Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver Class Reference

#include <ogdf/lib/minisat/simp/SimpSolver.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver:


struct  ClauseDeleted
struct  ElimLt

Public Member Functions

 SimpSolver ()
 ~SimpSolver ()
bool addClause (const vec< Lit > &ps)
bool addClause (Lit p)
bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q)
bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r)
bool addClause_ (vec< Lit > &ps)
bool addEmptyClause ()
bool eliminate (bool turn_off_elim=false)
virtual void garbageCollect () override
bool isEliminated (Var v) const
Var newVar (bool polarity=true, bool dvar=true)
void setFrozen (Var v, bool b)
bool solve (bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool solve (const vec< Lit > &assumps, bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool solve (Lit p, bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool solve (Lit p, Lit q, bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool solve (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r, bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
lbool solveLimited (const vec< Lit > &assumps, bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool substitute (Var v, Lit x)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
 Solver ()
virtual ~Solver ()
bool addClause (const vec< Lit > &ps)
bool addClause (Lit p)
bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q)
bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r)
bool addClause_ (vec< Lit > &ps)
bool addEmptyClause ()
void budgetOff ()
void checkGarbage ()
void checkGarbage (double gf)
void clearInterrupt ()
void interrupt ()
lbool modelValue (Lit p) const
lbool modelValue (Var x) const
int nAssigns () const
int nClauses () const
Var newVar (bool polarity=true, bool dvar=true)
int nFreeVars () const
int nLearnts () const
int nVars () const
bool okay () const
void setConfBudget (int64_t x)
void setDecisionVar (Var v, bool b)
void setPolarity (Var v, bool b)
void setPropBudget (int64_t x)
bool simplify ()
bool solve ()
bool solve (const vec< Lit > &assumps)
bool solve (double t, SolverStatus &st)
bool solve (Lit p)
bool solve (Lit p, Lit q)
bool solve (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r)
lbool solveLimited (const vec< Lit > &assumps)
void toDimacs (const char *file)
void toDimacs (const char *file, const vec< Lit > &assumps)
void toDimacs (const char *file, Lit p)
void toDimacs (const char *file, Lit p, Lit q)
void toDimacs (const char *file, Lit p, Lit q, Lit r)
void toDimacs (std::ostream &out, Clause &c, vec< Var > &map, Var &max)
void toDimacs (std::ostream &out, const vec< Lit > &assumps)
lbool value (Lit p) const
lbool value (Var x) const

Public Attributes

int asymm_lits
int clause_lim
int eliminated_vars
int grow
int merges
double simp_garbage_frac
int subsumption_lim
bool use_asymm
bool use_elim
bool use_rcheck
- Public Attributes inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
int ccmin_mode
double clause_decay
uint64_t clauses_literals
vec< Litconflict
uint64_t conflicts
uint64_t dec_vars
uint64_t decisions
double garbage_frac
uint64_t learnts_literals
double learntsize_adjust_inc
int learntsize_adjust_start_confl
double learntsize_factor
double learntsize_inc
bool luby_restart
uint64_t max_literals
vec< lboolmodel
int phase_saving
uint64_t propagations
double random_seed
double random_var_freq
int restart_first
double restart_inc
uint64_t rnd_decisions
bool rnd_init_act
bool rnd_pol
uint64_t solves
uint64_t starts
uint64_t tot_literals
double var_decay
int verbosity

