Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

davidson_harel Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for davidson_harel:


file  Attraction.h [code]
 Declares class Attraction.
file  EnergyFunction.h [code]
 Declares class EnergyFunction...
file  NodePairEnergy.h [code]
 Declares class NodePairEnergy which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the each pair of nodes.
file  Overlap.h [code]
 Declaration of class Overlap which implements an energy function that gives a penalty for each pair of overlapping vertices.
file  Planarity.h [code]
 Declaration of class Planarity which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings.
file  PlanarityGrid.h [code]
 Declaration of class PlanarityGrid which implements an energy function where the energy of a layout depends on the number of crossings.
file  Repulsion.h [code]
 Declaration of class Repulsion which implements an enrgy function, where the energy of the layout grows with the proximity of the vertices.
file  UniformGrid.h [code]
 Declaration of class UniformGrid.