Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan Class Reference

A class for modelling and solving Synchronized Planarity instances. More...

#include <ogdf/cluster/sync_plan/SyncPlan.h>


class  ResetIndices
class  UndoOperation
 The information needed for undoing the changes a specific operation made to the graph while maintaining its embedding. More...
class  VerifyPipeBijections

Public Types

enum  Result { Result::SUCCESS, Result::NOT_APPLICABLE, Result::INVALID_INSTANCE }
 The result of applying a single operation. More...

Public Member Functions

 SyncPlan (Graph *g, ClusterGraph *cg, std::vector< std::pair< adjEntry, adjEntry >> *augmentation=nullptr, ClusterGraphAttributes *ga=nullptr)
 Create a new Synchronized Planarity instance by applying the reduction from some ClusteredPlanarity instance. More...
 SyncPlan (Graph *g, GraphAttributes *ga=nullptr)
 Create a new Synchronized Planarity instance with a given underlying graph. More...
 SyncPlan (Graph *sefe, Graph *work, EdgeArray< uint8_t > &edge_types)
 Create a new SyncPlan instance using the reduction from a 2-SEFE instance with a connected shared graph. More...
virtual ~SyncPlan ()
Operations used by makeReduced() for removing pipes.
void makeWheel (node centre, bool update_cuts=true)
void contractWheel (node centre)
Result convertSmall (node small)
Result encapsulate (node g_cut)
Result contract (node u)
Result propagatePQ (node u, NodePCRotation *pct, NodePCRotation *pct_v=nullptr)
Result simplify (node u, const NodePCRotation *pc)
Result checkPCTree (node u)
 Computes an embedding tree and either applies propagatePQ() or simplify() More...
Result batchSPQR ()
Methods for solving instances

Recompute biconnected component information after the graph was changed externally.

void initComponents ()
bool makeReduced (int check_planarity_every=0)
 Apply operations (in the order defined by the current PipeQueue) until no pipes are left. More...
bool solveReduced (bool fail_fast=false)
 Solve a reduced instance, creating a combinatorial embedding of the current graph that respects all Q-constraints. More...
void embed ()
 Undo all operations while maintaining the current embedding to obtain an embedding of the initial graph. More...
int undoOperations () const
 The number of operations that need undoing. More...
int getLongestSimplifyToroidalCycle () const
 Return the longest cycle length encountered in simplify toroidal. More...
const SyncPlanComponentsgetComponents () const
 The maintained (bi)connected components information. More...
PipeType getPipeType (const Pipe *p) const
bool canContract (const Pipe *p) const
 Check whether a Pipe can be removed by applying contract(). More...

Config ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

bool isAllowContractBBPipe () const
void setAllowContractBBPipe (bool allowContractBbPipe)
 Configure whether block-block pipes can be contracted. More...
bool isIntersectTrees () const
void setIntersectTrees (bool intersectTrees)
 Configure whether the embedding trees of block-block pipes should be intersected before propagating. More...
bool isBatchSpqr () const
void setBatchSpqr (bool batchSpqr)
 Configure whether embedding trees should be computed in batch by deriving them from an SPQR-tree. More...

Public Attributes

Graph *const G
 The underlying graph. More...
PMatching matchings
 Collection of all matched P-nodes and their pipes. More...
QPartitioning partitions
 Collection of all Q-nodes and their partitions. More...

Private Member Functions

edge edgeFromIndex (int idx) const
std::function< std::ostream &(std::ostream &)> fmtPQNode (node n, bool include_comp=true) const
void formatNode (node n) const
node nodeFromIndex (int idx) const
void pushUndoOperation (UndoOperation *operation)
void pushUndoOperationAndCheck (UndoOperation *operation)
void thawPipeBijection (node u, node v, const FrozenPipeBij &in, PipeBij &out) const
bool verifyPipeBijection (node u, node v, const FrozenPipeBij &bij) const

