Graph Drawing

 v. 2023.09 (Elderberry)


../../ "OGDF" » ../ "Developer's Guide" » ../ "Porting Guide" » Elderberry

Porting from Dogwood to Elderberry

Compilation: <tt>OGDF_LEAK_CHECK</tt> affecting COIN

OGDF_LEAK_CHECK enables the address sanitizer for COIN as well. This prevents false positives resulting from different parts of an application being built with and without the address sanitizer. See here.


GraphObserver::reInit() was removed as it was never actually called.


The class MinCut was renamed to MinimumCutStoerWagner and is now a template, e.g., you can use MinimumCutStoerWagner<int> when you have integer weights. Its methods were also renamed and now return const-references (where appropriate) instead of copying data. The returned lists are now ArrayBuffers.

The code

MinCut mincut(graph, weights);
double value = mincut.minimumCut(); // computation here
double value_again = mincut.minCutValue();
List<node> nodes;
std::cout << nodes << std::endl;
List<edge> edges;
mincut.cutEdges(edges, graph);
std::cout << edges << std::endl;

transforms to

MinimumCutStoerWagner<int> mincut;
double value =, weights); // computation here
double value_again = mincut.value();
std::cout << mincut.nodes() << std::endl;
std::cout << mincut.edges() << std::endl;


RadialTreeLayout::leaves() and RadialTreeLayout::connectedComponentDistance() have been removed. The latter was not properly implemented and had no effect on the layout.