Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Includes declaration of graph class.
void wheelGraph(Graph &G, int n)
Creates the graph W_n: A wheel graph.
void customGraph(Graph &G, int n, List< std::pair< int, int >> edges, Array< node > &nodes)
Creates a custom graph using a list of pairs to determine the graph's edges.
void completeBipartiteGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates the complete bipartite graph K_{n,m}.
void regularTree(Graph &G, int n, int children)
Creates a regular tree.
void regularLatticeGraph(Graph &G, int n, int k)
Creates a regular lattice graph.
void circulantGraph(Graph &G, int n, Array< int > jumps)
Creates a circulant graph.
void suspension(Graph &G, int s)
Modifies G by adding its s-th suspension.
void emptyGraph(Graph &G, int nodes)
Creates a graph with nodes nodes and no edges.
void cubeGraph(Graph &G, int n)
Creates the graph Q^n: A n-cube graph.
void completeGraph(Graph &G, int n)
Creates the complete graph K_n.
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
Data type for general directed graphs (adjacency list representation).
void completeKPartiteGraph(Graph &G, const Array< int > &signature)
Creates the complete k-partite graph K_{k1,k2,...,kn}.
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
Declaration and implementation of Array class and Array algorithms.
void petersenGraph(Graph &G, int n=5, int m=2)
Creates a generalized Petersen graph.
Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators.
void globeGraph(Graph &G, int meridians, int latitudes)
Creates a globe graph with a given number of meridians and latitudes.
void gridGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m, bool loopN, bool loopM)
Creates a (toroidal) grid graph on n x m nodes.