Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

Go to the documentation of this file.
32 #pragma once
34 #include <ogdf/basic/EpsilonTest.h>
35 #include <ogdf/basic/Graph.h>
38 namespace ogdf {
52 template<typename T, template<typename P, class C> class H = PairingHeap>
53 class Dijkstra {
54 protected:
57 public:
70  void callUnbound(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, const List<node>& sources,
71  NodeArray<edge>& predecessor, NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed = false,
72  bool arcsReversed = false) {
74  distance.init(G, std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
75  predecessor.init(G, nullptr);
77 #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG
78  // No source should be given multiple times.
79  NodeArray<bool> isSource {G, false};
80  for (node s : sources) {
81  OGDF_ASSERT(!isSource[s]);
82  isSource[s] = true;
83  }
84 #endif
86  // initialization
87  for (node v : G.nodes) {
88  queue.push(v, distance[v]);
89  }
90  for (node s : sources) {
91  queue.decrease(s, (distance[s] = 0));
92  }
94 #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG
95  for (edge de : G.edges) {
96  OGDF_ASSERT(weight[de] >= 0);
97  }
98 #endif
100  while (!queue.empty()) {
101  node v = queue.topElement();
102  queue.pop();
103  if (!predecessor[v]
104  && m_eps.greater(distance[v], static_cast<T>(0))) { // v is unreachable, ignore
105  continue;
106  }
107  for (adjEntry adj : v->adjEntries) {
108  edge e = adj->theEdge();
109  node w = adj->twinNode();
110  if (directed
111  && ((!arcsReversed && e->target() == v)
112  || (arcsReversed && e->target() != v))) {
113  continue;
114  }
116  if (m_eps.greater(distance[w], distance[v] + weight[e])) {
117  OGDF_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - weight[e] >= distance[v]);
118  queue.decrease(w, (distance[w] = distance[v] + weight[e]));
119  predecessor[w] = e;
120  }
121  }
122  }
123  }
138  void callBound(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, const List<node>& sources,
139  NodeArray<edge>& predecessor, NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed, bool arcsReversed,
140  node target, T maxLength = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
142  distance.init(G, std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
143  predecessor.init(G, nullptr);
145  // initialization
146  for (node s : sources) {
147  queue.push(s, (distance[s] = 0));
148  }
150 #ifdef OGDF_DEBUG
151  for (edge de : G.edges) {
152  OGDF_ASSERT(weight[de] >= 0);
153  }
154 #endif
156  while (!queue.empty()) {
157  node v = queue.topElement();
158  if (v == target) { // terminate early if this is our sole target
159  break;
160  }
162  queue.pop();
163  if (!predecessor[v]
164  && m_eps.greater(distance[v], static_cast<T>(0))) { // v is unreachable, ignore
165  continue;
166  }
167  for (adjEntry adj : v->adjEntries) {
168  edge e = adj->theEdge();
169  node w = adj->twinNode();
170  if (directed
171  && ((!arcsReversed && e->target() == v)
172  || (arcsReversed && e->target() != v))) {
173  continue;
174  }
176  const T newDistance = distance[v] + weight[e];
177  if (m_eps.greater(newDistance, maxLength)) {
178  // using this edge would result in a path length greater than our upper bound
179  continue;
180  }
181  if (m_eps.greater(distance[w], newDistance)) {
182  OGDF_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - weight[e] >= distance[v]);
183  distance[w] = newDistance;
184  if (queue.contains(w)) {
185  queue.decrease(w, distance[w]);
186  } else {
187  queue.push(w, distance[w]);
188  }
189  predecessor[w] = e;
190  }
191  }
192  }
193  }
207  void callUnbound(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, node s, NodeArray<edge>& predecessor,
208  NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed = false, bool arcsReversed = false) {
209  List<node> sources;
210  sources.pushBack(s);
211  callUnbound(G, weight, sources, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed);
212  }
226  void callBound(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, node s, NodeArray<edge>& predecessor,
227  NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed, bool arcsReversed, node target,
228  T maxLength = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
229  List<node> sources;
230  sources.pushBack(s);
231  callBound(G, weight, sources, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed, target,
232  maxLength);
233  }
246  void call(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, const List<node>& sources,
247  NodeArray<edge>& predecessor, NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed = false,
248  bool arcsReversed = false, node target = nullptr,
249  T maxLength = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
250  if (target == nullptr && maxLength == std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
251  callUnbound(G, weight, sources, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed);
252  } else {
253  callBound(G, weight, sources, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed, target,
254  maxLength);
255  }
256  }
269  void call(const Graph& G, const EdgeArray<T>& weight, const node s, NodeArray<edge>& predecessor,
270  NodeArray<T>& distance, bool directed = false, bool arcsReversed = false,
271  node target = nullptr, T maxLength = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
272  if (target == nullptr && maxLength == std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
273  callUnbound(G, weight, s, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed);
274  } else {
275  callBound(G, weight, s, predecessor, distance, directed, arcsReversed, target, maxLength);
276  }
277  }
278 };
280 }
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Definition: AugmentationModule.h:36
Compare floating point numbers with epsilons and integral numbers with normal compare operators.
