Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)


../../ "OGDF" » ../ "Developer's Guide" » ../ "Porting Guide" » Catalpa

Porting from Baobab to Catalpa



OGDF now requires C++11 features. Make sure you do not use another standard when compiling your user programs.

Compiling for debug mode

If you want to compile for debug mode (even if it is user code, linking against OGDF), you do not need to define OGDF_DEBUG any longer. This is automatically defined using CMake.

Header files

It might be necessary that you need to include additional header files for code that worked before. For example, #include <ogdf/basic/NodeArray.h> does not ensure that you also have an EdgeArray.

We also removed header files that contained declarations of classes whose implementation has already been removed in former releases. This includes FixedUpwardEmbeddingInserter.h.

The module subdirectory has been dissolved. Please look for the module classes in the subdirectories of their implementations. LayoutModule.h has been moved into the basic subdirectory.

The directory structure for internal headers (for example, helper classes) has changed.

Global namespace

In former versions of the OGDF some symbols were added to the global namespace. This includes but is not limited to ifstream, ofstream, cout, ios, endl, and numeric_limits. Thus, you may be required to explicitly use the std namespace.

Also many std functions and classes that were also available in the ogdf namespace are now only available in the std namespace. For example, string-to-number conversion functions like std::stoul cannot be called using ogdf::stoul any longer.


When a AlgorithmFailureException was only thrown in debug mode, it is now replaced by an assertion (OGDF_ASSERT). PreconditionViolationException have been completely replaced by assertions.

Enum Classes

All enums are now enum classes or const static. Since the enumerators are scoped, the distinguishing prefixes of the enumerators have been dropped. Unscoped enums are now forbidden in the OGDF.


We have removed Symphony and Cgl from the included COIN-OR package. The only LP solver we ship is hence Clp.

If your code used Cgl or Symphony, you have to link your objects to the original versions of these libraries now.


Some macros have been removed because they are not necessary any longer.

This includes

  • OGDF_NEW (simply use new instead)
  • ABACUS_LP_OSI (Abacus always uses COIN)
  • OGDF_NO_COMPILER_TLS (thread-local storage is a C++11 feature)
  • OGDF_DECL_THREAD (simply use thread_local instead)

We also have removed most of the iteration macros since C++11 offers range-based for loops. This includes the removal of forall_nodes and forall_edges.

node v;
forall_nodes(v, G) { ... }

should be replaced by

for(node v : G.nodes) { ... }

OGDF_ASSERT_IF was replaced by OGDF_HEAVY_ASSERT. The debug level argument was dropped.

There must now be a semicolon after usage of the macro OGDF_ASSERT and OGDF_HEAVY_ASSERT.

Changed class, function, header names

stNumber(), testSTnumber()

To access the st-numbering functions, include ogdf/basic/STNumbering.h (instead of ogdf/basic/extended_graph_alg.h).

The respective functions were renamed:

Former New
stNumber computeSTNumbering
testSTnumber isSTNumbering


The DTreeMultilevelEmbedder header file is moved from include/ogdf/internal/energybased/ to include/ogdf/energybased because it is not internal.

Its internal header files however have moved to include/ogdf/energybased/dtree.


The class MixedForceLayout was removed. Instead of calling this layout algorithm, call the FastMultipoleEmbedder directly followed by a call to the SpringEmbedderGridVariant.


The (formerly internal) class TricComp was renamed to Triconnectivity and can now be found in include/ogdf/graphalg/Triconnectivity.h.


The method writeGML(const char*, GraphAttributes&, bool) was deleted. Use writeGML(ostream &os, const GraphAttributes&) instead.

