Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
44 class GraphAttributes;
57 void setStartTemperature(
int startTemp);
60 void setNumberOfIterations(
int steps);
63 void addEnergyFunction(EnergyFunction* F,
double weight);
98 void initParameters();
104 bool testEnergyValue(
double newVal);
107 double randNum()
113 void computeInitialEnergy();
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
double m_energy
The current energy of the system.
Stores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information).
Includes declaration of graph class.
Declaration of classes GenericPoint, GenericPolyline, GenericLine, GenericSegment,...
const static int m_defaultTemp
The default starting temperature.
int m_temperature
The temperature during the annealing process.
const static double m_coolingFactor
The fraction by which the temperature is lowered after a temperature step is finished.
int m_numberOfIterations
The number of iterations per temperature step.
const static double m_shrinkFactor
the constant by which the radius of the circle around each vertex is shrunk when the temperature is l...
const static double m_defaultRadius
The default starting radius.
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
Declares class EnergyFunction...
List< node > m_nonIsolatedNodes
The list of nodes with degree greater 0.
DavidsonHarel(const DavidsonHarel &)
Fake copy constructor (dummy to avoid copying)
const static int m_iterationMultiplier
Per default, the number of iterations per temperature are set as a constant multiple of the number of...
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
List< EnergyFunction * > m_energyFunctions
The list of the energy functions.
The interface for energy functions for the Davidson Harel graph drawing method.
Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators.
double m_shrinkingFactor
The factor for radius.
The Davidson-Harel approach for drawing graphs.
double m_diskRadius
The radius of the disk around the old position of a vertex where the new position will be.
Class for the representation of nodes.
List< double > m_weightsOfEnergyFunctions
The list of the weights for the energy functions.