Includes declaration of graph class.
Definition: EpsilonTest.h:41
#define OGDF_ASSERT(expr)
Assert condition expr. See doc/ for more information.
Definition: basic.h:54
ogdf::pq_internal::PrioritizedArrayQueueBase< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap, HashArray< E, PrioritizedQueue< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap >::Handle, DefHashFunc< E > > >::pop
void pop()
Removes the topmost element from the queue.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:339
Priority queue interface wrapping various heaps.
ogdf::pq_internal::PrioritizedArrayQueueBase< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap, HashArray< E, PrioritizedQueue< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap >::Handle, DefHashFunc< E > > >::push
void push(const E &element, const P &priority)
Adds a new element to the queue.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:331
void callUnbound(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, const List< node > &sources, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed=false, bool arcsReversed=false)
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and source nodes, the shortest paths a...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:70
void callUnbound(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, node s, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed=false, bool arcsReversed=false)
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and a source node s,...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:207
void callBound(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, const List< node > &sources, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed, bool arcsReversed, node target, T maxLength=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and source nodes, the shortest paths a...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:138
ogdf::pq_internal::PrioritizedArrayQueueBase< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap, HashArray< E, PrioritizedQueue< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap >::Handle, DefHashFunc< E > > >::contains
bool contains(const E &element) const
Returns whether this queue contains that key.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:316
Class for adjacency list elements.
Definition: Graph_d.h:135
Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm.
Definition: Dijkstra.h:53
edge theEdge() const
Returns the edge associated with this adjacency entry.
Definition: Graph_d.h:153
bool empty() const
Checks whether the queue is empty.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:209
@ H
Prioritized queue interface wrapper for heaps.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:409
void call(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, const List< node > &sources, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed=false, bool arcsReversed=false, node target=nullptr, T maxLength=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and source nodes, the shortest paths a...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:246
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
Definition: List.h:42
RegisteredArray for nodes, edges and adjEntries of a graph.
Definition: Graph_d.h:651
void call(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, const node s, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed=false, bool arcsReversed=false, node target=nullptr, T maxLength=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and a source node s,...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:269
Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation).
Definition: Graph_d.h:862
std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value, bool >::type greater(const T &x, const T &y) const
Compare if x is GREATER than y for integral types.
Definition: EpsilonTest.h:161
ogdf::pq_internal::PrioritizedQueue< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap >::topElement
const E & topElement() const
Returns the topmost element in the queue.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:284
EpsilonTest m_eps
For floating point comparisons (if floating point is used)
Definition: Dijkstra.h:55
node twinNode() const
Returns the associated node of the corresponding adjacency entry (shorthand for twin()->theNode()).
Definition: Graph_d.h:168
ogdf::pq_internal::PrioritizedArrayQueueBase< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap, HashArray< E, PrioritizedQueue< E, P, std::less< P >, PairingHeap >::Handle, DefHashFunc< E > > >::decrease
void decrease(const E &element, const P &priority)
Decreases the priority of the given element.
Definition: PriorityQueue.h:349
Class for the representation of edges.
Definition: Graph_d.h:356
ogdf::RegisteredArray< GraphRegistry< Key >, Value, WithDefault, Graph >::init
void init(const Graph *base=nullptr)
Reinitializes the array. Associates the array with the matching registry of base.
Definition: RegisteredArray.h:849
void callBound(const Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight, node s, NodeArray< edge > &predecessor, NodeArray< T > &distance, bool directed, bool arcsReversed, node target, T maxLength=std::numeric_limits< T >::max())
Calculates, based on the graph G with corresponding edge costs and a source node s,...
Definition: Dijkstra.h:226
node target() const
Returns the target node of the edge.
Definition: Graph_d.h:394
Class for the representation of nodes.
Definition: Graph_d.h:233
iterator pushBack(const E &x)
Adds element x at the end of the list.
Definition: List.h:1537
RegisteredArray for edges of a graph, specialized for EdgeArray<edge>.
Definition: Graph_d.h:709