Graph generators

The random planar graph generators got a random prefix. All directed graph generators are now called Digraph instead of DiGraph to keep consistency in capitalization across the OGDF. This affects the following generators:

Former New
randomDiGraph randomDigraph
planarConnectedGraph randomPlanarConnectedGraph
planarBiconnectedGraph randomPlanarBiconnectedGraph
planarBiconnectedDiGraph randomPlanarBiconnectedDigraph
upwardPlanarBiconnectedDiGraph randomUpwardPlanarBiconnectedDigraph
planarCNBGraph randomPlanarCNBGraph
planarTriconnectedGraph randomPlanarTriconnectedGraph

Additionally, if you require only either deterministic or randomized generators, you can now include include/ogdf/basic/graph_generators/deterministic.h and include/ogdf/basic/graph_generators/randomized.h respectively.

Changed method signatures

The parameter BlockOrder* order was deleted from the constructors of Block in BlockOrder.h. Use the constructors Block(edge e) and Block(node v) instead.

Graph class

List of Adjacent Edges

NodeElement::adjEdges was renamed to NodeElement::adjEntries. This means you have to change for(adjEntry adj : v->adjEdges) to for(adjEntry adj : v->adjEntries).

The following getter-methods were moved from Graph to NodeElement. All of these methods take a single list as the only parameter now.

  • adjEntries() (renamed to allAdjEntries())
  • adjEdges()
  • inEdges()
  • outEdges()

Hiding and restoring edges

Hiding and restoring edges was not a safe operation in former releases. Replace code like

// ...


Graph::HiddenEdgeSet hiddenSet(G);
// ...

All edges are restored by hiddenSet.restore() or automatically by the HiddenEdgeSet destructor.

Typofix: collaps

The method collaps has been renamed to collapse.

Method to compute the next Power of 2

The static method nextPower2 was slightly changed and moved to Math. The computed result is no longer strictly larger than the second parameter. nextPower2(0) is now 0 instead of 1.

GraphCopy class

The newEdge() methods to add edges at predefined positions in the adjacency list have been removed from GraphCopy. You can instead use the respective newEdge() function inherited from Graph, followed by GraphCopy::setEdge().

Container Classes

The methods rbegin() and rend() were removed from all GraphArrayIterator-classes, i.e. from AdjEntryArray, ClusterArray, EdgeArray, FaceArray and NodeArray. Iterating over their elements in any order can be done by iterating over their respective keys in this order.

The methods rbegin() and rend() of all container classes now return reverse iterators. succ(), operator++(), &operator++() and cyclicSucc() of reverse iterators behave like pred(), operator--(), &operator--() and cyclicPred() of normal iterators respectively, and vice versa.

Stack & StackPure & BoundedStack classes

The classes Stack, StackPure and BoundedStack are deleted. Use ArrayBuffer instead (which provides the functionality of all three classes (and more) and outperforms all implementations). Change pop() in your implementations to popRet().

List & ListPure class

The deprecated methods List::exchange() and ListPure::exchange() were removed. Use List::swap() and ListPure::swap() instead.

SList, SListPure, Queue & QueuePure class

The rbegin()-methods of the classes SList, SListPure, Queue and QueuePure were replaced by backIterator()-methods. The name rbegin() was misleading since the methods do not return reverse iterators.

Planar Subgraph Algorithms

BoyerMyrvoldSubgraph was renamed to PlanarSubgraphBoyerMyrvold and FastPlanarSubgraph to PlanarSubgraphFast. MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple now supports arbitrary start heuristics. As such, the doMaximize option was removed from PlanarSubgraphBoyerMyrvold (formerly BoyerMyrvoldSubgraph). MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple::clone() should be used to obtain a copy of the respective instance since MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple(const MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple &mps) is no longer available.

Support for edge weights was added to MaximumCPlanarSubgraph. The signature of call includes the new parameter EdgeArray<int> *pCost that can be set to nullptr for uniform weight.

The Module PlanarSubgraphModule is now a template. The following implementations are templates themselves: PlanarSubgraphCactus, MaximalPlanarSubgraphSimple, PlanarSubgraphEmpty, PlanarSubgraphFast, MaximumPlanarSubgraph. All other implementations of the module inherit from PlanarSubgraphModule<int>.


