Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)

ogdf::energybased::fmmm Namespace Reference


class  Edge
 helping data structure for deleting parallel edges in class FMMMLayout and Multilevel (needed for the bucket sort algorithm) More...
class  EdgeAttributes
 helping data structure that stores the graphical attributes of an edge that are needed for the force-directed algorithms. More...
class  EdgeMaxBucketFunc
class  EdgeMinBucketFunc
class  FruchtermanReingold
class  MAARPacking
 data structure for packing rectangles within an area of a desired aspect ratio without overlappings; optimization goal: to minimize the used aspect ratio area More...
class  Multilevel
class  NewMultipoleMethod
class  Node
 Data structure for representing nodes and an int value (needed for class ogdf/list) to perform bucket sort. More...
class  NodeAttributes
 helping data structure that stores the graphical attributes of a node that are needed for the force-directed algorithms. More...
class  numexcept
 This class is developed for exceptions that might occure, when nodes are placed at the same position and a new random position has to be found, or when the calculated forces are near the machine accuracy, where no reasonable numeric and logic calculations are possible any more. More...
class  PackingRowInfo
 Helping data structure for MAARPacking. More...
class  ParticleInfo
 Helping data structure for building up the reduced quad tree by NMM. More...
class  QuadTreeNM
 Helping data structure that stores the information needed to represent the modified quadtree in the New Multipole Method (NMM) More...
class  QuadTreeNodeNM
 Helping data structure that stores the information needed to represent a node of the reduced quad tree in the New Multipole Method (NMM). More...
class  Rectangle
 Helping data structure for packing rectangles; The width, height and the position of the down left corner of the tight surroundig rectangle is represented for each connected component of the graph. More...
class  Set
 Helping data structure that holds set S_node of nodes in the range [0, G.number_of_nodes()-1] (needed for class Multilevel) for randomly choosing nodes (with uniform or weighted probability!) More...


void calculate_forces_inside_contained_nodes (NodeArray< DPoint > &F_rep, const NodeArray< NodeAttributes > &A, const List< node > &contained_nodes)
 OGDF_DECLARE_COMPARER (ParticleInfoComparer, ParticleInfo, double, x.get_x_y_coord())

Function Documentation

◆ calculate_forces_inside_contained_nodes()

void ogdf::energybased::fmmm::calculate_forces_inside_contained_nodes ( NodeArray< DPoint > &  F_rep,
const NodeArray< NodeAttributes > &  A,
const List< node > &  contained_nodes 

Definition at line 41 of file common.h.


ogdf::energybased::fmmm::OGDF_DECLARE_COMPARER ( ParticleInfoComparer  ,
ParticleInfo  ,
double  ,
x.  get_x_y_coord() 