Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph Class Reference

#include <ogdf/layered/ExtendedNestingGraph.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph:

Public Types

enum  NodeType { NodeType::Node, NodeType::ClusterTop, NodeType::ClusterBottom, NodeType::Dummy, NodeType::ClusterTopBottom }
- Public Types inherited from ogdf::Graph
enum  EdgeType { EdgeType::association = 0, EdgeType::generalization = 1, EdgeType::dependency = 2 }
 The type of edges (only used in derived classes). More...
enum  NodeType { NodeType::vertex = 0, NodeType::dummy = 1, NodeType::generalizationMerger = 2, NodeType::generalizationExpander = 3, NodeType::highDegreeExpander = 4, NodeType::lowDegreeExpander = 5, NodeType::associationClass = 6 }
 The type of nodes. More...
using node_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< node >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to a node in a graph. More...
using edge_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< edge >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to an edge in a graph. More...
using adjEntry_iterator = internal::GraphIterator< adjEntry >
 Provides a bidirectional iterator to an entry in an adjacency list. More...

Public Member Functions

 ExtendedNestingGraph (const ClusterGraph &CG)
int aeLevel (node v) const
node bottom (cluster cOrig) const
int bottomRank (cluster c) const
const List< edge > & chain (edge e) const
node copy (node v) const
const ClusterGraphCopygetClusterGraph () const
const ClusterGraphgetOriginalClusterGraph () const
bool isLongEdgeDummy (node v) const
bool isReversed (edge e) const
bool isVirtual (cluster c) const
const ENGLayerlayer (int i) const
const LHTreeNodelayerHierarchyTree (int i) const
int numberOfLayers () const
edge origEdge (edge e) const
cluster originalCluster (node v) const
node origNode (node v) const
cluster parent (cluster c) const
cluster parent (node v) const
void permute ()
int pos (node v) const
int rank (node v) const
RCCrossings reduceCrossings (int i, bool dirTopDown)
void removeTopBottomEdges ()
void restorePos ()
void storeCurrentPos ()
node top (cluster cOrig) const
int topRank (cluster c) const
NodeType type (node v) const
bool verticalSegment (edge e) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Graph
 Graph ()
 Constructs an empty graph. More...
 Graph (const Graph &copy)
 Constructs a graph that is a copy of G. More...
 Graph (Graph &&move)=delete
virtual ~Graph ()
 Destructor. More...
Graphoperator= (const Graph &copy)
 Overwrites this graph to be a copy of G. More...
Graphoperator= (Graph &&move)=delete
bool empty () const
 Returns true iff the graph is empty, i.e., contains no nodes. More...
int numberOfNodes () const
 Returns the number of nodes in the graph. More...
int numberOfEdges () const
 Returns the number of edges in the graph. More...
int maxNodeIndex () const
 Returns the largest used node index. More...
int maxEdgeIndex () const
 Returns the largest used edge index. More...
int maxAdjEntryIndex () const
 Returns the largest used adjEntry index. More...
node firstNode () const
 Returns the first node in the list of all nodes. More...
node lastNode () const
 Returns the last node in the list of all nodes. More...
edge firstEdge () const
 Returns the first edge in the list of all edges. More...
edge lastEdge () const
 Returns the last edge in the list of all edges. More...
node chooseNode (std::function< bool(node)> includeNode=[](node) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const
 Returns a random node. More...
edge chooseEdge (std::function< bool(edge)> includeEdge=[](edge) { return true;}, bool isFastTest=true) const
 Returns a random edge. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
void allNodes (CONTAINER &nodeContainer) const
 Returns a container with all nodes of the graph. More...
template<class CONTAINER >
void allEdges (CONTAINER &edgeContainer) const
 Returns a container with all edges of the graph. More...
node newNode (int index=-1)
 Creates a new node and returns it. More...
edge newEdge (node v, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge (v,w) and returns it. More...
edge newEdge (node v, adjEntry adjTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, node w, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
edge newEdge (adjEntry adjSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir=Direction::after, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
template<typename S , typename T >
edge newEdge (S src, Direction dirSrc, T tgt, Direction dirTgt, int index=-1)
 Creates a new edge at predefined positions in the adjacency lists. More...
virtual void delNode (node v)
 Removes node v and all incident edges from the graph. More...
virtual void delEdge (edge e)
 Removes edge e from the graph. More...
virtual void clear ()
 Removes all nodes and all edges from the graph. More...
void restoreAllEdges ()
 Restore all hidden edges and invalidate all HiddenEdgeSets. More...
virtual edge split (edge e)
 Splits edge e into two edges introducing a new node. More...
void unsplit (node u)
 Undoes a split operation. More...
virtual void unsplit (edge eIn, edge eOut)
 Undoes a split operation. More...
node splitNode (adjEntry adjStartLeft, adjEntry adjStartRight)
 Splits a node while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
