Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Calculation as for new multipole method (fast and accurate).
@ GorgeousAndEfficient
Best quality.
Specifies how connected components are sorted before the packing algorithm is applied.
@ RandomRandIterNr
Random placement (based on randIterNr()).
@ RandomTime
Random placement (based on current time).
Specifies how sun nodes of galaxies are selected.
@ New
The new force-model.
@ Advanced
using additional information about the placement of all inter solar system nodes
@ BeautifulAndFast
Medium quality and speed.
@ Integer
Only integer positions are allowed that are in a range depending on the number of nodes and the avera...
@ SubtreeBySubtree
Subtree-by-subtree construction.
@ Constant
kept constant at the force calculation step at every level
Specifies how the initial placement is done.
@ All
Every position is allowed.
@ Aluru
According to formula by Aluru et al.
Specifies how the initial placement is generated.
Specifies how MaxIterations is changed in subsequent multilevels.
@ Portrait
A4 portrait page.
Specifies which positions for a node are allowed.
@ Threshold
Stop if threshold() is reached.
Specifies the stop criterion.
@ BoundingCircle
Measure from border of circle s surrounding edge end points.
Specifies in which case it is allowed to tip over drawings of connected components.
Specifies the force model.
@ UniformGrid
Uniform placement on a grid.
@ DecreasingHeight
Presort by decreasing height of components.
@ FixedIterationsOrThreshold
Stop if fixedIterations() or threshold() is reached.
@ NoGrowingRow
only if the height of the packing row does not grow
Possible page formats.
@ NiceAndIncredibleSpeed
Best speed.
Specifies how the length of an edge is measured.
@ FruchtermanReingold
The force-model by Fruchterman, Reingold.
@ UniformProb
selecting by uniform random probability
@ Iteratively
Iteratively (in constant time).
@ Simple
only using information about placement of nodes on higher levels
@ NonUniformProbHigherMass
as above but prefering nodes with higher star mass
@ DecreasingWidth
Presort by decreasing width of components.
@ Exact
Exact calculation (slow).
Specifies how to calculate the smallest quadratic cell that surrounds the particles of a node in the ...
@ NonUniformProbLowerMass
selecting by non-uniform probability depending on the star masses (prefering nodes with lower star ma...
@ PathByPath
Path-by-path construction.
Specifies how to calculate repulsive forces.
@ Exponent
Only integer positions in a range of -2^MaxIntPosExponent to 2^MaxIntPosExponent are alllowed.
Specifies how the reduced bucket quadtree is constructed.
Trade-off between run-time and quality.
@ LinearlyDecreasing
linearly decreasing from MaxIterFactor*FixedIterations to FixedIterations
@ RapidlyDecreasing
rapdily decreasing from MaxIterFactor*FixedIterations to FixedIterations
@ Midpoint
Measure from center point of edge end points.
@ Landscape
A4 landscape page.
@ KeepPositions
No change in placement.
@ FixedIterations
Stop if fixedIterations() is reached.
@ GridApproximation
Grid approximation (inaccurate).
@ Eades
The force-model by Eades.