Open Graph Drawing Framework |
v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)
Go to the documentation of this file.
47 class GraphAttributes;
177 m_initialTemperature = (x < m_minimalTemperature) ? m_minimalTemperature : x;
224 m_oscillationAngle = x;
238 m_rotationSensitivity = x;
252 m_oscillationSensitivity = x;
260 if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
261 m_attractionFormula = n;
280 double length(
double x,
double y = 0)
const {
return sqrt(x * x + y * y); }
The namespace for all OGDF objects.
Stores additional attributes of a graph (like layout information).
double m_barycenterY
Weighted sum of y-coordinates of all nodes.
void oscillationSensitivity(double x)
Sets the oscillation sensitivity to x (0 <= x <= 1).
Includes declaration of graph class.
void initialTemperature(double x)
Sets the initial temperature to x; must be >= minimalTemperature.
double m_desiredLength
The desired edge length.
double m_rotationSensitivity
The rotation sensitivity.
double oscillationSensitivity() const
Returns the oscillation sensitivity.
double maximalDisturbance() const
Returns the maximal disturbance.
void pageRatio(double x)
Sets the page ratio used for the layout of connected components to x.
double rotationSensitivity() const
Returns the rotation sensitivity.
int m_attractionFormula
The used formula for attraction.
double m_maximalDisturbance
The maximal disturbance.
void gravitationalConstant(double x)
Sets the gravitational constant to x; must be >= 0. Attention! Only (very) small values give acceptab...
int numberOfRounds() const
Returns the maximal number of rounds per node.
double initialTemperature() const
Returns the initial temperature.
Copies of graphs supporting edge splitting.
double m_oscillationSensitivity
The oscillation sensitivity.
Declaration of interface for layout algorithms (class LayoutModule)
void maximalDisturbance(double x)
Sets the maximal disturbance to x; must be >= 0.
double m_newImpulseY
y-coordinate of the new impulse of the current node.
void rotationAngle(double x)
Sets the opening angle for rotations to x (0 <= x <= pi / 2).
Makes the class use OGDF's memory allocator.
The energy-based GEM layout algorithm.
double desiredLength() const
Returns the desired edge length.
double m_minDistCC
The minimal distance between connected components.
double m_sin
Sine of (pi + m_rotationAngle) / 2.
void rotationSensitivity(double x)
Sets the rotation sensitivity to x (0 <= x <= 1).
int degree() const
Returns the degree of the node (indegree + outdegree).
double minDistCC() const
Returns the minimal distance between connected components.
void desiredLength(double x)
Sets the desired edge length to x; must be >= 0.
void minimalTemperature(double x)
Sets the minimal temperature to x.
double m_oscillationAngle
The opening angle for oscillations.
NodeArray< double > m_impulseX
x-coordinate of the last impulse of the node
void numberOfRounds(int n)
Sets the maximal number of round per node to n.
double gravitationalConstant() const
Returns the gravitational constant.
double m_rotationAngle
The opening angle for rotations.
RegisteredArray for nodes, edges and adjEntries of a graph.
NodeArray< double > m_impulseY
y-coordinate of the last impulse of the node
double m_newImpulseX
x-coordinate of the new impulse of the current node.
double weight(node v) const
Returns the weight of node v according to its degree.
constexpr double pi
The constant .
double m_barycenterX
Weighted sum of x-coordinates of all nodes.
double m_globalTemperature
Average of all node temperatures.
int attractionFormula() const
Returns the used formula for attraction (1 = Fruchterman / Reingold, 2 = GEM).
void attractionFormula(int n)
sets the formula for attraction to n (1 = Fruchterman / Reingold, 2 = GEM).
NodeArray< double > m_localTemperature
local temperature of the node
void minDistCC(double x)
Sets the minimal distance between connected components to x.
double pageRatio() const
Returns the page ratio used for the layout of connected components.
double m_initialTemperature
The initial temperature.
Basic declarations, included by all source files.
double length(double x, double y=0) const
Returns the length of the vector (x,y).
Specifies that a function or class is exported by the OGDF DLL.
int m_numberOfRounds
The maximal number of rounds per node.
void oscillationAngle(double x)
Sets the opening angle for oscillations to x (0 <= x <= pi / 2).
double rotationAngle() const
Returns the opening angle for rotations.
double m_gravitationalConstant
The gravitational constant.
double m_cos
Cosine of m_oscillationAngle / 2.
double minimalTemperature() const
Returns the minimal temperature.
double oscillationAngle() const
Returns the opening angle for oscillations.
double m_pageRatio
The page ratio used for the layout of connected components.
Class for the representation of nodes.
NodeArray< double > m_skewGauge
skew gauge of the node
Declaration of memory manager for allocating small pieces of memory.
double m_minimalTemperature
The minimal temperature.
Interface of general layout algorithms.