Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
An array that keeps track of the number of inserted elements; also usable as an efficient stack.
const CSense * sense() const
Returns a const pointer to the sense of the row.
void sense(CSense::SENSE s)
Sets the sense of the row to s.
double rhs() const
Returns the right hand side stored in the row format.
CSense * sense()
Returns a pointer to the sense of the row.
void sense(CSense &s)
Sets the sense of the row to s.
int nnz() const
Returns the number of nonzero elements.
void copy(const Row &row)
Copies row.
Row(AbacusGlobal *glob, int nnz, const Array< int > &s, const Array< double > &c, const CSense::SENSE sense, double r)
Creates a row and initializes it.
CSense sense_
The sense of the row.
void delInd(ArrayBuffer< int > &buf, double rhsDelta)
Removes the indices listed in buf from the support of the row and subtracts rhsDelta from its right h...
SENSE sense() const
Returns the sense of the constraint.
The parameterized class Array implements dynamic arrays of type E.
Representation of constraints in the row format.
Row(AbacusGlobal *glob, int nnz, int *s, double *c, CSense::SENSE sense, double r)
Creates a row and initializes it using C-style arrays.
int size() const
Returns the maximal length of the sparse vector.
double rhs_
The right hand side of the row.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Row &rhs)
The output operator.
void leftShift(ArrayBuffer< int > &del)
Deletes the elements listed in a buffer from the sparse vector.
void rhs(double r)
Sets the right hand side of the row to r.
Global data and functions.
Row(AbacusGlobal *glob, int size)
Creates a row without initialization of the nonzeros of the row.
Row(AbacusGlobal *glob, int nnz, const Array< int > &s, const Array< double > &c, const CSense &sense, double r)
Creates a row and initializes it.