Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

upward Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for upward:


directory  internal


file  DominanceLayout.h [code]
 Declaration of dominance layout algorithm.
file  ExpansionGraph.h [code]
 Declares class ExpansionGraph...
file  FaceSinkGraph.h [code]
 Declaration of class FaceSinkGraph.
file  FixedEmbeddingUpwardEdgeInserter.h [code]
 declaration of class FixedEmbeddingInserterOld
file  FUPSModule.h [code]
 Declaration of Feasible Upward Planar Subgraph (FUPS) Module, an interface for subgraph computation.
file  FUPSSimple.h [code]
 Declaration of the FUPSSimple.
file  LayerBasedUPRLayout.h [code]
 Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm.
file  MaximalFUPS.h [code]
 Declaration of class MFUPS, which implements the maximal feasible upward planar subgraph computation based on satisfiability (Chimani, Zeranski, 2012+)
file  SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer.h [code]
 Declaration of class SubgraphUpwardPlanarizer.
file  UPRLayoutModule.h [code]
 Declaration of interface for layout algorithms for a UpwardPlanRep.
file  UpwardEdgeInserterModule.h [code]
 Declaration of interface for edge insertion algorithms.
file  UpwardPlanarity.h [code]
 Declaration of class UpwardPlanarity, which implements different types of algorithms testing upward planarity of graphs with different restrictions. Actually, restrictions are:
file  UpwardPlanarizationLayout.h [code]
 Declaration of upward planarization layout algorithm.
file  UpwardPlanarizerModule.h [code]
 Declaration of UpwardPlanarizer Module, an interface for upward planarization algorithms.
file  UpwardPlanarSubgraphModule.h [code]
 Declaration of interface for upward planar subgraph algorithms.
file  UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple.h [code]
 Declaration of class UpwardPlanarSubgraphSimple which computes an upward planar subgraph by using upward planarity testing.
file  UpwardPlanRep.h [code]
 Declaration of a base class for planar representations of graphs and cluster graphs.
file  VisibilityLayout.h [code]
 Declaration of visibility layout algorithm.