MaximumCPlanarSubgraph supports advanced calls that also return the edges required to connect the input graph. To avoid conflicts with the method defined by CPlanarSubgraphModule, MaximumCPlanarSubgraph::call was renamed to MaximumCPlanarSubgraph::callAndConnect.


The signature of call() changed. The last two parameters List<NodePair>& npEdges and List<edge>& newEdges became the single parameter List<edge>& origEdges that contains all edges in the original that still need to be inserted. The original graph must now contain all edges prior to the call. This also means that the input graph is no longer modified (except for embedding it).


NodeComparer was removed. Instead of NodeComparer<T> foo(array, asc) use GenericComparer<node, T, asc> foo(array). IndexComparer also was removed. Use GenericComparer<node, int>([](node v) { return v->index(); }); instead. If you need a default constructor you may use OGDF_DECLARE_COMPARER.

Heaps and Priority Queues

In an attempt to unify the existing heap classes, BinaryHeap and BinaryHeap2 were replaced by a new BinaryHeap. All heap implementations are derived from the common interface HeapBase. Additionally, the classes MinPriorityQueue and PQueue were removed.

The following heap implementations were introduced:

  • BinaryHeap
  • BinomialHeap
  • FibonacciHeap
  • PairingHeap
  • RadixHeap

Priority queues might be realized using the newly introduced PriorityQueue independently of the desired heap implementation. In contrast to PriorityQueue that merely stores directly comparable elements, PrioritizedQueue is used to store elements with priorities assigned upon insertion. For even simpler usage see PrioritizedMapQueue that keeps track of handles for the inserted elements but requires elements to be unique.

The tests in test/src/basic/heap.cpp show exemplary usage of the new classes.

Method equivalents


BinaryHeap was replaced by PrioritizedQueue. Accessing elements at arbitrary positions is no longer supported.

Former New
BinaryHeap::clear PrioritizedQueue::clear
BinaryHeap::decPriority PrioritizedQueue::decrease
BinaryHeap::empty PrioritizedQueue::empty
BinaryHeap::extractMin PrioritizedQueue::topElement & PrioritizedQueue::pop
BinaryHeap::getMin PrioritizedQueue::topElement
BinaryHeap::insert PrioritizedQueue::push
BinaryHeap::operator[] -
BinaryHeap::pop PrioritizedQueue::pop
BinaryHeap::push PrioritizedQueue::push
BinaryHeap::size PrioritizedQueue::size
BinaryHeap::top PrioritizedQueue::topElement


BinaryHeap2 was replaced by PrioritizedMapQueue. Querying the capacity of the heap is no longer supported.

Former New
BinaryHeap2::capacity -
BinaryHeap2::clear PrioritizedMapQueue::clear
BinaryHeap2::decreaseKey PrioritizedMapQueue::decrease
BinaryHeap2::empty PrioritizedMapQueue::empty
BinaryHeap2::extractMin PrioritizedMapQueue::topElement & PrioritizedMapQueue::pop
BinaryHeap2::getMinimumKey PrioritizedMapQueue::topPriority
BinaryHeap2::getPriority PrioritizedMapQueue::priority
BinaryHeap2::insert PrioritizedMapQueue::push
BinaryHeap2::size PrioritizedMapQueue::size
BinaryHeap2::topElement PrioritizedMapQueue::topElement


PQueue was replaced by PrioritizedQueue.

Former New
PQueue::del_min PrioritizedQueue::pop
PQueue::find_min PrioritizedQueue::top
PQueue::insert PrioritizedQueue::push


MinPriorityQueue was replaced by PrioritizedQueue. Note that PrioritizedQueue::size returns the number of elements in the heap instead of the capacity.

