Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::planar_separators Namespace Reference


class  ArrayBFSTree
 Abstract BFSTree that is realized via NodeArrays. More...
class  BFSTree
 Abstract description of a Breadth First Search tree. More...
class  BFSTreeClassical
 BFS tree used by both classical algorithms (LT and Dual). More...
class  BFSTreeFC
 Custom BFS Tree. More...
class  BFSTreeHP
 Specialised tree representation for Har-Peled. More...
class  Cycle
 Auxiliary data structure to represent Cycles in planar graphs. More...
class  DMDecomposer
 Dulmage-Mendelsohn-Decomposition. More...
class  NodeExpulsor
 NodeExpulsor: Remove all nodes that are not connected to both halves of the separation. More...
class  Postprocessor
 Abstract description of postprocessors. More...
struct  Ring
 A closed ring of nodes. More...
class  TriangulatingBFSTree
 Triangulating BFS tree that operates on a non-triangulated graph and constructs the triangulation together with the BFS, which should lead to broader trees. More...