Private Attributes

bool allow_contract_bb_pipe = false
 Whether to allow contracting block-vertex to block-vertex pipes instead of propagating. More...
bool batch_spqr = true
 Whether to apply embedding-tree based operations in batch using SPQR-tree data. More...
SyncPlanComponents components
 Data structure maintaining (bi)connected components information. More...
SyncPlanConsistency consistency
 Consistency checking utils. More...
Graph::HiddenEdgeSet deletedEdges
 Set of all edge objects deleted during the reduction, to be restored when undoing all operations. More...
NodeSet deletedNodes
 Set of all node objects deleted during the reduction. Will remain as isolated nodes within G. More...
EdgeArray< edgeedge_reg
 A mapping of edge-index to edge-object used while undoing operations. More...
 If non-null, will be updated with debugging information from applied operations. More...
bool indices_saved = false
 Whether the constructor already saved the maximum indices present in G before the reduction. More...
bool intersect_trees = true
 Whether to intersect trees on block-vertex to block-vertex pipes when propagating. More...
NodeArray< bool > is_wheel
 Labels nodes whether they are already part of a (Q-node-replacement) wheel. More...
Logger log
 The logger to use. More...
int longestSimplifyToroidalCycle = 0
 Keeps track of the longest cycle length encountered in simplify toroidal. More...
NodeArray< nodenode_reg
 A mapping of node-index to node-object used while undoing operations. More...
List< UndoOperation * > undo_stack
 Stack of all operations that should be undone when embedding. More...


class EmbeddingTrees
class internal::UndoSimplify
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SyncPlan &pq)
class SyncPlanConsistency
class SyncPlanDrawer
class SyncPlanOptions
class UndoContract
class UndoConvertSmall
class UndoEncapsulate
class UndoInitCluster
class UndoMakeWheel
class UndoPropagate
class UndoSimplifyToroidal

Detailed Description

A class for modelling and solving Synchronized Planarity instances.

This implements the algorithm described in the following paper:

Thomas Bläsius, Simon D. Fink, and Ignaz Rutter. 2023. Synchronized Planarity with Applications to Constrained Planarity Problems. ACM Trans. Algorithms 19, 4, Article 34 (October 2023), 23 pages.

An evaluation of this implementation can be found in the following paper:

Simon D. Fink and Ignaz Rutter. 2024. Constrained Planarity in Practice: Engineering the Synchronized Planarity Algorithm. 2024 Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX)

For more details, see also (open access):

Simon D. Fink. 2024. Constrained Planarity Algorithms in Theory and Practice. Doctoral Thesis, University of Passau.

Definition at line 123 of file SyncPlan.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Result

The result of applying a single operation.


Definition at line 194 of file SyncPlan.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SyncPlan() [1/3]

ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::SyncPlan ( Graph g,
GraphAttributes ga = nullptr 

Create a new Synchronized Planarity instance with a given underlying graph.


// init your graph here
SyncPlan PQ(&G);
// init pipes and partitions here:
PQ.matchings.matchNodes(u, v);
int p = PQ.partitions.makeQVertex(u1);
PQ.partitions.makeQVertex(u2, p);
PQ.partitions.makeQVertex(u3, p);
// if you made any changes to edges in G after creating the SyncPlan instance, call
PQ.initComponents(); // to update the BC-tree if connectivity changed
PQ.matchings.rebuildHeap(); // to sort the pipes if their degree changed
if (PQ.makeReduced() && PQ.solveReduced()) {
gthe underlying graph.
gaoptional GraphAttributes in which to store debugging information of applied operations.

◆ SyncPlan() [2/3]

ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::SyncPlan ( Graph g,
ClusterGraph cg,
std::vector< std::pair< adjEntry, adjEntry >> *  augmentation = nullptr,
ClusterGraphAttributes ga = nullptr 

Create a new Synchronized Planarity instance by applying the reduction from some ClusteredPlanarity instance.


