Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

simple_graph_alg.h File Reference

Declaration of simple graph algorithms. More...

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 The namespace for all OGDF objects.


void ogdf::degreeDistribution (const Graph &G, Array< int > &degdist)
 Fills degdist with the degree distribution of graph G. More...
bool ogdf::isBipartite (const Graph &G)
 Checks whether a graph is bipartite. More...
bool ogdf::isBipartite (const Graph &G, NodeArray< bool > &color)
 Checks whether a graph is bipartite. More...
bool ogdf::isRegular (const Graph &G)
 Checks if a graph is regular. More...
bool ogdf::isRegular (const Graph &G, int d)
 Checks if a graph is d-regular. More...
void ogdf::nodeDistribution (const Graph &G, Array< int > &degdist, std::function< int(node)> func)
 Fills dist with the distribution given by a function func in graph G. More...
Methods for loops
bool ogdf::hasNonSelfLoopEdges (const Graph &G)
 Returns whether G has edges which are not self-loops. More...
bool ogdf::isLoopFree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no self-loop. More...
void ogdf::makeLoopFree (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops from G. More...
template<class NODELIST >
void ogdf::makeLoopFree (Graph &G, NODELIST &L)
 Removes all self-loops from G and returns all nodes with self-loops in L. More...
void ogdf::removeSelfLoops (Graph &graph, node v)
 Removes all self-loops for a given node v in graph. More...
Methods for parallel edges
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::getParallelFreeUndirected (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< EDGELIST > &parallelEdges)
 Computes the bundles of undirected parallel edges in G. More...
bool ogdf::isParallelFree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no parallel edges. More...
bool ogdf::isParallelFreeUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no undirected parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeParallelFree (Graph &G)
 Removes all but one edge of each bundle of parallel edges in G. More...
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFree (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges)
 Removes all but one of each bundle of parallel edges. More...
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges)
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges, EdgeArray< int > &cardPositive, EdgeArray< int > &cardNegative)
template<class EDGELIST = SListPure<edge>>
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST *parallelEdges=nullptr, EdgeArray< int > *cardPositive=nullptr, EdgeArray< int > *cardNegative=nullptr)
 Removes all but one edge of each bundle of undirected parallel edges. More...
template<bool ONLY_ONCE = false>
int ogdf::numParallelEdges (const Graph &G)
 Returns the number of parallel edges in G. More...
template<bool ONLY_ONCE = false>
int ogdf::numParallelEdgesUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns the number of undirected parallel edges in G. More...
void ogdf::parallelFreeSort (const Graph &G, SListPure< edge > &edges)
 Sorts the edges of G such that parallel edges come after each other in the list. More...
void ogdf::parallelFreeSortUndirected (const Graph &G, SListPure< edge > &edges, EdgeArray< int > &minIndex, EdgeArray< int > &maxIndex)
 Sorts the edges of G such that undirected parallel edges come after each other in the list. More...
Methods for simple graphs
bool ogdf::isSimple (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains neither self-loops nor parallel edges. More...
bool ogdf::isSimpleUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains neither self-loops nor undirected parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeSimple (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops and all but one edge of each bundle of parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeSimpleUndirected (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops and all but one edge of each bundle of undirected parallel edges. More...
Methods for connectivity
int ogdf::biconnectedComponents (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< int > &component)
 Computes the biconnected components of G. More...
int ogdf::biconnectedComponents (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< int > &component, int &nonEmptyComponents)
 Computes the biconnected components of G. More...
int ogdf::connectedComponents (const Graph &G)
 Computes the amount of connected components of G. More...
int ogdf::connectedComponents (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &component, List< node > *isolated=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< node > *reprs=nullptr)
 Computes the connected components of G and optionally generates a list of isolated nodes. More...
int ogdf::connectedIsolatedComponents (const Graph &G, List< node > &isolated, NodeArray< int > &component)
bool ogdf::findCutVertices (const Graph &G, ArrayBuffer< node > &cutVertices, ArrayBuffer< Tuple2< node, node >> &addEdges, bool onlyOne=false)
 Finds cut vertices and potential edges that could be added to turn the cut vertices into non-cut vertices. More...
bool ogdf::findCutVertices (const Graph &G, ArrayBuffer< node > &cutVertices, bool onlyOne=false)
 Finds cut vertices and potential edges that could be added to turn the cut vertices into non-cut vertices. More...
bool ogdf::isBiconnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is biconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isBiconnected (const Graph &G, node &cutVertex)
 Returns true iff G is biconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isConnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is connected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnected (const Graph &G, node &s1, node &s2)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnectedPrimitive (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected (using a quadratic time algorithm!). More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnectedPrimitive (const Graph &G, node &s1, node &s2)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected (using a quadratic time algorithm!). More...
bool ogdf::isTwoEdgeConnected (const Graph &graph)
 Returns true iff graph is 2-edge-connected. More...
