Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
42 class GraphAttributes;
43 class MultilevelGraph;
124 m_oneLevelLayoutModule.reset(levelLayout);
132 m_multilevelBuilder.reset(levelBuilder);
174 virtual void call(MultilevelGraph& MLG);
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Stores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information).
void setInitialPlacer(InitialPlacer *placement)
Sets the initial placer module to placement.
void setLevelBound(bool b)
Determines if computation is stopped when number of levels is too high.
void exportAttributesSimple(GraphAttributes &GA) const
erc m_errorCode
The error code of the last call.
std::unique_ptr< LayoutModule > m_oneLevelLayoutModule
The layout algorithm applied on each level.
Error codes for calls.
double m_fixedNodeSize
If set to a value > 0, all node sizes will be set to this value.
Declaration of interface for layout algorithms (class LayoutModule)
bool m_randomize
Determines if initial random layout is computed.
Base class for placer modules.
double m_coarseningRatio
Ratio between sizes of previous (p) and current (c) level graphs: c/p.
void setLayoutRepeats(int times=1)
Determines how many times the one-level layout will be called.
erc errorCode()
Returns the error code of last call.
void setAllEdgeLengths(double len)
If len > 0, all edge weights will be set to len.
void setFinalLayoutModule(LayoutModule *finalLayout)
Sets the final layout module to finalLayout.
std::unique_ptr< LayoutModule > m_finalLayoutModule
The layout algorithm applied on the last level (i.e., the largest graph in the multilevel hierarchy).
Base class for merger modules.
int m_times
The one-level layout will be called m_times to improve quality.
void setAllNodeSizes(double size)
If size > 0, all node sizes will be set to size.
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
std::unique_ptr< MultilevelBuilder > m_multilevelBuilder
The multilevel builder module computes the multilevel hierarchy.
std::unique_ptr< InitialPlacer > m_initialPlacement
The initial placer module computes the initial positions for nodes inserted into the previous level.
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
void setRandomize(bool b)
Determines if an initial random layout is computed.
double m_fixedEdgeLength
If set to a value > 0, all edge weights will be set to this value.
double coarseningRatio()
Returns the ratio c/p between sizes of previous (p) and current (c) level graphs.
Modular multilevel graph layout.
void importAttributesSimple(const GraphAttributes &GA)
bool m_levelBound
Determines if computation is stopped when number of levels is too high.
Abstract InitialPlacer places the nodes of the level into the next.
Declaration of MultilevelBuilder.
@ None
Two geometric objects do not intersect.
void setMultilevelBuilder(MultilevelBuilder *levelBuilder)
Sets the multilevel builder module to levelBuilder.
Interface of general layout algorithms.
void setLevelLayoutModule(LayoutModule *levelLayout)
Sets the one-level layout module to levelLayout.