ClusterGraph CG(G);
// init your graph and clusters here
SyncPlan PQ(&G, &CG);
// you shouldn't change G or CG after creating a SyncPlan instance from them
if (PQ.makeReduced() && PQ.solveReduced()) {
After calling (the reduction used within) this constructor, the ClusterGraph and underlying Graph will be invalid until SyncPlan::embed() is called.
gthe underlying graph.
cgthe corresponding ClusterGraph.
augmentationif non-null, will be assigned the edges that need to be inserted to make the graph c-connected c-plane once SyncPlan::embed() was called.
gaoptional GraphAttributes in which to store debugging information of applied operations.
See also

◆ SyncPlan() [3/3]

ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::SyncPlan ( Graph sefe,
Graph work,
EdgeArray< uint8_t > &  edge_types 

Create a new SyncPlan instance using the reduction from a 2-SEFE instance with a connected shared graph.

sefethe 2-SEFE instance that shall be embedded.
workan empty graph that is used for the reduction.
edge_typesthe types of edges in sefe, 1 or 2 for either of the exclusive graphs, 3 for shared.

◆ ~SyncPlan()

virtual ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::~SyncPlan ( )

Definition at line 318 of file SyncPlan.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ batchSPQR()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::batchSPQR ( )

◆ canContract()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::canContract ( const Pipe p) const

Check whether a Pipe can be removed by applying contract().

See also

◆ checkPCTree()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::checkPCTree ( node  u)

Computes an embedding tree and either applies propagatePQ() or simplify()

◆ contract()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::contract ( node  u)

◆ contractWheel()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::contractWheel ( node  centre)

◆ convertSmall()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::convertSmall ( node  small)

◆ edgeFromIndex()

edge ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::edgeFromIndex ( int  idx) const

◆ embed()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::embed ( )

Undo all operations while maintaining the current embedding to obtain an embedding of the initial graph.

◆ encapsulate()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::encapsulate ( node  g_cut)

◆ fmtPQNode()

std::function<std::ostream&(std::ostream&)> ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::fmtPQNode ( node  n,
bool  include_comp = true 
) const

◆ formatNode()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::formatNode ( node  n) const

◆ getComponents()

const SyncPlanComponents& ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::getComponents ( ) const

The maintained (bi)connected components information.

Definition at line 403 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ getLongestSimplifyToroidalCycle()

int ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::getLongestSimplifyToroidalCycle ( ) const

Return the longest cycle length encountered in simplify toroidal.

Definition at line 400 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ getPipeType()

PipeType ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::getPipeType ( const Pipe p) const

◆ initComponents()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::initComponents ( )

◆ isAllowContractBBPipe()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::isAllowContractBBPipe ( ) const

Definition at line 426 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ isBatchSpqr()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::isBatchSpqr ( ) const

Definition at line 438 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ isIntersectTrees()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::isIntersectTrees ( ) const

Definition at line 433 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ makeReduced()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::makeReduced ( int  check_planarity_every = 0)

Apply operations (in the order defined by the current PipeQueue) until no pipes are left.

◆ makeWheel()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::makeWheel ( node  centre,
bool  update_cuts = true 

◆ nodeFromIndex()

node ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::nodeFromIndex ( int  idx) const

◆ propagatePQ()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::propagatePQ ( node  u,
NodePCRotation pct,
NodePCRotation pct_v = nullptr 

◆ pushUndoOperation()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::pushUndoOperation ( UndoOperation operation)

Definition at line 348 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ pushUndoOperationAndCheck()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::pushUndoOperationAndCheck ( UndoOperation operation)

Definition at line 339 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ setAllowContractBBPipe()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::setAllowContractBBPipe ( bool  allowContractBbPipe)

Configure whether block-block pipes can be contracted.

Definition at line 429 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ setBatchSpqr()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::setBatchSpqr ( bool  batchSpqr)

Configure whether embedding trees should be computed in batch by deriving them from an SPQR-tree.

Definition at line 441 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ setIntersectTrees()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::setIntersectTrees ( bool  intersectTrees)

Configure whether the embedding trees of block-block pipes should be intersected before propagating.

Definition at line 436 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ simplify()

Result ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::simplify ( node  u,
const NodePCRotation pc 

◆ solveReduced()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::solveReduced ( bool  fail_fast = false)

Solve a reduced instance, creating a combinatorial embedding of the current graph that respects all Q-constraints.

◆ thawPipeBijection()

void ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::thawPipeBijection ( node  u,
node  v,
const FrozenPipeBij in,
PipeBij out 
) const

◆ undoOperations()

int ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::undoOperations ( ) const

The number of operations that need undoing.