Former New
MinPriorityQueue::count PrioritizedQueue::size
MinPriorityQueue::decreasePriority PrioritizedQueue::decrease
MinPriorityQueue::empty PrioritizedQueue::empty
MinPriorityQueue::getMin PrioritizedQueue::top
MinPriorityQueue::insert PrioritizedQueue::push
MinPriorityQueue::pop PrioritizedQueue::pop
MinPriorityQueue::size -

Layout algorithms and graph constraints

Layout algorithms no longer support GraphConstraints. Use call(GraphAttributes) instead of call(GraphAttributes, GraphConstraints). Graph constraints were removed entirely. Removed classes: Constraint, ConstraintManager, and GraphConstraints.


edgeLengths(), numberOfBends(), angularResolution() and numberOfCrossings() now return ArrayBuffers with values for each edge/angle/node. The mininum, maximum, mean and standard deviation can no longer be obtained using function parameters but by applying Math-functions to the returned values.

Moreover, angularResolution() was renamed to angles().


Methods that take filenames (instead of streams) are removed. For example, instead of using

GraphIO::readLEDA(G, "circulant.lgr");
GraphIO::writeChaco(G, "circulant.gml");

you have to create the streams manually, i.e.,

std::ifstream is("circulant.lgr");
GraphIO::readLEDA(G, is);
std::ofstream os("circulant.gml");
GraphIO::writeGML(G, os);

There are also helper functions GraphIO::read() and GraphIO::write() that accept filenames for GraphAttributes and Graphs, so you can also write

GraphIO::read(G, "circulant.lgr", GraphIO::readLEDA);
GraphIO::write(G, "circulant.gml", GraphIO::writeGML);

Do not confuse the new filename-based GraphIO::read() helper function with our new (experimental) generic reader function of the same name. However, this generic reader even allows to write

GraphIO::read(G, "circulant.lgr");
GraphIO::write(G, "circulant.gml", GraphIO::writeGML);


The keywords for nodeshapes changed for some shapes.

Shape Former New
Shape::RoundedRect "rect" "roundedrect"
Shape::InvParallelogram "parallelogram" "invparallelogram"
Shape::Image "box" "image"

This can result in these node shapes not being recognized by other programs when parsed, but provides better OGDF to OGDF parsing and writing.

edgeArrow is now "string" instead of "int".


Edge weights are written into the weight attribute instead of the additional thickness value.


When parsing bends the first (last) point of the bend is deleted, if it is inside the source (target) node, i.e., if its distance to the source (target) node is zero.

stroketype, stipple and node type are now "string" instead of "int".

The line color is written as "outline" rather than "line".

Edge weight has been moved out of the graphics definition.

GML files use one '\t' instead of two ' ' as indentChar now.

The GraphAttributes::edgeSubGraphs feature allows to define up to 32 subgraphs by assigning a subset of these subgraphs to each edge. These subsets are internally stored in a bitmask. In former versions of OGDF, the GML representation of this attribute was simply subgraph <bitmask> (in the definition scope of an edge). This has been changed to output one line containing subgraph <subgraph-id> for each subgraph the edge is contained in. Note that this change implies that GML files exported by former versions of OGDF and using this feature are not recognized correctly. One can fix this manually, e.g., subgraph 5 now becomes subgraph 0 subgraph 2.


x,y,z and size are now "double" instead of "float".

NodeType is now "int" instead of "string".

The (misspelled) keyword "avaliable-for" is changed to "subgraphs".

If custom node IDs are supplied, they are written into an extra field "nodeid" instead of the node's "id" attribute, to keep source and target references for edges consistent.


Support for the OGML-format was dropped entirely. This includes several methods of GraphIO and some classes that were used only by the OGML reader/writer.

The list of deleted classes includes

  • LineBuffer
  • OgmlParser
  • UmlToGraphConverter
  • XmlParser
  • XmlScanner


This section applies if you happened to use the GmlParser class directly (instead of GraphIO).

The class has been moved and renamed to gml::Parser. The constructor with filename argument is gone now. Use the constructor for input streams instead. Error messages are now output via the central logger; the ability to directly query the last error has been removed.

Filesystem functions

The filesystem functions previously found in ogdf/basic/filesystem.h have been removed since there are maintained and portable alternatives like tinydir. C++17 also offers filesystem functions via #include <filesystem>.