node contract (edge e, bool keepSelfLoops=false)
 Contracts edge e while preserving the order of adjacency entries. More...
void move (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dirSrc, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dirTgt)
 Moves edge e to a different adjacency list. More...
void moveTarget (edge e, node w)
 Moves the target node of edge e to node w. More...
void moveTarget (edge e, adjEntry adjTgt, Direction dir)
 Moves the target node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list. More...
void moveSource (edge e, node w)
 Moves the source node of edge e to node w. More...
void moveSource (edge e, adjEntry adjSrc, Direction dir)
 Moves the source node of edge e to a specific position in an adjacency list. More...
edge searchEdge (node v, node w, bool directed=false) const
 Searches and returns an edge connecting nodes v and w in time O( min(deg(v ), deg(w ))). More...
void reverseEdge (edge e)
 Reverses the edge e, i.e., exchanges source and target node. More...
void reverseAllEdges ()
 Reverses all edges in the graph. More...
template<class NODELIST >
void collapse (NODELIST &nodesToCollapse)
 Collapses all nodes in the list nodesToCollapse to the first node in the list. More...
template<class ADJ_ENTRY_LIST >
void sort (node v, const ADJ_ENTRY_LIST &newOrder)
 Sorts the adjacency list of node v according to newOrder. More...
template<class IT >
void sort (node v, IT begin, IT end)
 Sorts the adjacency list of node v according to the range denoted by two iterators. More...
void reverseAdjEdges (node v)
 Reverses the adjacency list of v. More...
void moveAdj (adjEntry adjMove, Direction dir, adjEntry adjPos)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove before or after adjPos. More...
void moveAdjAfter (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjAfter)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove after adjAfter. More...
void moveAdjBefore (adjEntry adjMove, adjEntry adjBefore)
 Moves adjacency entry adjMove before adjBefore. More...
void reverseAdjEdges ()
 Reverses all adjacency lists. More...
void swapAdjEdges (adjEntry adj1, adjEntry adj2)
 Exchanges two entries in an adjacency list. More...
int genus () const
 Returns the genus of the graph's embedding. More...
bool representsCombEmbedding () const
 Returns true iff the graph represents a combinatorial embedding. More...
void consistencyCheck () const
 Asserts that this graph is consistent. More...
internal::GraphNodeRegistrynodeRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of node arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphNodeRegistrynodeRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of node arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphNodeRegistry & () const
internal::GraphEdgeRegistryedgeRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of edge arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphEdgeRegistryedgeRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of edge arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphEdgeRegistry & () const
internal::GraphAdjRegistryadjEntryRegistry ()
 Returns a reference to the registry of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph. More...
const internal::GraphAdjRegistryadjEntryRegistry () const
 Returns a const reference to the registry of adjEntry arrays associated with this graph. More...
 operator const internal::GraphAdjRegistry & () const
void resetEdgeIdCount (int maxId)
 Resets the edge id count to maxId. More...
void resetNodeIdCount (int maxId)
template<OGDF_NODE_ITER NI, OGDF_EDGE_ITER EI, bool copyEmbedding = true, bool copyIDs = false, bool notifyObservers = true>
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NI &nodesBegin, const NI &nodesEnd, const EI &edgesBegin, const EI &edgesEnd, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
template<OGDF_NODE_ITER NI, OGDF_EDGE_FILTER EF, bool copyIDs = false, bool notifyObservers = true>
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NI &nodesBegin, const NI &nodesEnd, const EF &edgeFilter, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EdgeSet< true > &edgeSet, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EdgeSet< false > &edgeSet, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const NL &nodeList, const EL &edgeList, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given subgraph into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const CCsInfo &info, int cc, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given connected component cc into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const Graph &G, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap)
 Inserts a copy of a given Graph G into this graph. More...
std::pair< int, int > insert (const Graph &G)
 Inserts a copy of a given Graph G into this graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Observable< GraphObserver, Graph >
 Observable ()=default
 Observable (const Observable &copy)=delete
 If you want to copy a subclass of Observable, call the default Observable() constructor. More...
 Observable (Observable &&move)=delete
 If you want to move a subclass of Observable, call the default Observable() constructor. More...
virtual ~Observable ()
Observableoperator= (const Observable &copy)=delete
Observableoperator= (Observable &&move)=delete

