Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
60 class EdgeWeightedGraph;
84 std::unique_ptr<Main>
101 if (
m_alg ==
nullptr) {
104 return m_alg->numberOfGeneratedComponents();
109 if (
m_alg ==
nullptr) {
112 return m_alg->numberOfContractedComponents();
117 if (
m_alg ==
nullptr) {
120 return m_alg->numberOfComponentLookUps();
135 return m_alg->getApproximation(finalSteinerTree);
141 template<
typename TYPE>
161 template<
typename FCG>
177 tree.setOriginalGraph(m_G);
181 m_G.numberOfEdges())) {
184 findFullComponentsEMV(
192 generateInitialTerminalSpanningTree(
tree, distance, pred);
196 findFullComponentsDW(
tree, distance, pred);
198 findFull3Components(
tree, distance, pred);
202 m_fullCompStore.computeAllLosses();
203 m_componentsGenerated = m_fullCompStore.size();
226 template<
240 std::unique_ptr<steiner_tree::SaveStatic<T>>
272 , m_isTerminal(isTerminal)
273 , m_terminals(terminals)
275 m_restricted(min(restricted, terminals.size()))
276 , m_fullCompStore(m_G, m_terminals, m_isTerminal)
277 , m_isNewTerminal(m_G, false)
278 , m_componentsGenerated(0)
279 , m_componentsContracted(0)
280 , m_componentsLookUps(0) {
283 for (
node v : terminals) {
303 for (
node v : m_terminals) {
312 if (p[vO] !=
nullptr) {
313 steinerTree.
newEdge(u, v, dist[vO]);
326 fcg.
call(m_G, m_terminals, m_isTerminal, distance, pred,
332 minComp.
newNode(t0), minCenterC, distance[t0][minCenter]);
333 minComp.
newNode(t1), minCenterC, distance[t1][minCenter]);
334 minComp.
newNode(t2), minCenterC, distance[t2][minCenter]);
337 if (gain(std::vector<node> {t0, t1, t2},
tree) > minCost) {
338 m_fullCompStore.insert(minComp);
341 m_fullCompStore.insert(minComp);
347 template<
typename FCG>
354 terminalSubset.
358 fcg.getSteinerTreeFor(terminals, component);
361 gain(terminals,
tree) > cost &&
363 fcg.isValidComponent(component)) {
364 m_fullCompStore.insert(component);
375 retrieveComponents(fcg,
383 retrieveComponents(fcg,
388 while (!m_fullCompStore.isEmpty()) {
390 double r = extractMaxComponent(steinerTree, maxCompId);
392 ++m_componentsContracted;
395 m_fullCompStore.foreachNode(maxCompId, [&](
node v) { m_isNewTerminal[v] =
true; });
397 contractLoss(steinerTree, maxCompId);
398 m_fullCompStore.remove(maxCompId);
400 if (!m_fullCompStore.isEmpty()) {
414 for (
int i = 0; i < m_fullCompStore.size();) {
415 ++m_componentsLookUps;
416 const double winAbs =
417 gain(m_fullCompStore.terminals(i), steinerTree) - m_fullCompStore.cost(i);
419 const double r = winAbs / m_fullCompStore.loss(i);
429 m_fullCompStore.remove(i);
437 template<
440 std::set<edge> saveEdges;
444 for (
auto it1 = terminals.begin(); it1 != terminals.end(); ++it1) {
447 for (
auto it2 = next; it2 != terminals.end(); ++it2) {
448 const edge e = m_save->saveEdge(*it1, *it2);
453 for (
edge e : saveEdges) {
454 result += steinerTree.
465 for (
edge e : m_fullCompStore.lossBridges(compId)) {
466 const node u = m_fullCompStore.lossTerminal(e->source());
468 const node v = m_fullCompStore.lossTerminal(e->target());
471 m_fullCompStore.graph().weight(e));
void retrieveComponents(const FCG &fcg, const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &tree)
Auxiliary function to retrieve components by Dreyfus-Wagner/Erickson et al implementation.
void call(int restricted)
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
const NodeArray< bool > & m_isTerminal
Incidence vector for terminal nodes.
Includes declaration of graph class.
void setMaxComponentSize(int k)
Sets the maximal number of terminals in a full component.
void generateInitialTerminalSpanningTree(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, const NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, const NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
Builds a minimum terminal spanning tree (via a MST call on the complete terminal graph)
Enumerator for k-subsets of a given type.
Definition of the FullComponentStore class template.
long numberOfGeneratedComponents()
Returns the number of generated components.
#define OGDF_ASSERT(expr)
Assert condition expr. See doc/build.md for more information.
long numberOfComponentLookUps()
Returns the number of components lookups during execution time.
Implementation of the staticLCATree option for calculating save edges in Zelikovsky's 11/6-approximat...
void setOriginalGraph(const Graph *wG) override
Associates the graph copy with G, but does not create any nodes or edges.
A generator for restricted full components (for Steiner tree approximations) based on the Dreyfus-Wag...
void begin(int low, int high)
Initializes the SubsetEnumerator to enumerate subsets of cardinalities from low to high.
T obtainFinalSteinerTree(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const NodeArray< bool > &isOriginalTerminal, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&finalSteinerTree)
Declaration of extended graph algorithms.
bool valid() const
Checks if the current subset is valid. If not, the subset is either not initialized or all subsets ha...