bool ogdf::isTwoEdgeConnected (const Graph &graph, edge &bridge)
 Returns true iff graph is 2-edge-connected. More...
void ogdf::makeBiconnected (Graph &G)
 Makes G biconnected by adding edges. More...
void ogdf::makeBiconnected (Graph &G, List< edge > &added)
 Makes G biconnected by adding edges. More...
void ogdf::makeConnected (Graph &G)
 makes G connected by adding a minimum number of edges. More...
void ogdf::makeConnected (Graph &G, List< edge > &added)
 Makes G connected by adding a minimum number of edges. More...
void ogdf::triangulate (Graph &G)
 Triangulates a planarly embedded graph G by adding edges. More...
Methods for directed graphs
bool ogdf::hasSingleSink (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one sink node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSink (const Graph &G, node &sink)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one sink node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSource (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one source node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSource (const Graph &G, node &source)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one source node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclic (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclic (const Graph &G, List< edge > &backedges)
 Returns true iff the digraph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclicUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclicUndirected (const Graph &G, List< edge > &backedges)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isStGraph (const Graph &G)
 Returns true if G is an st-digraph. More...
bool ogdf::isStGraph (const Graph &G, node &s, node &t, edge &st)
 Returns true iff G is an st-digraph. More...
void ogdf::makeAcyclic (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G acyclic by removing edges. More...
void ogdf::makeAcyclicByReverse (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G acyclic by reversing edges. More...
void ogdf::makeBimodal (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G bimodal. More...
void ogdf::makeBimodal (Graph &G, List< edge > &newEdges)
 Makes the digraph G bimodal. More...
int ogdf::strongComponents (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &component)
 Computes the strongly connected components of the digraph G. More...
void ogdf::topologicalNumbering (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &num)
 Computes a topological numbering of an acyclic digraph G. More...
Methods for trees and forests
bool ogdf::isArborescence (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G represents an arborescence. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescence (const Graph &G, node &root)
 Returns true iff G represents an arborescence. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescenceForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescenceForest (const Graph &G, List< node > &roots)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isForest (const Graph &G, List< node > &roots)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isFreeForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isTree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a tree, i.e. contains no undirected cycle and is connected. More...
Methods for loops
void ogdf::removeSelfLoops (Graph &graph, node v)
 Removes all self-loops for a given node v in graph. More...
bool ogdf::isLoopFree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no self-loop. More...
template<class NODELIST >
void ogdf::makeLoopFree (Graph &G, NODELIST &L)
 Removes all self-loops from G and returns all nodes with self-loops in L. More...
bool ogdf::hasNonSelfLoopEdges (const Graph &G)
 Returns whether G has edges which are not self-loops. More...
void ogdf::makeLoopFree (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops from G. More...
Methods for parallel edges
void ogdf::parallelFreeSort (const Graph &G, SListPure< edge > &edges)
 Sorts the edges of G such that parallel edges come after each other in the list. More...
bool ogdf::isParallelFree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no parallel edges. More...
template<bool ONLY_ONCE = false>
int ogdf::numParallelEdges (const Graph &G)
 Returns the number of parallel edges in G. More...
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFree (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges)
 Removes all but one of each bundle of parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeParallelFree (Graph &G)
 Removes all but one edge of each bundle of parallel edges in G. More...
void ogdf::parallelFreeSortUndirected (const Graph &G, SListPure< edge > &edges, EdgeArray< int > &minIndex, EdgeArray< int > &maxIndex)
 Sorts the edges of G such that undirected parallel edges come after each other in the list. More...
bool ogdf::isParallelFreeUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains no undirected parallel edges. More...
template<bool ONLY_ONCE = false>
int ogdf::numParallelEdgesUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns the number of undirected parallel edges in G. More...
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::getParallelFreeUndirected (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< EDGELIST > &parallelEdges)
 Computes the bundles of undirected parallel edges in G. More...
template<class EDGELIST = SListPure<edge>>
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST *parallelEdges=nullptr, EdgeArray< int > *cardPositive=nullptr, EdgeArray< int > *cardNegative=nullptr)
 Removes all but one edge of each bundle of undirected parallel edges. More...
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges)
template<class EDGELIST >
void ogdf::makeParallelFreeUndirected (Graph &G, EDGELIST &parallelEdges, EdgeArray< int > &cardPositive, EdgeArray< int > &cardNegative)
Methods for simple graphs
bool ogdf::isSimple (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains neither self-loops nor parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeSimple (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops and all but one edge of each bundle of parallel edges. More...
bool ogdf::isSimpleUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G contains neither self-loops nor undirected parallel edges. More...