Protected Member Functions

edge addEdge (node u, node v, bool addAlways=false)
void assignAeLevel (cluster c, int &count)
void assignPos (const LHTreeNode *vNode, int &count)
LHTreeNodelca (LHTreeNode *uNode, LHTreeNode *vNode, LHTreeNode **uChild, LHTreeNode **vChild) const
cluster lca (node u, node v) const
void moveDown (node v, const SListPure< node > &successors, NodeArray< int > &level)
bool reachable (node v, node u, SListPure< node > &successors)
RCCrossings reduceCrossings (LHTreeNode *cNode, bool dirTopDown)
bool tryEdge (node u, node v, Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &level)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Graph
virtual void * preInsert (bool copyEmbedding, bool copyIDs, bool notifyObservers, bool edgeFilter, NodeArray< node > &nodeMap, EdgeArray< edge > &edgeMap, int *newNodes, int *newEdges)
 Callback notifying subclasses that some graph is about to be insert() -ed. More...
virtual void nodeInserted (void *userData, node original, node copy)
 Callback notifying subclasses that insert() copied a node. More...
virtual void edgeInserted (void *userData, edge original, edge copy)
 Callback notifying subclasses that insert() copied an edge. More...
virtual void postInsert (void *userData, int newNodes, int newEdges)
 Callback notifying subclasses that an insert() call has finished. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ogdf::Observable< GraphObserver, Graph >
void clearObservers ()
const ListPure< GraphObserver * > & getObservers () const

Private Member Functions

void buildLayers ()
void computeRanking ()
void createDummyNodes ()
void createVirtualClusters ()
void createVirtualClusters (cluster c, NodeArray< node > &vCopy, ClusterArray< node > &cCopy)
void removeAuxNodes ()

Private Attributes

NodeArray< int > m_aeLevel
NodeArray< bool > m_aeVisited
NodeArray< int > m_auxDeg
ClusterArray< nodem_bottomNode
ClusterArray< int > m_bottomRank
ClusterGraphCopy m_CGC
 copy of original cluster graph More...
NodeArray< nodem_copy
EdgeArray< List< edge > > m_copyEdge
Array< ENGLayerm_layer
ClusterArray< clusterm_mark
SListPure< clusterm_markedClusters
SListPure< clusterm_markedClustersTree
ClusterArray< LHTreeNode * > m_markTree
int m_numLayers
EdgeArray< edgem_origEdge
NodeArray< nodem_origNode
NodeArray< int > m_pos
NodeArray< int > m_rank
cluster m_secondPath
node m_secondPathTo
ClusterArray< nodem_topNode
ClusterArray< int > m_topRank
NodeArray< NodeTypem_type
EdgeArray< bool > m_vertical

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ogdf::Graph
internal::GraphObjectContainer< NodeElementnodes
 The container containing all node objects. More...
internal::GraphObjectContainer< EdgeElementedges
 The container containing all edge objects. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 295 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ NodeType


Definition at line 298 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ExtendedNestingGraph()

ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::ExtendedNestingGraph ( const ClusterGraph CG)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEdge()

edge ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::addEdge ( node  u,
node  v,
bool  addAlways = false 

◆ aeLevel()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::aeLevel ( node  v) const

Definition at line 356 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ assignAeLevel()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::assignAeLevel ( cluster  c,
int &  count 

◆ assignPos()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::assignPos ( const LHTreeNode vNode,
int &  count 

◆ bottom()

node ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::bottom ( cluster  cOrig) const

Definition at line 310 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ bottomRank()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::bottomRank ( cluster  c) const

Definition at line 314 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ buildLayers()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::buildLayers ( )

◆ chain()

const List<edge>& ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::chain ( edge  e) const

Definition at line 330 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ computeRanking()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::computeRanking ( )

◆ copy()

node ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::copy ( node  v) const

Definition at line 306 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ createDummyNodes()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::createDummyNodes ( )

◆ createVirtualClusters() [1/2]

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::createVirtualClusters ( )

◆ createVirtualClusters() [2/2]

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::createVirtualClusters ( cluster  c,
NodeArray< node > &  vCopy,
ClusterArray< node > &  cCopy 

◆ getClusterGraph()

const ClusterGraphCopy& ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::getClusterGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 302 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ getOriginalClusterGraph()

const ClusterGraph& ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::getOriginalClusterGraph ( ) const