T getApproximation(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&finalSteinerTree) const
void findFullComponentsEMV(const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &tree)
Find full components using algorithm by Erickson et al.
edge newEdge(node u, node v, T weight)
A generator for restricted full components (for Steiner tree approximations) based on the Dreyfus-Wag...
double extractMaxComponent(const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, int &maxCompId)
Traverses over all full components and finds the one with the highest win-objective.
Definition of the FullComponentDecisions class.
T constructTerminalSpanningTreeUsingVoronoiRegions(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &terminalSpanningTree, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &graph, const List< node > &terminals)
long m_componentsLookUps
Number of components lookups.
virtual ~MinSteinerTreeRZLoss()
Extends the GraphCopy concept to weighted graphs.
virtual T computeSteinerTree(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > *&finalSteinerTree) override
Builds a minimum Steiner tree given a weighted graph and a list of terminals.
void findFullComponentsDW(const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &tree, const NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, const NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
Find full components using algorithm by Dreyfus-Wagner.
void setup(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &tree)
Setup (build initial terminal-spanning tree, its save data structure, and find all components)
Serves as an interface for various methods to compute or approximate minimum Steiner trees on undirec...
Main(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, int restricted)
Declaration of ogdf::MinSteinerTreeModule.
This class implements the loss-contracting (1.55+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the Steiner tre...
Full 3-component generation using Voronoi regions.
void list(List< T > &subset) const
Obtains (appends) a list of the subset members.
Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagner class template.
internal::GraphObjectContainer< NodeElement > nodes
The container containing all node objects.
int numberOfEdges() const
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Algorithms used by at least two functions of Steiner tree code or its internal helpers.
int numberOfNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
NodeArray< bool > m_isNewTerminal
Incidence vector for nonterminal nodes marked as terminals for improvement.
long numberOfContractedComponents()
Returns the number of contracted components.
static void sortTerminals(List< node > &terminals)
Sort terminals by index.
Definition of the ogdf::steiner_tree::FullComponentGeneratorDreyfusWagnerWithoutMatrix class template...
long m_componentsContracted
Number of contracted components.
Definition of the FullComponentGeneratorCaller class template.
static void computeDistanceMatrix(NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred, const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &graph, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, int restricted)
Computes distance and predecessor matrix.
long numberOfContractedComponents()
Returns the number of contracted components.
node newNode(node vOrig)
Creates a new node in the graph copy with original node vOrig.
Doubly linked lists (maintaining the length of the list).
RegisteredArray for nodes, edges and adjEntries of a graph.
const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > & m_G
The original edge-weighted graph.
std::unique_ptr< Main > m_alg
static bool shouldUseErickson(int n, int m)
Returns true iff the rule of thumb predicts to use the algorithm by Erickson et al instead of the Dre...
edge copy(edge e) const override
Returns the first edge in the list of edges corresponding to edge e.
void contractLoss(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree, int compId)
Contracts the loss of a full component and integrates it into the given terminal-spanning tree.
@ tree
for every hyperedge e a minimal subcubic tree connecting all hypernodes incident with e together is a...
long numberOfGeneratedComponents()
Returns the number of generated components.
A data structure to store full components with additional "loss" functionality.
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
const EdgeArray< T > & edgeWeights() const
T weight(const edge e) const
T makeMinimumSpanningTree(Graph &G, const EdgeArray< T > &weight)
Reduce a graph to its minimum spanning tree (MST) using Kruskal's algorithm.
node succ() const
Returns the successor in the list of all nodes.
void call(const EdgeWeightedGraph< T > &G, const List< node > &terminals, const NodeArray< bool > &isTerminal, const NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, const NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred, std::function< void(node, node, node, node, T)> generateFunction) const
Generate full components and call generateFunction for each full component.
Class for the representation of edges.
long numberOfComponentLookUps()
Returns the number of components lookups during execution time.
Declaration of doubly linked lists and iterators.
Implementation of Mehlhorn's minimum Steiner tree 2(1-1/l)-approximation algorithm.
void next()
Obtains the next subset if possible. The result should be checked using the valid() method.
void multiPass(EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree)
Contraction phase of the algorithm.
void call(int restricted)
long m_componentsGenerated
Number of generated components.
steiner_tree::FullComponentWithLossStore< T > m_fullCompStore
All generated full components.
int m_restricted
Parameter for the number of terminals in a full component.
List< node > m_terminals
List of terminal nodes (will be copied and sorted)
std::unique_ptr< steiner_tree::SaveStatic< T > > m_save
The save data structure.
Definition of ogdf::steiner_tree::Full3ComponentGeneratorVoronoi class template.
MinSteinerTreeRZLoss(int v)
Class for the representation of nodes.
Declaration of simple graph algorithms.
bool isTree(const Graph &G)
Returns true iff G is a tree, i.e. contains no undirected cycle and is connected.
This class behaves basically the same as SaveDynamic except that the update of the weighted graph is ...
const Graph & original() const
Returns a reference to the original graph.
void findFull3Components(const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &tree, const NodeArray< NodeArray< T >> &distance, const NodeArray< NodeArray< edge >> &pred)
Find full components of size 3.
A class that allows to enumerate k-subsets.
T gain(const TERMINAL_CONTAINER &terminals, const EdgeWeightedGraphCopy< T > &steinerTree)