Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
326 void initNotConnected(
node vG);
389 BCTree(
Graph& G,
node vG,
bool not_connected =
false) : m_G(G), m_eStack(G.numberOfEdges()) {
394 initNotConnected(vG);
447 return m_bNode_type[m_hNode_bNode[m_gNode_hNode[vG]]] == BNodeType::BComp
449 : GNodeType::CutVertex;
664 void consistencyCheck()
669 void initBasic(
node vG);
An array that keeps track of the number of inserted elements; also usable as an efficient stack.
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
const Graph & bcTree() const
Returns the BC-tree graph.
int numberOfCComps() const
Returns the number of C-components.
NodeArray< node > m_hNode_gNode
A surjective mapping vertices(H) -> vertices(G).
Declaration and implementation of ArrayBuffer class.
node original(node vH) const
Includes declaration of graph class.
Enumeration type for characterizing the vertices of the original graph.
NodeArray< SList< edge > > m_bNode_hEdges
Array that contains for each BC-tree-vertex a linear list of the edges of the biconnected components ...
NodeArray< node > m_gNode_hNode
An injective mapping vertices(G) -> vertices(H).
EdgeArray< edge > m_hEdge_gEdge
A bijective mapping edges(H) -> edges(G).
NodeArray< node > m_bNode_hParNode
Array that contains for each BC-tree-vertex the representant of itself within the subgraph in the bic...
edge rep(edge eG) const
Returns the edge of the biconnected components graph corresponding to a given edge of the original gr...
Singly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
const Graph & auxiliaryGraph() const
Returns the biconnected components graph.
int numberOfBComps() const
Returns the number of B-components.
NodeArray< node > m_bNode_hRefNode
Array that contains for each BC-tree-vertex the representantive of its parent within the subgraph in ...
node bcproper(edge eG) const
Returns the BC-tree-vertex representing the biconnected component which a given edge of the original ...
node bcproper(node vG) const
Returns a BC-tree-vertex representing a biconnected component which a given vertex of the original gr...
BCTree(Graph &G, List< node > &vG)
Constructor for not connected graphs.
BNodeType typeOfBNode(node vB) const
Class for adjacency list elements.
NodeArray< int > m_number
Temporary array.
NodeArray< int > m_lowpt
Temporary array.
static void copy(const T &from, T &to)
NodeArray< BNodeType > m_bNode_type
Array that contains the type of each BC-tree-vertex.
const T & move(const T &v)
Declaration of singly linked lists and iterators.
NodeArray< node > m_hNode_bNode
int m_numC
The number of C-components.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ogdf::Array< E, INDEX > &a)
Prints array a to output stream os.
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
RegisteredArray for nodes, edges and adjEntries of a graph.
Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation).
NodeArray< node > m_gtoh
Temporary array.
EdgeArray< edge > m_gEdge_hEdge
A bijective mapping edges(G) -> edges(H).
NodeArray< bool > m_gNode_isMarked
GNodeType typeOfGNode(node vG) const
EdgeArray< node > m_hEdge_bNode
A surjective mapping edges(H) -> vertices(B).
node rep(node vG) const
Returns a vertex of the biconnected components graph corresponding to a given vertex of the original ...
BCTree(Graph &G, node vG, bool not_connected=false)
A constructor.
virtual ~BCTree()
Virtual destructor.
int numberOfEdges(node vB) const
Returns the number of edges belonging to the biconnected component represented by a given BC-tree-ver...
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
Graph & m_G
The original graph.
const SList< edge > & hEdges(node vB) const
Returns a linear list of the edges of the biconnected components graph belonging to the biconnected c...
int numberOfNodes(node vB) const
Returns the number of vertices belonging to the biconnected component represented by a given BC-tree-...
edge original(edge eH) const
Returns the edge of the original graph which a given edge of the biconnected components graph is corr...
Class for the representation of edges.
NodeArray< bool > m_bNode_isMarked
Array of marks for the BC-tree-vertices.
NodeArray< int > m_bNode_numNodes
Array that contains for each BC-tree-vertex the number of vertices belonging to the biconnected compo...
Enumeration type for characterizing the BC-tree-vertices.
const Graph & originalGraph() const
Returns the original graph.
int m_numB
The number of B-components.
ArrayBuffer< adjEntry > m_eStack
Temporary stack.
SList< node > m_nodes
Temporary list.
virtual node bccomp(edge eH) const
Returns the BC-tree-vertex representing the biconnected component which a given edge of the auxiliary...
Graph m_H
The biconnected components graph.
virtual node bccomp(node vH) const
Returns a BC-tree-vertex representing a biconnected component which a given vertex of the auxiliary g...
Class for the representation of nodes.
BCTree(Graph &G, bool not_connected=false)
A constructor.
RegisteredArray for edges of a graph, specialized for EdgeArray<edge>.