Protected Member Functions

bool asymm (Var v, CRef cr)
bool asymmVar (Var v)
bool backwardSubsumptionCheck (bool verbose=false)
void cleanUpClauses ()
bool eliminateVar (Var v)
void extendModel ()
void gatherTouchedClauses ()
bool implied (const vec< Lit > &c)
bool merge (const Clause &_ps, const Clause &_qs, Var v, int &size)
bool merge (const Clause &_ps, const Clause &_qs, Var v, vec< Lit > &out_clause)
void relocAll (ClauseAllocator &to)
void removeClause (CRef cr)
lbool solve_ (bool do_simp=true, bool turn_off_simp=false)
bool strengthenClause (CRef cr, Lit l)
void updateElimHeap (Var v)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
uint32_t abstractLevel (Var x) const
void analyze (CRef confl, vec< Lit > &out_learnt, int &out_btlevel)
void analyzeFinal (Lit p, vec< Lit > &out_conflict)
void attachClause (CRef cr)
void cancelUntil (int level)
void claBumpActivity (Clause &c)
void claDecayActivity ()
int decisionLevel () const
void detachClause (CRef cr, bool strict=false)
bool enqueue (Lit p, CRef from=CRef_Undef)
void insertVarOrder (Var x)
int level (Var x) const
bool litRedundant (Lit p, uint32_t abstract_levels)
bool locked (const Clause &c) const
void newDecisionLevel ()
Lit pickBranchLit ()
double progressEstimate () const
CRef propagate ()
CRef reason (Var x) const
void rebuildOrderHeap ()
void reduceDB ()
void relocAll (ClauseAllocator &to)
void removeClause (CRef cr)
void removeSatisfied (vec< CRef > &cs)
bool satisfied (const Clause &c) const
lbool search (int nof_conflicts)
lbool search (int nof_conflicts, double &time)
lbool solve_ ()
lbool solve_ (double &t)
void uncheckedEnqueue (Lit p, CRef from=CRef_Undef)
void varBumpActivity (Var v)
void varBumpActivity (Var v, double inc)
void varDecayActivity ()
bool withinBudget () const

Protected Attributes

int bwdsub_assigns
CRef bwdsub_tmpunit
Heap< ElimLtelim_heap
vec< uint32_t > elimclauses
vec< char > eliminated
int elimorder
vec< char > frozen
vec< int > n_occ
int n_touched
OccLists< Var, vec< CRef >, ClauseDeletedoccurs
Queue< CRefsubsumption_queue
vec< char > touched
bool use_simplification
- Protected Attributes inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
vec< double > activity
vec< Litadd_tmp
vec< Litanalyze_stack
vec< Litanalyze_toclear
vec< lboolassigns
vec< Litassumptions
bool asynch_interrupt
ClauseAllocator ca
double cla_inc
vec< CRefclauses
int64_t conflict_budget
vec< char > decision
vec< CReflearnts
int learntsize_adjust_cnt
double learntsize_adjust_confl
double max_learnts
bool ok
Heap< VarOrderLtorder_heap
vec< char > polarity
double progress_estimate
int64_t propagation_budget
int qhead
bool remove_satisfied
vec< char > seen
int simpDB_assigns
int64_t simpDB_props
vec< Littrail
vec< int > trail_lim
double var_inc
vec< VarDatavardata
OccLists< Lit, vec< Watcher >, WatcherDeletedwatches

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
enum  AnswerType { A_TRUE, A_FALSE, A_UNDEF }
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Minisat::Internal::Solver
static double drand (double &seed)
static int irand (double &seed, int size)
static VarData mkVarData (CRef cr, int l)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file SimpSolver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimpSolver()

Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::SimpSolver ( )

◆ ~SimpSolver()

Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::~SimpSolver ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addClause() [1/4]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addClause ( const vec< Lit > &  ps)

Definition at line 181 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ addClause() [2/4]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addClause ( Lit  p)

Definition at line 183 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ addClause() [3/4]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addClause ( Lit  p,
Lit  q 

Definition at line 184 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ addClause() [4/4]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addClause ( Lit  p,
Lit  q,
Lit  r 

Definition at line 185 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ addClause_()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addClause_ ( vec< Lit > &  ps)

◆ addEmptyClause()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::addEmptyClause ( )

Definition at line 182 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ asymm()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::asymm ( Var  v,
CRef  cr 

◆ asymmVar()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::asymmVar ( Var  v)

◆ backwardSubsumptionCheck()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::backwardSubsumptionCheck ( bool  verbose = false)

◆ cleanUpClauses()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::cleanUpClauses ( )

◆ eliminate()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::eliminate ( bool  turn_off_elim = false)

◆ eliminateVar()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::eliminateVar ( Var  v)

◆ extendModel()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::extendModel ( )

◆ garbageCollect()

virtual void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::garbageCollect ( )

Reimplemented from Minisat::Internal::Solver.

