Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
149 bool multiEdges =
316 double width = 1.0,
double height = 1.0);
408 int N,
int K,
bool radial);
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
void randomPlanarBiconnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m, bool multiEdges=false)
Creates a random planar biconnected (embedded) graph.
void randomGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random graph.
Includes declaration of graph class.
void randomPlanarTriconnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random planar triconnected (and simple) graph.
void randomPlanarBiconnectedDigraph(Graph &G, int n, int m, double p=0, bool multiEdges=false)
Creates a random planar biconnected acyclic (embedded) digraph.
void randomProperMaximalLevelPlaneGraph(Graph &G, std::vector< std::vector< node >> &emb, int N, int K, bool radial)
Generates a random proper, maximal (radial) level-plane graph.
Implements graph generator for random geographical threshold graphs.
bool randomSimpleGraphByProbability(Graph &G, int n, double pEdge)
Creates a random simple graph.
void randomUpwardPlanarBiconnectedDigraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random upward planar biconnected (embedded) digraph.
void randomHierarchy(Graph &G, int n, int m, bool planar, bool singleSource, bool longEdges)
Creates a random hierarchical graph.
bool randomSimpleConnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random simple and connected graph.
void randomBiconnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random biconnected graph.
void randomWattsStrogatzGraph(Graph &G, int n, int k, double probability)
Creates a "small world" graph as described by Watts & Strogatz.
NodeElement * node
The type of nodes.
void randomEdgesGraph(Graph &G, std::function< double(node, node)> probability)
Inserts edges into the given graph based on probabilities given by a callback function.
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
void preferentialAttachmentGraph(Graph &G, int nodes, int minDegree)
Creates a graph where new nodes are more likely to connect to nodes with high degree.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
Declaration and implementation of Array class and Array algorithms.
Derived class of GraphObserver providing additional functionality to handle clustered graphs.
void randomGeometricCubeGraph(Graph &G, int nodes, double threshold, int dimension=2)
Creates a random geometric graph by laying out nodes in a unit n-cube. Nodes with a distance < thresh...
void randomWaxmanGraph(Graph &G, int nodes, double alpha, double beta, double width=1.0, double height=1.0)
Generates a Waxman graph where nodes are uniformly randomly placed in a grid, then edges are inserted...
void randomChungLuGraph(Graph &G, Array< int > expectedDegreeDistribution)
Creates a graph where edges are inserted based on given weights.
void pruneEdges(Graph &G, int max_edges, int min_deg)
Remove random edges from /p G until it has less than /p max_edges edges, not removing edges from node...
void randomTriconnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, double p1, double p2)
Creates a random triconnected (and simple) graph.
void randomRegularGraph(Graph &G, int n, int d)
Creates a random d-regular graph.
Declaration of randomized clustering generators.
void randomDigraph(Graph &G, int n, double p)
Creates a random (simple) directed graph.
void randomPlanarCNBGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m, int b)
Creates a random planar graph, that is connected, but not biconnected.
bool randomSimpleGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random simple graph.
void randomPlanarConnectedGraph(Graph &G, int n, int m)
Creates a random connected (simple) planar (embedded) graph.
void randomTree(Graph &G, int n)
Creates a random tree (simpler version.
void randomSeriesParallelDAG(Graph &G, int edges, double p=0.5, double flt=0.0)
Creates a random (simple, biconnected) series parallel DAG.