Definition at line 397 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ verifyPipeBijection()

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::verifyPipeBijection ( node  u,
node  v,
const FrozenPipeBij bij 
) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ EmbeddingTrees

friend class EmbeddingTrees

Definition at line 148 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ internal::UndoSimplify

friend class internal::UndoSimplify

Definition at line 142 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ operator<<

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SyncPlan pq 

◆ SyncPlanConsistency

friend class SyncPlanConsistency

Definition at line 124 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ SyncPlanDrawer

friend class SyncPlanDrawer

Definition at line 126 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ SyncPlanOptions

friend class SyncPlanOptions

Definition at line 128 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoContract

friend class UndoContract

Definition at line 132 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoConvertSmall

friend class UndoConvertSmall

Definition at line 134 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoEncapsulate

friend class UndoEncapsulate

Definition at line 136 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoInitCluster

friend class UndoInitCluster

Definition at line 138 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoMakeWheel

friend class UndoMakeWheel

Definition at line 146 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoPropagate

friend class UndoPropagate

Definition at line 140 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ UndoSimplifyToroidal

friend class UndoSimplifyToroidal

Definition at line 144 of file SyncPlan.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allow_contract_bb_pipe

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::allow_contract_bb_pipe = false

Whether to allow contracting block-vertex to block-vertex pipes instead of propagating.

Definition at line 237 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ batch_spqr

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::batch_spqr = true

Whether to apply embedding-tree based operations in batch using SPQR-tree data.

Definition at line 241 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ components

SyncPlanComponents ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::components

Data structure maintaining (bi)connected components information.

Definition at line 217 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ consistency

SyncPlanConsistency ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::consistency

Consistency checking utils.

Definition at line 247 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ deletedEdges

Graph::HiddenEdgeSet ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::deletedEdges

Set of all edge objects deleted during the reduction, to be restored when undoing all operations.

Definition at line 219 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ deletedNodes

NodeSet ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::deletedNodes

Set of all node objects deleted during the reduction. Will remain as isolated nodes within G.

Definition at line 222 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ edge_reg

EdgeArray<edge> ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::edge_reg

A mapping of edge-index to edge-object used while undoing operations.

Definition at line 229 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ G

Graph* const ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::G

The underlying graph.

Definition at line 200 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ GA

GraphAttributes* ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::GA

If non-null, will be updated with debugging information from applied operations.

Definition at line 225 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ indices_saved

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::indices_saved = false

Whether the constructor already saved the maximum indices present in G before the reduction.

Definition at line 235 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ intersect_trees

bool ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::intersect_trees = true

Whether to intersect trees on block-vertex to block-vertex pipes when propagating.

Definition at line 239 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ is_wheel

NodeArray<bool> ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::is_wheel

Labels nodes whether they are already part of a (Q-node-replacement) wheel.

Definition at line 231 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ log

Logger ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::log

The logger to use.

Definition at line 233 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ longestSimplifyToroidalCycle

int ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::longestSimplifyToroidalCycle = 0

Keeps track of the longest cycle length encountered in simplify toroidal.

Definition at line 243 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ matchings

PMatching ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::matchings

Collection of all matched P-nodes and their pipes.

Definition at line 202 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ node_reg

NodeArray<node> ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::node_reg

A mapping of node-index to node-object used while undoing operations.

Definition at line 227 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ partitions

QPartitioning ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::partitions

Collection of all Q-nodes and their partitions.

Definition at line 204 of file SyncPlan.h.

◆ undo_stack

List<UndoOperation*> ogdf::sync_plan::SyncPlan::undo_stack

Stack of all operations that should be undone when embedding.

Definition at line 215 of file SyncPlan.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
#define OGDF_ASSERT(expr)
Assert condition expr. See doc/ for more information.
Definition: basic.h:54
@ Graph
SyncPlan(Graph *g, GraphAttributes *ga=nullptr)
Create a new Synchronized Planarity instance with a given underlying graph.
bool representsCombEmbedding() const
Returns true iff the graph represents a combinatorial embedding.
Definition: Graph_d.h:1601
Graph *const G
The underlying graph.
Definition: SyncPlan.h:200