file | EdgeStandardRep.h [code] |
| A declaration of EdgeStandardRep class representing a graph representation of a hypergraph in the edge standard form.
file | Hypergraph.h [code] |
| Declaration and a partial implementation of a Hypergraph class partly based on the original classes for handling hypergraphs written by Martin Gronemann.
file | HypergraphAttributes.h [code] |
| Declares HypergraphAttributes storing specific attributes related to hypergraph layout drawings.
file | HypergraphLayout.h [code] |
| Layout algorithms for hypergraph based on edge standard representations (clique / star / tree) - HypergraphLayoutES.
file | HypergraphLayoutModule.h [code] |
| Declaration of an interface for hypergraph layout algorithms. Any hypergraph layout must follow this prescription.
file | HypergraphObserver.h [code] |
| Abstract base class for observers on hypergraphs, that need to be informed about hypergraph changes (e.g. associated graph edge standard representation).