void ogdf::makeSimpleUndirected (Graph &G)
 Removes all self-loops and all but one edge of each bundle of undirected parallel edges. More...
Methods for connectivity
bool ogdf::isConnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is connected. More...
void ogdf::makeConnected (Graph &G, List< edge > &added)
 Makes G connected by adding a minimum number of edges. More...
void ogdf::makeConnected (Graph &G)
 makes G connected by adding a minimum number of edges. More...
int ogdf::connectedComponents (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &component, List< node > *isolated=nullptr, ArrayBuffer< node > *reprs=nullptr)
 Computes the connected components of G and optionally generates a list of isolated nodes. More...
int ogdf::connectedComponents (const Graph &G)
 Computes the amount of connected components of G. More...
int ogdf::connectedIsolatedComponents (const Graph &G, List< node > &isolated, NodeArray< int > &component)
bool ogdf::findCutVertices (const Graph &G, ArrayBuffer< node > &cutVertices, ArrayBuffer< Tuple2< node, node >> &addEdges, bool onlyOne=false)
 Finds cut vertices and potential edges that could be added to turn the cut vertices into non-cut vertices. More...
bool ogdf::findCutVertices (const Graph &G, ArrayBuffer< node > &cutVertices, bool onlyOne=false)
 Finds cut vertices and potential edges that could be added to turn the cut vertices into non-cut vertices. More...
bool ogdf::isBiconnected (const Graph &G, node &cutVertex)
 Returns true iff G is biconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isBiconnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is biconnected. More...
void ogdf::makeBiconnected (Graph &G, List< edge > &added)
 Makes G biconnected by adding edges. More...
void ogdf::makeBiconnected (Graph &G)
 Makes G biconnected by adding edges. More...
int ogdf::biconnectedComponents (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< int > &component, int &nonEmptyComponents)
 Computes the biconnected components of G. More...
int ogdf::biconnectedComponents (const Graph &G, EdgeArray< int > &component)
 Computes the biconnected components of G. More...
bool ogdf::isTwoEdgeConnected (const Graph &graph, edge &bridge)
 Returns true iff graph is 2-edge-connected. More...
bool ogdf::isTwoEdgeConnected (const Graph &graph)
 Returns true iff graph is 2-edge-connected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnected (const Graph &G, node &s1, node &s2)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected. More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnectedPrimitive (const Graph &G, node &s1, node &s2)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected (using a quadratic time algorithm!). More...
bool ogdf::isTriconnectedPrimitive (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is triconnected (using a quadratic time algorithm!). More...
void ogdf::triangulate (Graph &G)
 Triangulates a planarly embedded graph G by adding edges. More...
Methods for directed graphs
bool ogdf::isAcyclic (const Graph &G, List< edge > &backedges)
 Returns true iff the digraph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclic (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclicUndirected (const Graph &G, List< edge > &backedges)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isAcyclicUndirected (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
void ogdf::makeAcyclic (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G acyclic by removing edges. More...
void ogdf::makeAcyclicByReverse (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G acyclic by reversing edges. More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSource (const Graph &G, node &source)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one source node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSource (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one source node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSink (const Graph &G, node &sink)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one sink node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::hasSingleSink (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the digraph G contains exactly one sink node (or is empty). More...
bool ogdf::isStGraph (const Graph &G, node &s, node &t, edge &st)
 Returns true iff G is an st-digraph. More...
bool ogdf::isStGraph (const Graph &G)
 Returns true if G is an st-digraph. More...
void ogdf::topologicalNumbering (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &num)
 Computes a topological numbering of an acyclic digraph G. More...
int ogdf::strongComponents (const Graph &G, NodeArray< int > &component)
 Computes the strongly connected components of the digraph G. More...
void ogdf::makeBimodal (Graph &G, List< edge > &newEdges)
 Makes the digraph G bimodal. More...
void ogdf::makeBimodal (Graph &G)
 Makes the digraph G bimodal. More...
Methods for trees and forests
bool ogdf::isFreeForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff the undirected graph G is acyclic. More...
bool ogdf::isTree (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a tree, i.e. contains no undirected cycle and is connected. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescenceForest (const Graph &G, List< node > &roots)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescenceForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isForest (const Graph &G, List< node > &roots)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isForest (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G is a forest consisting only of arborescences. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescence (const Graph &G, node &root)
 Returns true iff G represents an arborescence. More...
bool ogdf::isArborescence (const Graph &G)
 Returns true iff G represents an arborescence. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of simple graph algorithms.

Carsten Gutwenger and Sebastian Leipert
This file is part of the Open Graph Drawing Framework (OGDF).
Copyright (C)
See in the OGDF root directory for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; see the file LICENSE.txt included in the packaging of this file for details.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see

Definition in file simple_graph_alg.h.