Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
55 :
BranchRule(master), variable_(variable), lBound_(lBound), uBound_(uBound) { }
83 sub->
lBound(variable_, lBound_);
84 sub->
uBound(variable_, uBound_);
95 oldLpLBound_ = lp->
96 oldLpUBound_ = lp->
double uBound(int i) const
We have to redefine the function uBound(i) since variables may have been eliminated.
Base class for branching rules.
double lBound_
The lower bound of the branching variable.
virtual void unExtract(LpSub *lp)
Should undo the modifictions of the linear programming relaxtion |lp|.
Abstract base class for all branching rules.
virtual void changeLBound(int i, double newLb) override
Sets the lower bound of variable i to newLb.
virtual int extract(Sub *sub)
Modifies a subproblem by changing the lower and the upper bound of the branching variable.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Active< BaseType, CoType > &rhs)
int variable() const
Returns the number of the branching variable.
FSVarStat * fsVarStat(int i) const
Returns a pointer to the status of fixing/setting of the i-th variable.
Implements a branching rule for modifying the lower and the upper bound of a variable.
double lBound(int i) const
Can be used to access the lower of an active variable of the subproblem.
int variable_
The branching variable.
double lBound() const
Returns the lower bound of the branching variable.
virtual void changeUBound(int i, double newUb) override
Sets the upper bound of variable i to newUb.
BoundBranchRule(Master *master, int variable, double lBound, double uBound)
Creates a bound branch rule for given branching variable, lower bound lBound and upper bound uBound.
double lBound(int i) const
We have to redefine the function lBound(i) since variables may have been eliminated.
virtual void extract(LpSub *lp)
Pverloaded to modify directly the linear programming relaxation.
The linear program of a subproblem.
bool fixedOrSet() const
Returns false if the status is Free, true otherwise.
virtual ~BoundBranchRule()
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
double uBound(int i) const
Can be used to access the upper of an active variable of the subproblem.
double uBound_
The upper bound of the branching variable.
double uBound() const
Returns the upper bound of the branching variable.
The master of the optimization.