◆ gatherTouchedClauses()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::gatherTouchedClauses ( )

◆ implied()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::implied ( const vec< Lit > &  c)

◆ isEliminated()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::isEliminated ( Var  v) const

Definition at line 171 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ merge() [1/2]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::merge ( const Clause _ps,
const Clause _qs,
Var  v,
int &  size 

◆ merge() [2/2]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::merge ( const Clause _ps,
const Clause _qs,
Var  v,
vec< Lit > &  out_clause 

◆ newVar()

Var Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::newVar ( bool  polarity = true,
bool  dvar = true 

◆ relocAll()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::relocAll ( ClauseAllocator to)

◆ removeClause()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::removeClause ( CRef  cr)

◆ setFrozen()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::setFrozen ( Var  v,
bool  b 

Definition at line 186 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve() [1/5]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve ( bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 188 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve() [2/5]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve ( const vec< Lit > &  assumps,
bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 192 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve() [3/5]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve ( Lit  p,
bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 189 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve() [4/5]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve ( Lit  p,
Lit  q,
bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 190 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve() [5/5]

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve ( Lit  p,
Lit  q,
Lit  r,
bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 191 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ solve_()

lbool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solve_ ( bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

◆ solveLimited()

lbool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::solveLimited ( const vec< Lit > &  assumps,
bool  do_simp = true,
bool  turn_off_simp = false 

Definition at line 195 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ strengthenClause()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::strengthenClause ( CRef  cr,
Lit  l 

◆ substitute()

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::substitute ( Var  v,
Lit  x 

◆ updateElimHeap()

void Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::updateElimHeap ( Var  v)

Definition at line 172 of file SimpSolver.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ asymm_lits

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::asymm_lits

Definition at line 96 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ bwdsub_assigns

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::bwdsub_assigns

Definition at line 139 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ bwdsub_tmpunit

CRef Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::bwdsub_tmpunit

Definition at line 144 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ clause_lim

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::clause_lim

Definition at line 84 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ elim_heap

Heap<ElimLt> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::elim_heap

Definition at line 135 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ elimclauses

vec<uint32_t> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::elimclauses

Definition at line 130 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ eliminated

vec<char> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::eliminated

Definition at line 138 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ eliminated_vars

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::eliminated_vars

Definition at line 97 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ elimorder

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::elimorder

Definition at line 128 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ frozen

vec<char> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::frozen

Definition at line 137 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ grow

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::grow

Definition at line 83 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ merges

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::merges

Definition at line 95 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ n_occ

vec<int> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::n_occ

Definition at line 134 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ n_touched

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::n_touched

Definition at line 140 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ occurs

OccLists<Var, vec<CRef>, ClauseDeleted> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::occurs

Definition at line 133 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ simp_garbage_frac

double Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::simp_garbage_frac

Definition at line 87 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ subsumption_lim

int Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::subsumption_lim

Definition at line 86 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ subsumption_queue

Queue<CRef> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::subsumption_queue

Definition at line 136 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ touched

vec<char> Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::touched

Definition at line 131 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ use_asymm

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::use_asymm

Definition at line 89 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ use_elim

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::use_elim

Definition at line 91 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ use_rcheck

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::use_rcheck

Definition at line 90 of file SimpSolver.h.

◆ use_simplification

bool Minisat::Internal::SimpSolver::use_simplification

Definition at line 129 of file SimpSolver.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: