Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Includes declaration of graph class.
virtual ~GraphReduction()
NodeArray< node > m_vReduction
const List< edge > & original(edge e) const
EdgeArray< edge > m_eReduction
NodeArray< node > m_vOrig
node original(node v) const
EdgeArray< List< edge > > m_eOrig
Creates a reduced graph by removing leaves, self-loops, and reducing chains.
RegisteredArray for nodes, edges and adjEntries of a graph.
edge reduction(edge e) const
Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation).
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
node reduction(node v) const
Class for the representation of edges.
Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators.
Class for the representation of nodes.
const Graph & original() const
RegisteredArray for edges of a graph, specialized for EdgeArray<edge>.