CombinatorialEmbedding::splitFace(adjEntry, node) and CombinatorialEmbedding::splitFace(node, adjEntry) are used to insert degree-0 nodes without having to call CombinatorialEmbedding::computeFaces() again. In previous version both methods could be used with non-isolated nodes if the last adjacency entry belonged to the same face as the other adjacency entry. This is no longer supported and the node has to be isolated. To reflect this functional change the respective versions of splitFace were renamed to addEdgeToIsolatedNode. Use myEmbedding.splitFace(v->lastAdj(), adj) instead of myEmbedding.splitFace(v, adj) if v isn't isolated (and you are sure that the adjacency entries lie on the same face!). Use myEmbedding.addEdgeToIsolatedNode(v, adj) if v is isolated.


The macros mentioned above have been removed. You can check for the SSE2 CPU feature directly using ogdf::System::cpuSupports(ogdf::CPUFeature::SSE2).


The template class ModuleOption was removed. std::unique_ptr should be used instead.

Angle functions for DPoint and GenericPoint

The static methods angle and angleDegrees of DPoint and GenericPoint are now non-static. That means, old calls of

double angle = DPoint::angle(point1, point2, point3);

now become

double angle = point1.angle(point2, point3);


Some types / constants of PoolMemoryAllocator were deleted or renamed.

Former New
BlockChainPtr -
ePoolVectorLength -
MemElemEx -
MemElemExPtr -
PoolVector -


NonPlanarCore<TCost>::mincut(edge e) now returns an NonPlanarCore<TCost>::CutEdge which is a struct with the two parameters edge e, the edge itself and a bool dir which indicates the direction of the edge, i.e. indicates if the edge goes from s to t or the other way round. Furthermore the NonPlanarCore can now handle weighted edges and therefore is templated with the type of the weights.

MMMExample layouts

Some very simple example layout algorithms (using the ModularMultilevelMixer) were removed. This includes MMMExampleFast, MMMExampleNice, and MMMExampleNoTwist. The respective code can still be found in doc/examples/layout/multilevelmixer.cpp.


The enumerators from FMMMLayout are now in a new class FMMMOptions. Hence, for example, FMMMLayout::apInteger became FMMMOptions::AllowedPositions::Integer and FMMMLayout::gcNonUniformProbLowerMass became FMMMLayout::GalaxyChoice::NonUniformProbLowerMass.


The basic data structure DisjointSets is highly customizable using template parameters. The enumerator names to do so have now changed.

Former New
NL LinkOptions::Naive
LI LinkOptions::Index
LS LinkOptions::Size
LR LinkOptions::Rank
PC CompressionOptions::PathCompression
PS CompressionOptions::PathSplitting
PH CompressionOptions::PathHalving
R1 CompressionOptions::Type1Reversal
CO CompressionOptions::Collapsing
NF CompressionOptions::Disabled
NI InterleavingOptions::Disabled
Rem InterleavingOptions::Rem
TvL InterleavingOptions::Tarjan
IR0 InterleavingOptions::Type0Reversal
IPSPC InterleavingOptions::SplittingCompression

The following arrays (containing the string expansions of the settings) are removed:

  • linkOptionNames
  • compressionOptionNames
  • interleavingOptionNames

isForest() and isFreeForest()

The function isForest() in basic/simple_graph_alg.h has been deprecated in favor of isArborescenceForest(). isForest() formerly returned true even when the graph contained multi-edges or self-loops. This is no longer the case for isArborescenceForest().

Furthermore, isFreeForest() has been deprecated in favor of isAcyclicUndirected().


The function connectedIsolatedComponents() in basic/simple_graph_alg.h has been deprecated in favor of connectedComponents(). connectedIsolatedComponents(graph, isolatedNodes, component) can be rewritten as connectedComponents(graph, component, &isolatedNodes).


The overloaded functions of makeParallelFreeUndirected() in basic/simple_graph_alg.h have been deprecated in favor of a single function that takes pointers as parameters (their default being nullptr). makeParallelFreeUndirected(graph, parEdges, cardPositive, cardNegative) can be rewritten as makeParallelFreeUndirected(graph, &parEdges, &cardPositive, &cardNegative).