Definition at line 304 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ isLongEdgeDummy()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::isLongEdgeDummy ( node  v) const

Definition at line 335 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ isReversed()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::isReversed ( edge  e) const

Definition at line 333 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ isVirtual()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::isVirtual ( cluster  c) const

Definition at line 328 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ layer()

const ENGLayer& ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::layer ( int  i) const

Definition at line 347 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ layerHierarchyTree()

const LHTreeNode* ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::layerHierarchyTree ( int  i) const

Definition at line 345 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ lca() [1/2]

LHTreeNode* ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::lca ( LHTreeNode uNode,
LHTreeNode vNode,
LHTreeNode **  uChild,
LHTreeNode **  vChild 
) const

◆ lca() [2/2]

cluster ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::lca ( node  u,
node  v 
) const

◆ moveDown()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::moveDown ( node  v,
const SListPure< node > &  successors,
NodeArray< int > &  level 

◆ numberOfLayers()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::numberOfLayers ( ) const

Definition at line 339 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ origEdge()

edge ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::origEdge ( edge  e) const

Definition at line 320 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ originalCluster()

cluster ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::originalCluster ( node  v) const

Definition at line 322 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ origNode()

node ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::origNode ( node  v) const

Definition at line 318 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ parent() [1/2]

cluster ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::parent ( cluster  c) const

Definition at line 326 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ parent() [2/2]

cluster ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::parent ( node  v) const

Definition at line 324 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ permute()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::permute ( )

◆ pos()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::pos ( node  v) const

Definition at line 343 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ rank()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::rank ( node  v) const

Definition at line 341 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ reachable()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::reachable ( node  v,
node  u,
SListPure< node > &  successors 

◆ reduceCrossings() [1/2]

RCCrossings ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::reduceCrossings ( int  i,
bool  dirTopDown 

◆ reduceCrossings() [2/2]

RCCrossings ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::reduceCrossings ( LHTreeNode cNode,
bool  dirTopDown 

◆ removeAuxNodes()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::removeAuxNodes ( )

◆ removeTopBottomEdges()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::removeTopBottomEdges ( )

◆ restorePos()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::restorePos ( )

◆ storeCurrentPos()

void ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::storeCurrentPos ( )

◆ top()

node ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::top ( cluster  cOrig) const

Definition at line 308 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ topRank()

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::topRank ( cluster  c) const

Definition at line 312 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ tryEdge()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::tryEdge ( node  u,
node  v,
Graph G,
NodeArray< int > &  level 

◆ type()

NodeType ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::type ( node  v) const

Definition at line 316 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ verticalSegment()

bool ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::verticalSegment ( edge  e) const

Definition at line 337 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_aeLevel

NodeArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_aeLevel

Definition at line 418 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_aeVisited

NodeArray<bool> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_aeVisited

Definition at line 419 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_auxDeg

NodeArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_auxDeg

Definition at line 420 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_bottomNode

ClusterArray<node> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_bottomNode

Definition at line 394 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_bottomRank

ClusterArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_bottomRank

Definition at line 396 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_CGC

ClusterGraphCopy ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_CGC

copy of original cluster graph

Definition at line 385 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_copy

NodeArray<node> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_copy

Definition at line 389 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_copyEdge

EdgeArray<List<edge> > ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_copyEdge

Definition at line 402 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_layer

Array<ENGLayer> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_layer

Definition at line 410 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_mark

ClusterArray<cluster> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_mark

Definition at line 423 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_markedClusters

SListPure<cluster> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_markedClusters

Definition at line 424 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_markedClustersTree

SListPure<cluster> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_markedClustersTree

Definition at line 427 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_markTree

ClusterArray<LHTreeNode*> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_markTree

Definition at line 428 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_numLayers

int ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_numLayers

Definition at line 407 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_origEdge

EdgeArray<edge> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_origEdge

Definition at line 403 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_origNode

NodeArray<node> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_origNode

Definition at line 390 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_pos

NodeArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_pos

Definition at line 412 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_rank

NodeArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_rank

Definition at line 406 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_secondPath

cluster ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_secondPath

Definition at line 425 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_secondPathTo

node ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_secondPathTo

Definition at line 426 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_topNode

ClusterArray<node> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_topNode

Definition at line 393 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_topRank

ClusterArray<int> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_topRank

Definition at line 395 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_type

NodeArray<NodeType> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_type

Definition at line 399 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

◆ m_vertical

EdgeArray<bool> ogdf::ExtendedNestingGraph::m_vertical

Definition at line 415 of file ExtendedNestingGraph.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: