...
virtual void generateVariablesForFeasibility (const List< ChunkConnection * > &ccons, List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &connectVars)
virtual void getCoefficients (abacus::Constraint *con, const List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &connect, List< double > &coeffs) override
 writes coefficients of all orig and connect variables in constraint con into emptied list coeffs More...
double heuristicInitialUpperBound () override
 Computes a dual bound for the optimal solution. Tries to find as many edge-disjoint Kuratowski subdivisions as possible. If k edge-disjoint groups of subdivisions are found, the upper bound can be initialized with number of edges in underlying graph minus k. More...
virtual double nextConnectCoeff () override
 Switch to minimization of additional edges, no delta necessary. More...
void nodeDistances (node u, NodeArray< NodeArray< int >> &dist) override
 Computes the graphtheoretical distances of edges incident to node u. More...

Private Attributes

 Used to check if variables are truly needed wrt to search space reduction (Chimani/Klein) More...
ClusterArray< List< node > > m_cNodes
 Static storage of cluster node lists to avoid repeated computation. More...
int m_nSep
 Stores number of separation calls. More...
bool m_shrink
 If set to true, search space reduction is performed. Reduction is only feasible when only a single independent bag exists, which has to be assured by external partitioning. More...
 Search space graph, input graph plus edges modelled by initial variables. More...


class CPlanaritySub

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase
enum  solutionState { solutionState::Undefined, solutionState::CPlanar, solutionState::NonCPlanar }
- Public Types inherited from abacus::Master
enum  BRANCHINGSTRAT { CloseHalf, CloseHalfExpensive }
 This enumeration defines the two currently implemented branching variable selection strategies. More...
enum  CONELIMMODE { NoConElim, NonBinding, Basic }
 This enumeration defines the ways for automatic constraint elimination during the cutting plane phase. More...
enum  ENUMSTRAT { BestFirst, BreadthFirst, DepthFirst, DiveAndBest }
 The enumeration defining the different enumeration strategies for the branch and bound algorithm. More...
enum  OSISOLVER { Cbc, Clp, CPLEX, DyLP, FortMP, GLPK, MOSEK, OSL, SoPlex, SYMPHONY, XPRESS_MP, Gurobi, Csdp }
 This enumeration defines which solvers can be used to solve the LP-relaxations. More...
enum  PRIMALBOUNDMODE { NoPrimalBound, Optimum, OptimumOne }
 This enumeration provides various methods for the initialization of the primal bound. More...
enum  SKIPPINGMODE { SkipByNode, SkipByLevel }
 The way nodes are skipped for the generation of cuts. More...
enum  STATUS { Optimal, Error, OutOfMemory, Unprocessed, Processing, Guaranteed, MaxLevel, MaxCpuTime, MaxNSub, MaxCowTime, ExceptionFathom }
 The various statuses of the optimization process. More...
enum  VARELIMMODE { NoVarElim, ReducedCost }
 This enumeration defines the ways for automatic variable elimination during the column generation algorithm. More...
enum  VBCMODE { NoVbc, File, Pipe }
 This enumeration defines what kind of output can be generated for the VBCTOOL. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from abacus::AbacusRoot
static bool ascii2bool (const string &str)
 Converts the string str to a boolean value. More...
static bool endsWith (const string &str, const string &end)
 Returns true if str ends with end, false otherwise. More...
static double fracPart (double x)
 Returns the absolute value of the fractional part of x. More...
static const char * onOff (bool value)
 Converts a boolean variable to the strings "on" and "off". More...
- Public Attributes inherited from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase
bool m_solByHeuristic
solutionState m_solState
- Static Public Attributes inherited from abacus::Master
static const char * BRANCHINGSTRAT_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * CONELIMMODE_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * ENUMSTRAT_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * OSISOLVER_ []
 Array for the literal values for possible Osi solvers. More...
static const char * PRIMALBOUNDMODE_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * SKIPPINGMODE_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * STATUS_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * VARELIMMODE_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
static const char * VBCMODE_ []
 Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase
double globalDualBound
double globalPrimalBound
int m_activeRepairs
double m_branchingGap
const ClusterGraphm_C
 Pointers to the given Clustergraph and underlying Graph are stored. More...
List< NodePairm_connectionOneEdges
 stores optimization success state More...
abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * m_cutConnPool
 Cut pools for connectivity and Kuratowski constraints. More...
abacus::StandardPool< abacus::Constraint, abacus::Variable > * m_cutKuraPool
 Kuratowski Cuts. More...
const Graphm_G
double m_heuristicFractionalBound
int m_heuristicLevel
List< NodePairm_inactiveVariables
double m_kuratowskiBoundHigh
double m_kuratowskiBoundLow
string * m_maxCpuTime
 Time threshold for optimization. More...
bool m_mpHeuristic
 Indicates if simple max planar subgraph heuristic should be used to derive lower bound if only root cluster exists. More...
int m_nCConsAdded
int m_nHeuristicPermutationLists
int m_nHeuristicRuns
int m_nKConsAdded
int m_nKuratowskiIterations
int m_nKuratowskiSupportGraphs
 Keeps track of created variables. More...
int m_nMaxVars
int m_nSubdivisions
int m_numAddVariables
ArrayBuffer< int > m_repairStat
int m_solvesLP
double m_strongConstraintViolation
double m_strongVariableViolation
bool m_usePerturbation
NodeArray< NodeArray< bool > > m_varCreated
 Keeps track of variables that are currently inactive during optimization. More...
int m_varsAdded
int m_varsBranch
int m_varsCut
int m_varsInit
int m_varsKura
int m_varsMax
int m_varsPotential
int m_varsPrice

Detailed Description

Definition at line 49 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CPlanarityMaster()

ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::CPlanarityMaster ( const ClusterGraph C,
int  heuristicLevel = 0,
int  heuristicRuns = 2,
double  heuristicOEdgeBound = 0.3,
int  heuristicNPermLists = 5,
int  kuratowskiIterations = 3,
int  subdivisions = 10,
int  kSupportGraphs = 3,
double  kuratowskiHigh = 0.75,
double  kuratowskiLow = 0.3,
bool  perturbation = false,
double  branchingGap = 0.4,
const char *  time = "00:20:00" 

◆ ~CPlanarityMaster()

virtual ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::~CPlanarityMaster ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addExternalConnections()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::addExternalConnections ( cluster  c,
List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  connectVars 

Create variables for external cluster connections in case we search only in the bag-reduced search space.

◆ addInnerConnections()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::addInnerConnections ( cluster  c,
List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  connectVars 

Adds inner cluster connection variables in bag-reduced search space.

◆ branchingOEdgeSelectGap()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::branchingOEdgeSelectGap ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ clusterConnection()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::clusterConnection ( cluster  c,
GraphCopy GC 

◆ createCompConnVars()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::createCompConnVars ( List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  initVars)

Creates variables for complete connectivity.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ createInitialVariables()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::createInitialVariables ( List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  initVars)

All variables that have to be present at start of optimization are created here. Their number is returned.

Implements ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ createVariable() [1/3]

virtual CPlanarEdgeVar* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::createVariable ( ListIterator< NodePair > &  it)

Variable creation for nodePair.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Definition at line 351 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ createVariable() [2/3]

virtual CPlanarEdgeVar* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::createVariable ( node  a,
node  b 

Variable creation for pair of nodes which is not stored in m_inactiveVariables.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Definition at line 373 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ createVariable() [3/3]

virtual CPlanarEdgeVar* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::createVariable ( node  a,
node  b,
double  lbound 

Variable creation for pair of nodes with lower bound.

Definition at line 362 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ firstSub()

virtual abacus::Sub* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::firstSub ( )

Should return a pointer to the first subproblem of the optimization, i.e., the root node of the enumeration tree.

This is a pure virtual function since a pointer to a problem specific subproblem should be returned, which is derived from the class Sub.

Implements abacus::Master.

◆ generateVariablesForFeasibility()

virtual void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::generateVariablesForFeasibility ( const List< ChunkConnection * > &  ccons,
List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  connectVars 

◆ getClusterGraph()

const ClusterGraph* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getClusterGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getClusterNodes() [1/2]

const List<node>& ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getClusterNodes ( cluster  c) const

Returns reference to cluster nodes member list for c.

Definition at line 213 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getClusterNodes() [2/2]

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getClusterNodes ( cluster  c,
List< node > &  nodeList 
) const

Copies cluster nodes from member list to parameter list. Should be used if node list needs to be altered.

Definition at line 217 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getCoefficients()

virtual void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getCoefficients ( abacus::Constraint con,
const List< CPlanarEdgeVar * > &  connect,
List< double > &  coeffs 

writes coefficients of all orig and connect variables in constraint con into emptied list coeffs

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ getConnectionOptimalSolutionEdges()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getConnectionOptimalSolutionEdges ( List< NodePair > &  edges) const

Returns nodePairs of connecting optimal solution edges in list edges.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ getGraph()

const Graph* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getHeuristicFractionalBound()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getHeuristicFractionalBound ( ) const

Definition at line 126 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getHeuristicLevel()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getHeuristicLevel ( ) const

Definition at line 114 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getHeuristicRuns()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getHeuristicRuns ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getKBoundHigh()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getKBoundHigh ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getKBoundLow()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getKBoundLow ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getKIterations()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getKIterations ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getMPHeuristic()

bool ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getMPHeuristic ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getNKuratowskiSupportGraphs()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getNKuratowskiSupportGraphs ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getNSubdivisions()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getNSubdivisions ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getNumAddVariables()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getNumAddVariables ( ) const

Definition at line 132 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getNumInactiveVars()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getNumInactiveVars ( )

Definition at line 210 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getStdConstraintsFileName()

const char* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getStdConstraintsFileName ( )