CliqueFinder and CliqueReplacer

The old CliqueFinder was replaced by CliqueFinderSPQR which is a subclass of CliquerFinderModule. Previously, a call to CliqueFinder using Graph G looked as follows:

List<List<node>> cliques;
CliqueFinder cf(G);;

It can be replaced by the following code:

List<List<node>*> cliques;
CliqueFinderHeuristic heurCf;
CliqueFinderSPQR cf(heurCf);, cliques);

The breaking changes made to the CliqueFinder include:

  • The instance graph is passed to a CliqueFinderModule via call(), not via the constructor.
  • call() takes List<List<node>*> as a parameter instead of List<List<node>>.
  • m_density is a double in [0..1] instead of an int in [0..100].
  • m_postProcess is a bool instead of an enum value.
  • writeGraph() was removed in favor of the static function cliqueGraphAttributes(), which can be used to modify a GraphAttributes object in order to pass it to GraphIO:write.

Moreover, CliqueReplacer::replaceByStar() takes List<List<node>*> as a parameter instead of List<List<node>>.


The function template template<class E> doDestruction(const E *) has been removed in favor of !std::is_trivially_destructible<E>::value. Hence, lists of elements with trivial destructors are now deallocated in constant time automatically, without the necessity of writing a template specialization.


The methods setDirected, setStrokeType, and setFillPattern have been removed from GraphAttributes. Use the respective getters (directed, strokeType, and fillPattern) instead to obtain a non-const reference to the underlying value.

The method initAttributes was renamed to addAttributes as it does not disable previously enabled attributes.


ClusterGraphAttributes was adapted to work similarly to GraphAttributes. Attributes can be enabled using the ClusterGraphAttributes-flags clusterGraphics, clusterStyle, clusterLabel and clusterTemplate.

The methods setStrokeType, and setFillPattern have been removed from GraphClusterAttributes. Use the respective getters (strokeType and fillPattern) instead to obtain a non-const reference to the underlying value.


GraphCopyAttributes was removed, it must be replaced by GraphAttributes. Calls to copyAttr.transform() must be replaced by copyAttr.transferToOriginal(origAttr). Calls to copyAttr.getWidth() must be replaced by graphCopy.isDummy(v) ? 0.0 : copyAttr.width(v) (analogously for getHeight()).

Sets of faces and nodes

Some set classes were removed / renamed.

Former New
FaceSetSimple FaceSet<false>
FaceSetPure FaceSet<false>
FaceSet FaceSet<> (defaults to FaceSet<true>)
NodeSetSimple NodeSet<false>
NodeSetPure NodeSet<false>
NodeSet NodeSet<> (defaults to NodeSet<true>)

Math class

Math is no longer a class with static methods but a namespace.


The classes DPoint and DVector are now merged. Note that DVector::length() is now DPoint::norm(). Furthermore, DVector::operator^ is now DPoint::determinant.

The class DScaler and the methods ogdf::DRound and DPolyline::convertToInt were deleted.

The classes DLine and DSegment were rewritten in such a way that DLine represents infinite lines and DSegment represents finite line segments with start and end points. The methods to access the sides of a DRect now return DSegments instead of DLines, and they were renamed appropriately.

Former New
DLine::intersectionOfLines() DLine::intersection()
DSegment::intersectionOfLines() DLine::intersection()
DRect::bottomLine() DRect::bottom()
DRect::leftLine() DRect::left()
DRect::rightLine() DRect::right()
DRect::topLine() DRect::top()

The methods intersection(), verIntersection() and horIntersection() of DLine and DSegment now return an IntersectionType instead of a bool.


The class HyperGraph was removed. Use Hypergraph instead.

EFreeList, EList, and EStack

The classes EFreeList, EList and EStack were removed. Use List and Stack instead.

@ Graph
NodeElement * node
The type of nodes.
Definition: Graph_d.h:63
@ G