The name of the file that contains the standard, i.e., non-cut, constraints (may be deleted by ABACUS and shouldn't be stored twice)

Definition at line 208 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getStrongConstraintViolation()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getStrongConstraintViolation ( ) const

Definition at line 134 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ getStrongVariableViolation()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::getStrongVariableViolation ( ) const

Definition at line 136 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ goodVar()

bool ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::goodVar ( node  a,
node  b 

Node pair is potential candidate for new edge variable.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ heuristicInitialLowerBound()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::heuristicInitialLowerBound ( )

◆ heuristicInitialUpperBound()

double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::heuristicInitialUpperBound ( )

Computes a dual bound for the optimal solution. Tries to find as many edge-disjoint Kuratowski subdivisions as possible. If k edge-disjoint groups of subdivisions are found, the upper bound can be initialized with number of edges in underlying graph minus k.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ heuristicLevel()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::heuristicLevel ( int  level)

Definition at line 158 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ initializeOptimization()

virtual void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::initializeOptimization ( )

The default implementation of initializeOptimization() does nothing.

This virtual function can be used as an entrance point to perform some initializations after optimize() is called.

Implements ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ isCP()

bool ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::isCP ( )

Derives and returns c-planarity property either directly or indirectly from computation results.

Implements ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Definition at line 245 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ nextConnectCoeff()

virtual double ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::nextConnectCoeff ( )

Switch to minimization of additional edges, no delta necessary.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Definition at line 346 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ nMaxVars()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::nMaxVars ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ nodeDistances()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::nodeDistances ( node  u,
NodeArray< NodeArray< int >> &  dist 

Computes the graphtheoretical distances of edges incident to node u.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ numberOfHeuristicPermutationLists()

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::numberOfHeuristicPermutationLists ( ) const

Definition at line 128 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ perturbation()

bool ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::perturbation ( ) const

Definition at line 122 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ printGraph()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::printGraph ( const Graph G)

Simple output function to print the given graph to the console. Used for debugging only.

◆ searchSpaceGraph()

const GraphCopy* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::searchSpaceGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setHeuristicFractionalBound()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setHeuristicFractionalBound ( double  b)

Definition at line 164 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setHeuristicPermutationLists()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setHeuristicPermutationLists ( int  n)

Definition at line 166 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setHeuristicRuns()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setHeuristicRuns ( int  n)

Definition at line 160 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setKBoundHigh()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setKBoundHigh ( double  n)

Definition at line 154 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setKBoundLow()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setKBoundLow ( double  n)

Definition at line 156 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setKIterations()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setKIterations ( int  n)

Definition at line 146 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setMPHeuristic()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setMPHeuristic ( bool  b)

Switches use of lower bound heuristic.

Definition at line 169 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setNHeuristicRuns()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setNHeuristicRuns ( int  n)

Definition at line 152 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setNKuratowskiSupportGraphs()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setNKuratowskiSupportGraphs ( int  n)

Definition at line 150 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setNSubdivisions()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setNSubdivisions ( int  n)

Definition at line 148 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setNumAddVariables()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setNumAddVariables ( int  i)

Definition at line 171 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setPertubation()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setPertubation ( bool  b)

Definition at line 162 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setSearchSpaceShrinking()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setSearchSpaceShrinking ( bool  b)

Toggles reduction of search space (using only some bag/satchel connections) on/off.

Definition at line 178 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setStrongConstraintViolation()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setStrongConstraintViolation ( double  d)

Definition at line 173 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ setStrongVariableViolation()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::setStrongVariableViolation ( double  d)

Definition at line 175 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ solutionInducedGraph()

Graph* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::solutionInducedGraph ( )

Returns the optimal solution induced Clustergraph.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Definition at line 102 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ terminateOptimization()

virtual void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::terminateOptimization ( )

Function that is invoked at the end of the optimization. Does nothing but output in CP_MasterBase.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

◆ updateBestSubGraph()

void ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::updateBestSubGraph ( List< NodePair > &  connection)

Updates the "best" Subgraph m_solutionGraph found so far and fills connection with.

Reimplemented from ogdf::cluster_planarity::CP_MasterBase.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CPlanaritySub

friend class CPlanaritySub

Definition at line 50 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_ca

ClusterAnalysis* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::m_ca

Used to check if variables are truly needed wrt to search space reduction (Chimani/Klein)

Definition at line 403 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ m_cNodes

ClusterArray<List<node> > ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::m_cNodes

Static storage of cluster node lists to avoid repeated computation.

Definition at line 411 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ m_nSep

int ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::m_nSep

Stores number of separation calls.

Definition at line 410 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ m_shrink

bool ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::m_shrink

If set to true, search space reduction is performed. Reduction is only feasible when only a single independent bag exists, which has to be assured by external partitioning.

Definition at line 408 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

◆ m_ssg

GraphCopy* ogdf::cluster_planarity::CPlanarityMaster::m_ssg

Search space graph, input graph plus edges modelled by initial variables.

Definition at line 409 of file CPlanarityMaster.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: